Parent Newsletter 10.4.24
October 4, 2024
October 4, 2024
Bubble Run Event was a hit!
Thank you to everyone who helped make the Bubble Run Fundraiser a success!
We raised: $42,095!!
With the funds raised, the PTO will be purchasing Chromebook storage for classrooms, enhancing educational experiences, and acquiring playground resources and more!
Thank you to our PTO for organizing the event—it was a blast for the kids!
Thank you to our teachers and students for promoting the fundraiser to their contacts.
Thank you to families and friends who made donations to our school!
Thank you to our generous sponsors for your donations!
Register by Monday, Oct. 7; Vote Early
Early voting in the November 5 school funding election begins October 21 and continues through November 1. Vote early at any Montgomery County voting location. Keep in mind that Magnolia ISD’s VATRE will be the last item on the ballot and it will be identified as Proposition A. To be eligible to vote, you must register by Monday, October 7 at
Applying for Free & Reduced Lunch/Breakfast is easy!
It only takes 5 minutes to apply and could save your family hundreds of dollars on lunch!
All students who qualify will also receive FREE breakfast! Visit the link to get started.
Applications are also available at all campuses and the Child Nutrition department.
If you qualify your child will receive discounts on the following items:
Afterschool Adventures
Student Holiday Childcare
Summer Camp
Instruments & tests!
Please keep toys at home
To ensure a focus on learning, please keep your toys and belongings at home, unless specifically asked by a teacher to bring them to school as part of a lesson or activity. This will help minimize distractions and create a conducive environment for academic success.
The Library Round Up
October 7 - October 11th is Fall Break!
Week of October 14 - 18: Fire Prevention Week!
Monday, 10/14:
- MISD School Board Meeting
Tuesday, 10/15:
- Choir Practice
- Girls on the Run afterschool
Wednesday, 10/16:
- Join us in wearing Pink for Breast Cancer Awareness!
- Girls on the Run afterschool
Thursday, 10/17:
- Popcorn Day
Friday, 10/18:
- Spirit Store
- Choir sings National Anthem at MWHS 5:20PM
10/25 – Book Character Day Parade
10/23 - 31 – Red Ribbon Week
10/28 - REDy to be healthy and make good choices Wear RED!
10/29 - Fight for good character Wear CAMO!
10/30 - Healthy choices make our future bright Wear NEON or BRIGHT COLORS
10/31 - Lei a path to a healthy future - Wear HAWAIIAN ATTIRE
11/1 - Team up against bad choices - Wear a NSE SPIRIT SHIRT or TEAM SHIRT
10/30 – Yearbook Retakes & Class Photo
11/4 - 11/5 – Student Holiday
11/11 - Veteran's Day Performance
11/11 - MISD School Board Meeting
11/15 - Spirit Store
11/25 - 11/29 - Thanksgiving Break
Students wishing to celebrate their birthdays here at school with their classmates have 2 options:
(1) Bring treat bags containing trinkets only (no cookies, cakes, etc.) or
(2) Purchase cupcakes/juice boxes from the cafeteria.
Please download, complete, and turn in the form below. Forms must be turned into the cafeteria at least two weeks in advance of the celebration date.
Students who have not been picked up by 4:15 PM must be picked up in the back of the school by the cafeteria from an Afterschool Adventures staff member. Click here for more information about the Afterschool Adventures Program.