New Albany Intermediate School
Family Update- August 5, 2024
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! We are looking forward to an amazing year for all of our fourth, fifth and sixth graders and we can’t wait to welcome them back to school later this month. The Intermediate School was entirely too quiet this summer and we look forward to all of the joy and personality a full school of students brings!
Our main office staff is ready to assist you with any beginning of the year needs. Below are the names and contact information for our staff:
Megan Ballinger, Principal, ballinger.3@napls.us
Mike King, Assistant Principal, king.37@napls.us
Ryan Grashel, Assistant Principal, grashel.1@napls.us
Donna Mercurio, Administrative Secretary, mercurio.1@napls.us
Cassie Caudill, Building Secretary, caudill.5@napls.us
Debbie Farley, Building Secretary, farley.5@napls.us
Brian Weikert, School Nurse, weikert.1@napls.us
Chelsie DeFluiter, Assistant Director of Special Education Grades 1-4, defluiter.1@napls.us
Britni Poturica, Assistant Director of Special Education Grades 5-7, poturica.1@napls.us
Please review all of the important back to school information below and don’t hesitate to reach out to us with any questions. We are looking forward to seeing all of our families and students at Open House on August 16th!
Megan Ballinger, Principal
Class Assignments in PowerSchool
Your child’s teacher assignment is available now in PowerSchool. You can access your PowerSchool account by clicking here. If you need to set-up a PowerSchool account, you can find directions here. If you have already established a PowerSchool account and cannot recall your username or password, please contact Michael Weisenberger in our technology department at weisenberger.1@napls.us. Mr. Weisenberger can also assist with other issues that arise.
Please visit our district website at https://www.napls.us/ to find important information, such as our school handbook, school start and ending times, supply lists, and much more. Parent drop off and pick up procedures will be emailed to parents in the next newsletter.
Start & End Times
The student school day in grades four, five and six is 8:25 am - 3:00 pm. Student arrival is 8:15 - 8:25 am. Please note that there will not be staff supervision until 8:15 am so please do not drop your child off at school until 8:15 am.
Student dismissal begins at 3:00 pm. If you will be picking up your child from school, please do not line up in the pickup line until after 2:30 pm as secondary dismissal occurs before this time.
Open House
We will be hosting Open Houses on August 16 to allow students and parents to enter the school, meet teachers, explore the building, and if desired, drop off school supplies in classrooms. Fourth and fifth grade Specialists (Art, Wellness, Technology and Music) will be available for all Open House times as well.
12:30 pm to 1:10 pm - Fourth Grade
1:15 pm to 1:55 pm - Sixth Grade
2:00 pm to 2:40 pm - Fifth Grade
*Sixth Graders can find where their elective courses are located at NAMS during this time
School Supplies
Staggered Start
We will use the first two days of school to help students adjust to the new school year through a staggered start, which will allow us to focus on establishing routines and relationships in smaller groups. For Monday, August 19th, only those students whose last names begin with A-K will come to school. For Tuesday, August 20th, only those students with last names that begin with L-Z will come to school. On the days the students are at home, there is no need to log into Schoology to look for assignments since those will not be e-Learning days. All Intermediate students will attend school on Wednesday, August 21st.
All 5th and 6th grade students need to come to school with their school issued iPad. 4th graders will receive their iPad and charger on the first day of school.
Important Upcoming Dates
August 5 - Teacher assignments live in PS
August 16 - Open House
August 19 - First Day of School - A-K
August 20 - First Day of School - L-Z
August 21 - All students return
August 23 - Fall Picture Day
September 2 - Labor Day - No School
September 3 - Fourth Grade Curriculum Night 5:45 - 6:30
September 4 - Fifth Grade Curriculum Night 5:45 - 6:30
September 5 - Sixth Grade Curriculum Night 5:45 - 6:30
PTO Information
Hello Intermediate Families!
We hope you had a wonderful summer- and we cannot believe the new school year is here in just 2 weeks!
The PTO is thrilled to welcome you back and we hope to see you join as a PTO member! We have FOUR levels of membership (without any requirements to volunteer!). The levels of membership include: $0, $25, $50 or $100. We have the Supporting, Eaglet and Maroon Memberships as in the past, along with a NEW membership that allows you to join multiple school’s Parent Teacher Organizations in one location and with one form of payment, which is called the FAMILY membership. Please join by scanning the QR Code above.
Your membership helps to fund class materials, Fall Festivals, Field Trips, monthly teacher appreciation events and much more to support our school!
Still looking to complete your back-to-school supply shopping? You can get it done in one easy click with our PTO School Tool Box Supply Fundraiser! School supplies are delivered directly to your home and a portion of your purchase gets donated back to the PTO!
We look forward to a great year together! If you have any ideas on how to make our fantastic school even better, please let us know! Email us at: naispto@napls.us.
Mara Ackermann Ziminski
NAIS PTO President
2024-2025 NAIS PTO Board
President: Mara Ackermann Ziminski
President-Elect: Alix Hoekzema
Treasurer: Siobhan Twomey
Secretary: Andrea Wiltrout
Communications: Kiki Piletz and Katie Yun
Fundraising: Sarah Aklilu
Membership: Missy Matusicky
Programming: Brooke Keaton and Elizabeth Buck
Hospitality: Leanne Mohler and Erin Howard
Additional Information
The Intermediate School website has information about our daily schedule, drop off and pick up procedures, school supply lists, and much more. Please click here to visit the page. For information concerning transportation services, click here.
Do not hesitate to call the Intermediate school (614-741-3000) with any questions you may have. Have a wonderful week!
Megan Ballinger, Building Principal
Ryan Grashel, Assistant Principal
Mike King, Assistant Principal
Our Purpose
The New Albany-Plain Local School District is committed to creating a culture of accountability that achieves the best academic and developmental outcomes for each student.
New Albany Intermediate School
Email: news@napls.us
Website: www.napls.us/intermediate
Location: 177 North High Street, New Albany, OH, USA
Phone: 614-741-3000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewAlbanyIntermediate/
Twitter: @napls_is