Principal e-Note
Concord Elementary School - Jan 12, 2025 (Week 20)
From the Office
It was such a joy to see our Flyers back in the building! While most of last week was filled with snow day adventures, Thursday proved to be a fantastic start to 2025. The halls were filled with so many wonderful smiles—it was clear that both students and teachers were thrilled to be reunited.
On our first day back, students eagerly shared stories about their winter break adventures, set meaningful goals for the new year, and dove right back into learning new content. It’s already shaping up to be an incredible year ahead, and we can’t wait to see what our Flyers will achieve in 2025!
Thank you for your continued support as we embark on this new chapter together.
Brian and Liz
Important Dates
January 2025
January 15 - PTG My Concord Girl and Me Dance 6:00-7:30 pm
January 20 - MLK Day No School
January 22 - PTG My Concord Guy and Me Dance 6:00-7:30 pm
January 24 - Buddy Day : Students can wear their Grade Level T-Shirts
February 2025
February 3-7 - National School Counseling Week
February 12 - First Grade Music Performance 6:00 pm at Concord
February 13 - Kids Heart Challenge 3rd-5th grades during block
February 13 - National School Resource Officer Day
February 14 - No School (Records Day)
February 17 - No School (Records Day)
February 21 - Buddy Day : Students can wear their Grade Level T-Shirts
2024-25 School Year Calendar
For a full list of dates, please click on the 2024-25 District Calendar, which is linked below.
PTG News and Events
What's for Lunch
Monday, Jan.13
Breakfast- Banana muffins or cereal
lunch- #1 chicken parm or #2 cheese calzone
Tuesday, Jan.14
Breakfast- scrambled eggs & hash browns
lunch- #1 beefy tacos or #2 cheese nachos
Wednesday, Jan.15
Breakfast- pancakes or cereal
Lunch- #1 chicken patty sandwich or #2 sunbutter & jelly
Thursday, Jan.16
Breakfast- french toast casserole or cereal
Lunch- #1 mini corn dogs or #2 broccoli cheddar loaded potato
Friday, Jan. 17
Breakfast- chicken biscuit or cereal
#1 cheese pizza or #2 pepperoni
Counselor Corner
Hello Families,
We’re excited to kick off our first full week of school since winter break! Over the next few weeks, our K-3 students will work through the Second Step Bullying Unit, learning how to Recognize, Refuse, and Report bullying. Our 4th and 5th graders will focus on building positive relationships and fostering a strong classroom community. 5th graders will also dive into a lesson about “how not to be friends,” discussing how to navigate changing friendships thoughtfully.
Home Assignment: Ask your child what steps they would take if they witnessed bullying.
Counseling Office Puzzle Request
The counseling office is in need of gently used 40-100 piece puzzle sets.
Why: Puzzles help children who are feeling unregulated by engaging both sides of the brain—artistic (right brain) and problem-solving (left brain). This dual engagement helps ground children when they are feeling upset or anxious, promoting emotional regulation and a sense of calm in both their mind and body. We will accept donations until January 8th.
Thank you for your ongoing support!
Rachel and Gina
What's Happening in Block
A New Year means new fun projects in Art! We will continue to learn about some amazing Pop artists such as Andy Warhol, Roy Lichtenstein, and Yayoi Kusama. We will learn about these artists and the importance they played in the world of art. We will also make our own art projects inspired by their ideas.
K: Students will continue to work on their cutting and gluing skills. We will also start to focus on staying inside the lines and using different materials with control. Students will discuss how to identify subject matter in a work of art.
1: Students will use lines and colors to create bold artwork. We will discuss subject matter and theme in artworks.
2: Students will continue to learn the principles and elements of art and design. We will focus on Line, Shape, and Color.
3: Students will focus on using different materials to make 3D artwork.
4: Students will identify and use the elements and principles of art and design in their work. We will focus on Balance, Color, and Line.
5: Students will work on understanding how to use a variety of materials to create a piece of artwork. We will focus on how to create a meaning or concept in our work.Design Lab
Hello Families!
I hope you all had a wonderful and restful break! To start off this year in the Design Lab students will be continuing their units and projects from January. Here is what each grade level will be working on:
Kindergarten and First Grades: We will continue our work with computer science by focusing on patterns and sequences and then using that to program robots. Students will also continue to explore coding on their iPads using a resource, Code.org.
Second Grade: To begin the year students will get to program the Dash robots to complete challenges and puzzles. Then students will have an opportunity to complete a computer science project using a technology of their choice, Code.org, Scratch Jr. or Dash robots.
Third Grade: In art class the third graders started their work on a stop-motion animation by coming up with a story idea and creating sets and characters for their animations. Then in Design Lab we are writing the script, filming, and editing their movies before finishing with a movie premiere to celebrate their work!
Fourth and Fifth Grades: Before break students began exploring different types of AI and exploring how AI learns and is trained to complete different tasks. Next we will be exploring AI further through a series of lessons in Code.org that allows you to train an AI and use it to remix a popular song. Then students will be able to use all that they have learned in our computer science unit to complete a project using a technology of their choice, Sprite Lab in Code.org, Jam Session, or Dash robots.
Happy New Year! With the New Year in full swing this month, we will be reviewing concepts we’ve learned so far this year and begin to learn new concepts that will take us to the end of the year. Each grade level K-4 will be learning about a specific family of instruments while 5th grade will do a quick review of instrument families to help them in their decisions with music choices in Middle School.
Kindergarten: We will be learning some seasonal Winter songs and continue to explore our voices and all the sounds we can make with our voices (singing, whispering, talking, and (inside) shouting). We will also be exploring more musical opposites such as high sounds and low sounds and be sure that we can tell the difference between the two. In addition, the Kindergarteners will be exploring the Percussion family and begin to identify instruments that belong in that family.
1st Grade: 1st grade will be preparing for our first music performance! Due to my maternity leave, our performance has been moved to Wednesday, February 12th at 6:00 PM in the Concord Gym. We will be performing Pajama Party! We have already started preparations, but it will begin to be our main focus this month into February.
2nd Grade: 2nd graders learned about the ballet The Nutcracker in December and took a little break from normal music class activities. We will review our first sounds (sol and mi) on the staff and continue preparing for a new rhythm. We will also be learning about the Woodwind family.
3rd Grade: 3rd grade spent time reviewing in December after focusing on our performance. We will be learning several new concepts in the next few months beginning with some new rhythms. We will also be learning about the String family.
4th Grade: 4th grade is working on some composing to start out the New Year. We learned a song called “Who Has Seen the Wind” back in December and are in the process of creating a new section to go along with it. We will continue to explore these types of activities as well as learn new melodic and rhythmic concepts. They will also learn about the Brass family.
5th Grade: 5th grade also spent time reviewing in December after their performance. We will continue to review those concepts and to be sure they learn everything they need to know before they leave Concord to continue their musical journeys through middle school if they choose to do so! We will review instruments and instrument families to prepare for the band teachers’ visit to Concord.
Happy New Year! We are excited to kick off 2025 with a month full of engaging and active lessons in Physical Education. Below, you'll find a breakdown of what our students will be focusing on during January.
Grades 3-5
Basketball Unit: We’re starting the year with a basketball unit where students will develop essential skills, including:
Dribbling: Controlling the ball while moving.
Passing: Learning chest passes, bounce passes, and more.
Shooting: Focusing on form and accuracy.
Basic Offensive and Defensive Strategies: Introducing teamwork concepts and positioning on the court.
Fitness Testing: Students will complete the FitnessGram Curl-Up Test to assess core strength and endurance. Encourage your child to share their progress and celebrate their efforts!
Kids Heart Challenge: Later this month, we will launch the Kids Heart Challenge, a program that promotes heart health and helps students learn the importance of staying active. Be on the lookout for more details coming soon.
Grades K-2
Locomotor Skills: We will continue to develop locomotor skills such as skipping, galloping, and hopping through fun movement games designed to build coordination and confidence.
Hoop and Ball Activities: This month’s focus will be on using hoops and balls to practice skills like:
Rolling: Aiming for accuracy.
Throwing and Catching: Building hand-eye coordination through fun challenges.
These activities are tailored to support your child’s foundational motor skills in a fun and inclusive environment.
Healthy Eating and Nutrition Games: In addition to physical skills, we will introduce games and activities focused on healthy eating and nutrition to help students learn about making nutritious food choices in a fun and interactive way.
Thank you for your continued support of our Physical Education program. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to reach out. Let’s make January a month full of movement and learning!
Tell us about out Core Values at Home
Core Values at Home
We’d love to see our core values in action beyond the school walls! Have you caught your student showing kindness, accountability, integrity, empathy, or inclusion at home? This is your chance to celebrate them! Share your story by filling out the form below and help us spotlight these amazing moments. The home connection with be featured in our Daily News every Wednesday. Let’s keep the Concord spirit strong everywhere we go!
Student Showcase
We are excited to share that we are continuing Concord Collections : Student Showcase in our Concord lobby display cases again for the 24/25 school year! Student collections can showcase anything from Lego figures, to books, to craft creations... the possibilities are endless! We hope this builds some community and fosters student belonging. If your child is interested, please click the button below.
District News and Notes
Lindbergh Speaker Series: “Ready, Set, Kindergarten!”
How can you help your student get ready for kindergarten? Hear tips from Lindbergh teachers and learn what to expect during your child’s first year of elementary school during this fun, informative webinar! 6 p.m., Tuesday, Jan. 14
We invite you to share this link with friends, neighbors and family who have incoming Lindbergh kindergarten students.
Diversity Collaborative Recruitment Event
Lindbergh Schools, in cooperation with Kirkwood, Webster and Maplewood Richmond Heights school districts, is hosting a Diversity Collaborative Recruitment Event from 8 a.m.-12 p.m., Saturday, Jan. 25, at Maplewood Richmond Heights High School, 7500 Lohmeyer Ave. All are welcome, and advanced registration is encouraged. Participation includes an opportunity to interview and network with current staff members at these school districts. Visit tinyurl.com/diversitycollab2025 for more information.
Summer Camps and Activities Fair
What are your plans this summer? Join us for this free event to plan your child's summer activities with area exhibitors! Back by popular demand: Select vendors will have summer job opportunities available for teens! Attendees can enter to win $50 for Lindbergh camps. Open to all St. Louis-area families. For additional information, please contact Julia Maranan, PEGS Parent Group President, at pegsparentgroup@gmail.com.
Contact Information
Mr. Moeckel, Principal
Mrs. Keutzer, Asst. Principal
Faith Rose, SSD Area Coordinator
Mrs. Herrman
Mrs. Niebur
Nurse Sanders
Concord Elementary School
Email: concord@lindberghschools.ws
Website: go.lindberghschools.ws/concord
Location: 10305 Concord School Rd, Sappington, MO, USA
Phone: 314-729-2436
Facebook: facebook.com/ConcordFlyers