English Language Learner
October/November 2024
Fall time is Best time.....for learning!
English Language Development (ELD) classes are off and running! We have 12 classes offered from Kindergarten through High School. One of our classes is specifically for our Newcomer students. This is a first for our schools and we are so excited to offer this class. The ELD teachers are working hard to make the 30 minute, twice a week, virtual classes fun and helpful for our ELD kiddos. Some of the strategies I have seen are: pretending to catch a ball to talk about inferences, "Would you rather" conversations, and using fun videos to introduce a topic. Our teachers go above and beyond to help English Language Learners (ELLs) acquire the necessary skills to be English Proficient. Thank you for assisting these fabulous teachers by getting your work samples in on time with your student's first and last name, date, and class title of English Language Development.
We always CELEBRATE our RECLASSIFICATIONS! It is such a joy to see our students become English Proficient!
Currently we have 59 ELL students. We have reclassified 10! That is 19% of our population. This is on par with our bigger local districts like Clovis Unified. So much to CELEBRATE!!!
These reclassifications were honored at our September English Language Advisory Committee meeting (ELAC).
Fall ELAC Meeting
English Learner Advisory Committee
Do you want a say in how your student's English Learner (EL) services occur? If so, please join our English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) meetings! Currently, Yosemite Valley Charter is our only Charter with an ELAC meeting. Our meeting was held on September 5th via Zoom. Notes and slides from the meeting were emailed out after the meeting. Those families that are a part of Monarch River Academy are always welcome to attend and contribute.
RFEP Monitoring
Reclassified Fluent English Proficient (RFEP) monitoring will take place the month of November. All of our students who have been reclassified in the last four years will participate. This is done by a survey sent to the Independent Study Teacher (IST). Together the IST and EL Coordinator, Kelly Pettit, look at assessment scores, Language Arts grades, and other indictors to make sure the student is still doing well compared to English only peers. The form is then sent to the parents, IST, and EL Coordinator to sign.
ELPAC tool - interim assessments
The state has given us new tools to help our ELL students. These are interim (practice) assessments. These assessments will be completed by the ELD teachers during ELD class time. It will expose your student to the rigor of the ELPAC test and better prepare them for success! We are excited to start using these in ELD class later this fall.
Summative and Initial ELPAC results!
Did your student participate in the ELPAC test last Spring? or the Initial ELPAC at the start of the school year? Results can be accessed in the Parent Portal by following the steps below.
Yosemite Valley Charter Parent Portal
Monarch River Academy Parent Portal
Click Student Name> Reports> Test Results> View PDF
Email address
Please email with any questions or comments: el@centralvcs.org