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EECV Family Newsletter
March 2024
A Message from the Principal
Hello EECV Families!
March means spring is right around the corner. As a reminder, our students may have outdoor play on the playground any day that is over 32 degrees. Please make sure your child is prepared with weather appropriate play clothes and tennis shoes each day! Spring also brings our 5th Annual Art Show (details in a section below) and our upcoming Spring Break. Be sure to check out the Upcoming Events section of this newsletter for all the important dates you need to know. Also this is a final reminder to let our school office on your plans for preschool/kindergarten for next year. Re-registration is required for preschool.
Thank you for choosing EECV for your child's preschool experience! We are so happy to see their growth and development each day!
Jackie Plantner, Principal
Myia Bruening, Secretary - brueningmyia@elyriaschools.org
Gissele Lugo, Secretary - lugogissele@elyriaschools.org
Jennifer Packman, School Nurse - packmanjennifer@elyriaschools.org
Suzin L Fundraiser
Thank you so much for your support of our school Suzin L Fundraiser!
Below are a few reminders.
- Pick up date will be MONDAY, MARCH 18th at EECV.
- Pick up time will be 3:30pm-5:30pm at the Main Entrance.
- Small orders not picked up will be sent home with your child on Tuesday, March 19th. EECV is NOT responsible for damaged items.
Thank you for your support!
EECV's 5th Annual Student Art Show
Thursday, March 14th will be our 5th annual EECV Art Show from 6:00-7:00 PM.
We invite our EECV students and their families to tour the hallways of our school to see the artwork created by our students and enjoy a sweet treat of cookies and milk in our cafeteria. This is a time to visit your child's school building with them and to look at and appreciate the beautiful creations made by the students of EECV.
An RSVP form will be sent home in student backpacks soon. We hope to see you on March 14th!
Gray Room is getting artsy!
The Gray Room is getting ready for the art show on March 14th! The students have enjoyed being able to incorporate some of the books we have been reading into our art projects! We read the book When Sophie Gets Angry- Really, Really Angry… and were able to incorporate it into a painting activity. The students were able to choose to paint a calm picture or an angry picture. They were then asked to make a calm or an angry face for a picture. We will print out their picture and add them to their painted work! We have also read It Looked Like Spilt Milk and incorporated it into an activity as well. For this art project the students were able to create their own cloud. Art is a great way for children to express themselves. We are so excited for you to come see all of the artwork that will line the halls at the art show.
Gray Room students create with paint
expressing feelings through art
art is a great way to build fine motor skills
PAX Tools for Parents
PAX Tools are simple strategies for teaching kids behavior skills. Elyria City Schools is holding a PAX Tools training for parents on Wednesday, March 13th at Eastern Heights Elementary School from 5:00-6:30 PM. All parents of Elyria Schools students preschool through 4th grade are invited! Check out the flyer for more information.
No registration is required.
Eastern Heights Elementary School
528 Garford Ave., Elyria, OH 44035
March 13, 2024
5:00-6:30 PM
Finance Matters - Issues 21 and 22
The Primary Election, scheduled for March 19, 2024, includes 2 school issues for consideration by registered voters in the Elyria City School District. These are both renewal levies that will continue to provide funding for district operations - they are not new taxes. If you have questions about Issues 21 and 22, click the link below for frequently asked questions.
News from Nurse Packman
Spring is in the air! It’s time to start thinking about warm weather health & safety. You can find some helpful spring health tips by clicking here.
Please keep your child home if they have symptoms of illness, or if they are taking medication for symptoms of illness, including:
Fever-any temperature over 100° in the previous 24-hours
Vomiting or multiple occurrences of diarrhea/loose stool in the previous 24-hours
New or persistent cough, congestion, or difficulty breathing
Complaints of pain (headache, earache, sore throat etc.)
Any undiagnosed skin rashes
Red, itchy, and/or crusty eyes
Check out Lorain County Health Department’s car seat program here.
If your child is in need of a bed, please click here to learn more about the Good Knights program!
Please call Nurse Packman directly at (440) 284-8099 if you have any questions or concerns regarding the health and wellness of your child.
Reminder - Treats and Celebration Policy
This information is in our school handbook but as a reminder below is our treats and celebration policy.
We love to celebrate and recognize special occasions in our students’ lives. Sending in treats or items from home is not required or necessary; however, if you would like to send something in to celebrate an occasion, such as your child’s birthday, please keep the following in mind:
- We have many students with allergies, so be sure to discuss treats with the classroom teacher first. All treats must be pre-approved by the classroom teacher. No food sent in for birthdays/celebrations will be consumed at school. It will be sent home in backpacks.
- All food items sent in must be individually wrapped, pre-packaged, and include a list of ingredients. Again, no food sent in for birthdays/celebrations will be consumed at school. It will be sent home in backpacks.
- We encourage non-food items such as stickers, small containers of playdough or bubbles, temporary tattoos, glow sticks, or crayons and coloring books.
- NO balloons or large decorations will be permitted in the building.
Thank you for your support!
EECV's 3 BEs!
Be Responsible - Follow school rules and be safe.
Be Ready to Learn - Be a good listener.
Reminders from the Main Office
If your child will be absent, please call the main office at 440-284-8250 and report the absence. If we are away from the desk please leave a message with your child's name, homeroom, and your phone number. Thank you!
If you have an update to your address, phone number, or emergency contacts or need your child's bus drop off or pick up location changed, please call our office right away to ensure we have the most up to date information for the safety of your child. Thank you!
Upcoming Events
- Friday, 3/1/24 - Daytime Conference, NO SCHOOL for STUDENTS
- Thursday, 3/14/24 - EECV Art Show
- Monday, 3/18/24 - Suzin L Fundraiser Pick Up
- Friday, 3/22/24 - Staff Records Day, NO SCHOOL for STUDENTS
- Monday, 3/25/24 through Monday, 4/1/24 - Spring Break, NO SCHOOL
- Tuesday, 4/2/24 - School Resumes
- Monday, 4/8/24 - Conference Make Up Day, NO SCHOOL
- Tuesday, 4/9/24 - Mobile Dentist comes to EECV
Save The Dates!
- Art Show - Thursday, 3/14/24, from 6:00-7:00 PM, details to come
- Family Night - Wednesday, 4/24/24, from 6:00-7:15 PM, details to come
Elyria Early Childhood Village
Elyria Early Childhood Village
Email: plantnerjacqueline@elyriaschools.org
Website: www.elyriaschools.org
Location: 42331 Griswold Road, Elyria, OH, USA
Phone: (440) 284-8250
Facebook: www.facebook.com/EECVSchool/
Twitter: @EECVschool