Good Times @ EPE
Newsletter - October 25th 2024
Dear Families,
We hope that everyone is having a fantastic week. Things are in full swing here at the school as we are more than half way through our first term. We are big believers that education is a team sport, so if you have any questions about how things are going for your student(s), please feel free to reach out to your child's teacher and touch base on their progress.
As always, we invite you to reach out if you have any questions or concerns - you can get us on email at elizabethparkelem@nlesd.ca or by calling the school. Have a great weekend.
Alun, Gail & The Team @ EPE
Upcoming Dates
Important Dates for the Calendar!
- Friday October 25th - Jamarama Day
- Friday, November 1st - School Closed for Professional Learning
- Wednesday, November 6th - District Closeout (School Closed)
- Friday, November 8th - Lifetouch Photo Retake Day
Monday, November 11th - Remembrance Day Holiday (School Closed)
- Friday, November 22nd - School Closed for Report Card Writing Day
- Tuesday, December 3rd - Term 1 Report Cards Released
- Thursday, December 5th - Family Teacher Interviews Term 1
- Thursday, December 12th - Christmas Concert
- Friday, December 20th - Last Day before Christmas Holidays (Dismissal at 12:30)
- December 21-January 5 - Christmas Break
Lifetouch Photo Update
School Pictures are Ready!
To order, log in to your account on mylifetouch.ca or create an account using your student's student ID number.
Paper proofs will also be sent to your home in the near future.
All families can also log on and order a FREE digital Pictures2Protect Card.
More about the Pictures2Protect program here.
Thank you!
To view the proofs parents need to visit the website and follow the instructions below. It is important to note that some cell phones will not work. Attached is a screenshot for your reference.
- Visit lifetouch.ca
- Create an account
- Click the student ID and tab
- Enter the School, City, Province (School City is Paradise)
- Select School Name from drop down menu
- Then Enter the Students First and Last Name, Student ID (This can be found on Rycor, or student bus portal)
Our photo make up day will be November 8th
Speech to Print Fall Newsletter
Our Fall Literacy Newsletter can be found at the link below. A huge thank you to our amazing Reading specialist, Ms. Rowsell, and our Speech Language Pathologist, Ms. Angi for their hard work on it. Lots of great advice and ideas are contained within!
It was great to see so many students excited to support the Janeway's annual Jamarama. A reminder that donations can be made at the link below:
Families will have to click Donate and search for “Elizabeth Park”
The Department of Education has released a newly developed online portal outlining the provincial curriculum. A companion link, designed for families as also been created and has been attached below for your reference.
Halloween Notes
Halloween is always an exciting time of year! This year, as in the past, our students will wear their costumes all day, and have a small class party in the afternoon. In line with the NL Schools nutrition policy, and from a social justice perspective, we kindly ask that families not send in food or non food treats for classes.
Students and staff are invited to wear costumes for the full day. When planning costumes, please keep the following in mind:
- Masks should not be covering the entire face and can only be worn at the desk.
- Accessories for costumes that are (or could be mistaken for) weapons are not permitted.
- Any makeup and hair should be completed before arriving at school.
- We do have an extreme scent allergy in the building. Please be aware of this as you select any products to be used.
- Inflatable Costumes are often (literally) a load of hot air. They are a struggle to learn in and generally puncture by around lunchtime. We recommend avoiding these for school.
The days following Halloween are often the most dangerous days in a school for our students with allergies. We encourage all of our families to send healthy treats that help to protect students that have an allergy.
Please connect if you need any clarification or have any questions. You can access some Halloween safety advice by clicking on the pumpkin picture.
Dismissal Change Reminder / Lunch Timings
A reminder that wherever possible, any changes in dismissal arrangements should be communicated to the class teacher prior to school starting each day wherever possible. With eight buses, and nearly 320 students on those buses it is really important that we have any dismissal change as soon as possible.
A reminder that for those picking up students for lunch, dismissal for this is at 11:35 and student should be back for 12:25
Kiss and Ride - Stopped Buses
A reminder that when bus signs are out, as per provincial travel regulations, traffic in the kiss and ride should remain stationary. Thank you, in advance, for your help with this.
Education Accord NL
Education Accord - Input wanted
Education Accord NL is working toward a 10-year education transformation and wants to hear from you to improve educational experiences and outcomes in our province.
Please take 15 - 20 minutes and share your thoughts by completing the Education Accord NL online survey at educationaccordnl.ca/survey. All responses from the survey are anonymous.
We are looking for feedback from educators, educational support staff, administration, parents, caregivers, community members, and students who are 15 years of age or older.
Visit our website for more information educationaccordnl.ca
Daily Calendar
The 7 day Calendar for 2024 - 2024 is available here:
Allergy Information
Please be aware that we have severe allergies to the following products at the school:
Nuts, Tree Nuts, Peanuts (please do not bring Wowbutter or similar products either)
Sesame Seeds (often found in burger buns or hummus)
Fish, Shellfish
Visible Egg (often found in Breakfast Sandwiches)
👋 Need more help? Reach out to elizabethparkelem@nlschools.ca