From the Superintendent's Desk
Jeremy Strickland, Superintendent Trenton ISD
Welcome to Trenton ISD
Welcome to Trenton ISD, where every day is a great day to be a Tiger! My name is Jeremy Strickland and I am the superintendent at Trenton ISD. Here in Trenton ISD, we are experiencing a lot of growth and that growth brings exciting opportunities for our District. As we look to the excitement of the future, it is important to know that Trenton ISD values our traditions and past successes.
In Trenton ISD, we strive to have our students leave us Life Ready. We accomplish this by teaching our students four traits that we call ROAR, Responsibility, Ownership, Attitude, and Respect. In Trenton ISD, we pride ourselves in teaching Responsibility, Ownership, Attitude, and Respect daily in a safe and nurturing learning environment.
I’m entering my 14th year as a Trenton Tiger and Trenton is where my family and I have chosen to call home. Trenton ISD is full of amazing individuals that all share the same values and expectations. These amazing individuals give more of themselves to our students than you could ever imagine. These individuals will love and nurture all our students while maintaining high levels of expectations and success. Trenton ISD is a District with an exceptional workplace and learning environment, focused on student outcomes. This environment is evident in the success of this past school year.
Trenton ISD offers as many opportunities as possible for our students while maintaining a high level of expectations. Below you will find some of the 22-23 school year highlights along with some the course/program offerings Trenton ISD provides for our students.
100% Graduation Rate
State and National Champions in Robotics
Multiple Athletes Advanced Beyond District in Cross Country, Golf, Tennis, and Track.
State Playoffs in Volleyball
District Champions and Regional Finalist in Softball
District UIL Academic Champions (10 Years in a Row)
Multiple Students Advancing to State in UIL Academics
One Act Play Advancing Beyond District
The High School Beta Club had Multiple Students Advance to the National Convention in Kentucky.
The High School Beta Club had a Member Elected as the State Beta President
Our FFA Program Continues to Grow and Expand Student Opportunities through Leadership, Ag Mechanics, and Livestock Judging/Showing
District Paid Dual Credit Course Offerings for Juniors and Seniors - 36 Credit Hours
Multiple Career and Technology Courses Offerings
Development of a Band Program for Middle and High School Students
Robotics Summer Camp for Elementary and Middle School Students
Summer Athletic Camps for Elementary and Middle School Students
Increased Elementary UIL Academic Participation
Annual Community Fall Fest
Small Teacher-to-Student Ratio Numbers
A Built-in Tutorial Period at All Campuses
One-to-One Technology for K - 12th-grade Students
Elementary and Middle School Field Day
Developed a Green Thumbs Club
Superior District Finance Rating and Strong Fund Balance
Passed the Largest Bond in School History for a New High School and Ag Barn
Developed an Elementary After School Program, Beyond the Bell
Improved Safety Throughout the District
An Active PTO that works in Conjunction with Trenton ISD
An Active Youth Sports Association
An Active Athletic Booster Club that works in Conjunction with Trenton ISD
Multiple Community Days during the School Year, Grandparents Day, Veterans Day, Etc.
As you can see, Trenton ISD provides our students with a multitude of educational opportunities. We are proud of our past accomplishments and look forward to all the great things our students will accomplish this year. We hope to see you at Meet the Teacher on August 16 from 4:30 - 6:30 pm.
Jeremy Strickland
Trenton ISD
Elementary Drop Off and Pick Up Map
Middle/High School Drop Off Map
Please note that the parking lots will all be One Way beginning this school year. Middle School drop off will be at the front entrance near the middle school portables. High School drop off will be at the cafeteria entrance. Due to construction starting on the new high school, the gravel road on the south side of the campus sill be closed to traffic this year.
Middle/High School Pick Up Map
Please note the middle and high school pick up lines will be two lanes, side by side through the main parking lot (cafeteria/gym entrance). The middle school pick up line is in Green on the map and the high school pick up line is in Blue on the map. The front entrance will be used for buses only in the afternoons. Due to construction starting on the new high school, the gravel road on the south side of the campus sill be closed to traffic this year.
Upcoming Events
August 8 - Elementary Class Lists Released
August 16 - Meet the Teacher 4:30 - 6:30 pm
August 16 - Meet the Tiger 7:00 pm
August 22 - First Day of Instruction
August 25 - Families on the PreK waiting list will be notified if they are accepted into our program
Mr. Strickland
Location: 702 Ballentine Street, Trenton, TX, USA
Phone: (903)989-2245