Weekly Parent Newsletter
Friday, Oct. 27, 2023

Friday, Oct. 27, 2023
Check-In with Ms. Kovalesky - Creating a Safe Learning Environment for All
At STEM, "We envision a world of exponential possibilities where every child develops the innate knowledge, skills, creativity and character to thrive, lead and succeed in an ever-changing future."
STEM’s values include creating an environment of respect and nurturing unlimited human potential.
We know our students will be successful when provided with a safe learning environment. We also recognize the struggles occurring in the world we live in and how it impacts many of our families. We aim to protect our students from those struggles at school so they may continue to thrive academically and socially.
We ask that we come together as a STEM community to support our most valuable members. STEM will continue to teach our youngest learners about STEM's Character Values: Honesty, Integrity, Respect, Responsibility, and Empathy. Integrated throughout our curriculum and learning are opportunities to learn about different cultures and how learning from others deepens our understanding of one another and the world around us. Through these moments, we intend to build a stronger sense of community and a culture of mutual respect.
No School on Friday, Nov. 3 - Professional Development Day
School News and Updates
Elementary News/Updates
In this week's Elementary News, you can find information about:
- Update from Mrs. McElroy
- Halloween Class Party and Parade
- Thanksgiving Food Basket Drive
- Veterans Day Celebration
- Book Fair
- Important Dates
- Prospective Spartan Showcase
Secondary News/Updates
In this week's Secondary News, you can find information about:
- Love and Logic Parent Night
- Trunk or Treat
- Summer Internship 2024 - Merrick & Company
- Lockheed Martin HS Internship Program
- AI & Quantum Computing Courses
- University of Colorado Anschutz CUPS Program
- National Security Agency High School Work Study Program and Scholarship programs now open
- Access Update
- So Much More!
Donations and Volunteering News/Updates
We ask that all families contribute 30 hours (or more) of volunteering to STEM. Families can give of their time or make a Volunteer-Hour Donation. See all the opportunities available:
We Need Volunteers
Volunteering is easy. Once you're approved in our Raptor System, browse the Upcoming Events in the Volunteer Portal and sign-up! Your Volunteer Hours will automatically be logged when you sign-in for the event.
Athletics News/Updates
Each week we'll share important Athletics News with our community. Updates are written by Athletics Director Susan Jones. In this week's update:
Enrichment News/Updates
Enrichment at STEM is the place students can find all of the school’s after-school, summer, and other enrichment offerings.
- Donate to STEM's Enrichment Program
- Elementary, Middle and High School Club Registrations
Sharing Our Good News
Want to see all the Good Things happening at STEM? Check out our Sharing Our Good News post. Each week we share photos, videos and information about the Good News that has happened that week.
STEM PTO News/Updates
Each week our STEM PTO puts together a newsletter for our community, sharing information about upcoming events and opportunities to get involved.