2024 Graduation Information
Last Updated May 14, 2024
Graduation: May 23, 2024 @ 9 AM in the Dee Events Center
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The graduation ceremony is not a personal ceremony for your student. It is the Davis High Graduation. We ask that all graduates respect the protocols that are outlined and announced so the event honors and respects the hard work of all our graduates.
The MOST IMPORTANT Announcement
Seniors in good standing will receive their cap, gown, and school-issued adornments at the mandatory graduation meeting on Monday, May 20. When seniors are issued their cap and gown, their printed diploma will be included in the bag.
Let that sink in...the plastic bag that has the cap, gown, and school issued adornments will also have the student's DIPLOMA.
It is in a separate envelope and clearly marked.
Previously, students "rented" their gown from the school, and we exchanged the gown for a printed diploma after the ceremony. Now that you are purchasing your own gown, there is no reason for us to detain graduates after the ceremony. Thus, graduates will receive their diploma with their cap and gown. Graduates will receive the diploma cover during the graduation ceremony.
Anyone not able to attend graduation can pick up their diploma cover from the school after graduation.
What do students receive in their graduation packet?
On Monday, May 20, after the Mandator Graduation meeting, student eligible for graduation will receive their graduation packet. It will contain:
- DIPLOMA (we already went over that above, but it is very important, so it is listed first!)
- Cap/gown (don't forget to press it prior to pictures and the graduation ceremony)
- School and District issued adornments not yet given to the student (e.g., honor and high honor cords)
- One printed copy of the graduation program. This is the only printed copy you or your student will receive. The program will be available via QR code at the graduation venue.
Senior Student Schedule
May 16 & 17 -- Computer Check in
May 20 -- 2:30 PM -- Mandatory Senior Graduation Meeting (Auditorium)
May 21 -- 2:30 PM -- Senior Yearbook Distribution (Cafeteria)
May 21 & 22 -- Elementary Graduation Walk
May 23 -- 7:45 AM -- Seniors report to Dee Events Center on the Campus of Weber State University to line up for graduation
May 23 -- 10 PM -- Senior All-Night Party (Boondocks, Kaysville)
Important Information Concerning Graduation
Graduation Location: Dee Events Center
Time: Graduates Arrive at 7:45 AM; Ceremony begins at 9:00 AM
There are many opportunities ahead to have fun and celebrate your graduation from Davis High School. With that said, you need to know that the Davis High School Graduation Ceremony, to celebrate your accomplishments, is very formal. It includes all the dignity, pomp, and ceremony of a traditional graduation ceremony. Your participation in these commencement exercises is not mandatory for you to receive your Davis High School Diploma. Therefore, should you choose to participate in the Davis High School Graduation Exercises, there are a few requirements and stipulations that we insist on. They are:
- All participants will have fulfilled the qualifying academic and citizenship requirements to “walk” (participate in the commencement exercises).
- Graduates must wear a pressed cap and gown throughout the ceremony.
- Seniors need to be in best dress – no flip flops.
- Only High Honor Cords and Honor Cords, and district or school approved adornments are allowed to be worn. If you have questions, please talk to an administrator.
- Per Dee Events Center Staff, PLEASE no leis, corsages, balloons, or confetti.
- Graduates will be expected to be courteous and dignified during the processional, during the conferring of diplomas, and during the recessional. Throwing of graduation caps is not permitted.
- We expect that your parents, family members, and friends who may wish to attend will be respectful of all the graduates. No signs, noisemakers, loud applause, or loud cheering which would prohibit all the graduates’ names from being easily heard by the audience. The graduation ceremony is a celebration for everyone in the senior class, not just one or two individuals. Every student should be seen, and their name should be heard.
- Plan to take photos before the graduation ceremony. For your convenience, we will have a photographer there to take your picture as you receive your diploma. You will receive info from Bell Photography after the graduation day.
- The graduation gown, cap, and honor cords are your personal possessions. They need not be returned to the school.
- For your convenience in planning post-ceremony activities, expect to be involved in the graduation ceremony from 7:45am-11:30am (Remember to allow for congested traffic to and from Weber State University).
- Tickets for guests are NOT required.
- Programs for the ceremony are digital! Look for QR codes to scan so that you can access the program for graduation. One copy of the program will be provided for each graduate in their packet with their cap, gown, and diploma.
- We ask that parents, family members, and friends who may wish to attend will be respectful of all the 700+ graduates and refrain from using signs, noisemakers, loud cheering, or loud applause which would prohibit all members of the audience from being able to see and hear the presentation of each graduate.
Graduation Walks at Elementary Schools
If your student attended one of our feeder elementary schools, they are invited to return in their cap and gown on the date and time designated below for a graduation walk. Students can get more information from Mr. Gunn or on the Dart Board. We appreciate our PTA partners and elementary school principals for making this happen!
- Burton Elementary -- May 21 @ 9 AM
- Kaysville Elementary -- May 21 @ 9 AM
- Morgan Elementary -- May 21 @ 9:15 AM
- Windridge Elementary -- May 21 @ 9:30 AM
- Columbia Elementary -- May 22 @ 9:30 AM
- Heritage Elementary -- May 22 @ 9:30 AM
- Kay's Creek Elementary -- May 22 @ 10:30 AM
Senior All Night Party
The Senior Party Planning Committee of the PTA is busy preparing an exciting graduation night party for our seniors. It will be the evening of graduation, Thursday, May 23, at Boondocks in Kaysville from 10 pm to 2 am. We would love for all of our seniors to attend.
Tickets for the party can be purchased now on MyDSD for $50. Tickets bought at the door will be $60. Please go to https://mydsd.davis.k12.ut.us , access payments, optional fees, PTA other (All Night Senior Graduation Party) to get a ticket early.
Ticket includes pizza buffet and a drink, unlimited Boondocks activities, magician, bingo with prizes, cookie bar and raffle prizes. We will have a raffle that night for some fun gifts as well as bingo prizes.
We need your help with donations, either cash or donated prizes for our raffle and bingo.
Cash donations can be made directly using this link. These donations may be tax deductible. 100% of the donation goes to the PTA senior class party.
If you’d like to donate raffle or bingo items directly, please contact Shanna Barker at 801-645-5301.
We appreciate your willingness to help the Class of 2024 senior party. These are amazing kids, and we are excited to celebrate their graduation with them!
Already Happened...
Lists were posted outside of the Counseling Office from April 12 - 26 for students to check. The lists were for Honors and High Honors Designation as well as the spelling of the student's name in the graduation program. If you do not trust your senior followed through, please reach out to your school counselor by alphabet.