Scarborough High School
August 21, 2024
Dear Scarborough CTE Students and Families:
With the school year is fast approaching, we wanted to congratulate you for choosing to participate in our Career and Technical Education (CTE) programs for the 2024-254 school year. Both Westbrook Regional Vocational Center (WRVC) and Portland Arts and Technology High School (PATHS) offer wonderful programs for students.
Firstly, I wanted to make you aware of the following start dates for both regional sites:
WRVC: Tuesday, September 3, 2024
PATHS: Tuesday, , September 3, 2024
Secondly, given a significant portion of your school day will be at your CTE program, I wanted to make you aware of several supports that are available to students in our CTE programs who can help navigate and troubleshoot any scheduling or programmatic challenges or problems.
- Mr. Coombs: Mr. Coombs is the primary point of contact for most things related to our CTE programs. He provides daily supervision for students in CTE programs and runs a Google Classroom to keep students in the know about CTE and SHS news. If there is a question he is unable to answer, he is quick to find one or connect you with someone who can help.
- School Counselors: Though a portion of each day will be spent at WRVC or PATHS, our SHS School Counselor is still an important support for students enrolled in CTE programs. That person can help with questions related to scheduling questions or graduation progress, and can help develop plans or advocate as needed.
- Administrators: Ms. Blaisdell (Seniors), Mr. Brown (Juniors), and Mr. Theriault are available to help with any special transportation or scheduling arrangements (makeup time, CTE field trips, etc) that may need to be made throughout the year.
Additionally, students and families should be aware of a few key expectations for participation in CTE programs. First among these is attendance. Because CTE programs are connected to industry standards, certifications, and requirements, all programs are attendance-based. Students who do not consistently attend their CTE program may be removed from the program altogether.
A second major expectation relates to transportation. For safety and accountability purposes, and because of parking limitations and restrictions at both WRVC and PATHS, all Scarborough students who are participating in CTE programs are required to ride daily the SHS CTE bus to and from WRVC and PATHS.
- AM Bus: The morning (AM) bus departs SHS at 7:40am sharp from Door 16 and returns to SHS around 10:30am.
- PM Bus: The afternoon (PM) bus for (WRVC Tech II students) departs SHS at 10:00am from Door 17 and arrives back at SHS around 1:20pm.
All students are expected to be respectful on buses, as all school rules remain in force. Mr. Coombs will take attendance both at the departure and arrival times for all buses. In addition to notifying the Main Office of absent students, he will also pass along concerns from the bus drivers regarding student (mis)behavior to the Assistant Principals for processing.
Students who miss the bus should report directly to Admin II and meet with Ms. Blaisdell (Seniors) and Mr. Brown (Juniors) to formulate a plan. In accordance with our 2024-25 Scarborough High School Student Handbook (p32), students who drive their own vehicle to or from WRVC or PATHs or ride with someone else without expressed permission from an SHS school administrator will have the following consequences:
- First Offense: 1hr Office Detention
- Second Offense: 4hr Friday Detention
- Third Offense: In-School Suspension and possible removal from program
Should SHS have school on a day that WRVC or PATHS does not have classes, students are permitted to come to SHS only for their classes if personal transportation can be arranged and students bring a parent note to the Main Office. If not, we are happy to arrange for a study hall space.
Lastly, included below are the school calendars for WRVC and PATHS. Click on either file to download.
I wish students the best of luck in your program this year. If there are any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out.
Mr. Theriault