State of the Schools and Other News

October 4, 2024
Dear Avon Lake City Schools Residents,
Happy October! On behalf of everyone in our school family, we would like to thank the individuals who attended the State of the Schools presentation that was delivered earlier this week. At this presentation, a big picture summary and update of the Avon Lake City Schools was delivered, including a spotlight of our 5-Star rating on the District Report Card, a summary of our newly adopted Strategic Plan, and specific information about Issue 15 and Issue 16. We encourage our community to take a moment to review the State of the Schools presentation, which has been posted on our district website. Thank you all once again for your participation and your interest in our school district!
Congratulations to our Girls Fall Sports Conference Champions!
The district has experienced a tremendously successful fall sports season, and especially so for our three girls conference championship teams. Congratulations to our girls soccer, girls tennis, and girls golf teams who all won the Southwest Conference Championship in the fall of 2024. Way to go Shoregals, and all the best in post-season interscholastic competition!
Treasurer Autumn Reed Discusses Reappraisals with County Auditor Craig Snodgrass
ALCSD Treasurer Autumn Reed recently sat down with Lorain County Auditor Craig Snodgrass to specifically discuss the reappraisals and the impact they have on our values and our taxes. Treasurer Reed, along with everyone on the administrative team, has done an excellent job of posting timely and relevant information about the district and Issue 15 and Issue 16. Several video sequences will be shared over the next several weeks regarding various aspects of this important topic. This video can be viewed here. As always, please visit the Levy Facts page which is on the home page of our district website and includes a wide range of information on Issues 15 and 16 as well. Thank you for your interest!
We Need Your Help! SOUPer Bowl Drive and Contest Versus Avon to Collect Foods!
With a few weeks left of the friendly competition for the SOUPer Bowl Drive, we need your help! Please do your part to visit the drop-off locations at each building, to deliver peanut butter, cereals, canned foods, and other non-perishable items. This competition against Avon Local Schools will culminate on Friday, October 25th, 2024, and will earn the ALCSD bragging rights! More importantly, we’ll be helping those in need!
Reminder: Take Back Togetherness Night on Wednesday, November 13th!
Keep in mind that Wednesday, November 13th will be our first Take Back Togetherness Night in the ALCSD! These nights will provide opportunities for families to spend time with one another exclusively, as there will be no homework given, activities after school, or athletics practices. We want families to unplug from social media and devices and spend quality time with one another. Keep this date, and more information will be forthcoming!
Join ALCSD PTA Today!
The ALCSD is asking you to consider joining the PTA associated with the school that your child attends, as a great way to get involved and to help support the teachers, staff, and students! Please make the decision to get more involved today! Click on each building below for a link to each school’s PTA membership:
Best of luck to our Shoremen football team tonight as they travel to Elyria! Have a safe and enjoyable weekend!
Joelle M. Magyar
Upcoming Important Dates
Oct. 10 - Conference Day - No School for Students
Oct. 11 - NEOEA Day - No School for Students
Oct. 25 - End of First Quarter
Nov. 1 - Professional Development Day - Teachers/Tutors - No School for Students
To view the complete district calendar, click here.
Building newsletters
Just in case you missed a newsletter from your child's school, or have multiple children in our district at different buildings, we have links below from each building principal for your convenience with the most recent information sent to families. A link to our quarterly District Facility Focus newsletter is also below.