Symphonic Band

24-25 Edition Updated 2/21/25
LISD Instrument Maintenance Fees
LISD instrument maintenance fees for students using a DISTRICT instrument were due in September. We are in need of getting this fee in if you have not yet paid that fee. Please, please, please remit this payment. If you need assistance, please contact finance@creekvalleyband.org.
Recording Assignments
Everyone needs to be doing their MakeMusic Recordings. Please, do not turn in recordings that are below a 90! You can redo it as many times as possible. These are due weekly on Mondays.
This Week
- Sectionals This Week - They are VERY different as there are numerous things happening after school this week.
- Tuesday AM - Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Trumpet
- Tuesday AM - Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Alto, Tenor, Trumpet Horn, Percussion
- Wednesday PM- Bassoon, Euphonium, Trombone, Tuba
- UIL - Thursday, 3/6 - During and after school - Itinerary Below. Parents are welcome and encouraged to attend, however we were informed that parents will not be able to enter the sight reading room. This is due to safety concerns, as the sight reading room is inside the school.
- Objective Sheets will be collected in class MONDAY. I will listen to objective pass-offs before and after school Monday for anyone needing to complete.
Band Camp
We hope to have the link working in the next couple of weeks.
Upcoming Dates
March 6 - Symphonic Band UIL
March 8-15 - SPRING BREAK!!!
Band Buck Store Needs
Individually sized bags of chips (we have received some but could really use more!)
movie theater size candy
Halloween sized candy (fun size)
Private Lessons
Private Lessons are singlehandedly the best way to help your child advance in their playing! The one-on-one work with a professional on their instrument is invaluable. Please consider signing your child up for private lessons! They are for all levels of ability, from remedial to advanced. If your child feels they are behind and want help, or if they want to advance into Honor Winds in the future, lessons can help students achieve their goals!
To sign up for lessons, either include it on your registration forms or email Mr. Lott and he will get you connected with a private lesson teacher. You can even contact them directly by finding their email here.
Band Fees
If you would like to set up a payment plan for fees, please contact Mrs. Sandlin at finance@creekvalleyband.org
The Hebron Band can not WAIT until you are a part of it too!
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The Hebron Band
Need to get ahold of the Directors or Parent Volunteers?
Remember we are teaching from 7:20am-5:45pm everyday. It will take us time to respond. Thank you for your patience!
We will send out smores and emails throughout the year to keep you updated!
Band Director - Kim Cooley - hawbaker-cooleyk@lisd.net
Assistant Band Director - Joshua Lott - lottjt@lisd.net
Percussion Teachers- Ben Koch - Kochb@lisd.net; Adam Davis - Davisab@lisd.net
CVMS Parent Liaisons - Jennifer Wylie and Srabasti Nagchoudhury - cvmsliason@creekvalleyband.org
Fundraising Liaison - Andrew Harrison - fundraising@creekvalleyband.org
Uniform Liaison - Dana Park - uniform@creekvalleyband.org
Finance Liaison - Robin Sandlin - finance@creekvalleyband.org
Creek Valley Band
Email: hawbaker-cooleyk@lisd.net
Website: www.creekvalleyband.org
Location: 4109 Creek Valley Boulevard, Carrollton, TX, USA
Phone: 972)350-8817
Facebook: facebook.com/creekvalleyband
Twitter: @CVMS_Band