Irvington Weekly Newsletter
May 3, 2024
PTA Meeting with School Board Member Michelle DePass
Don’t miss the Q&A with School Board Member Michelle DePass on Monday, May 6, at 5:30pm! This event will take place during our regularly scheduled PTA meeting. Unlike usual, we will hold this meeting in the library. Doors open and free dinner will be served at 5:30 and the meeting will begin at 6:00. Free childcare will be provided for the duration of the meeting.
The meeting will also feature:
A proposal to add money to our Local School Foundation in order to pay for a staff position supporting reading and math that will otherwise be lost due to PPS budget cuts
A presentation of the PTA’s preliminary proposed budget for next year with the opportunity to provide feedback
Don’t miss this amazing opportunity to engage with an influential board member and weigh in on important PTA spending.
Staff Appreciation Week
Be on the lookout for "Compliment Cards" in your student's Friday Folder today. Please have or help your student(s) complete one and return it next week to your teacher, or to one of the envelopes in the main office or on classroom doors. If you lose one or need more, find a printable here. Let's shower our staff with many thanks next week!
Arts Night (and HTMS Info Night)
Tuesday, May 14, is our annual Arts Night! Please come to see your child perform, walk around the building to see the great work our students have created, and make some art of your own! The building will be open 5:30-7:00.
May 14 is also the annual open house for prospective students at Harriet Tubman Middle School. I am disappointed about the conflict because I'd love for all families to attend both events. Because our fourth grade families are thinking most about middle school (our fifth graders already know their middle school plans at this point), we have adjusted our schedule so that fourth graders will perform first. This way, fourth grade families can attend Arts Night at the beginning and, if they want, head over to HTMS.
Walk and Roll to School Day
The Green Team invites all Irvington students to try walking, biking, or rolling to school on Wednesday, May 8! Join a walking group:
8:25am - NE 7th & Stanton
8:25am - NE 7th & Thompson
8:20am - NE 24th & Brazee
If you live too far to walk or bike, consider parking a few blocks away and walk in from there. There will be some small prize giveaways and snacks at school for all!
Movie Night Next Friday
The LAST Movie Night of the year is next Friday, May 10! A free community event hosted by the PTA, this time we’ll be showing Wish. It’s held in the school cafeteria. Doors open and disco party at 6pm with the movie beginning at 6:30. Popcorn is provided! Bring a blanket or camp chair to sit on, and even a picnic dinner if you’d like. Children must be accompanied by an adult.
Let's Get Ready for the Spaghetti Dinner
The Irvington Spaghetti Dinner is a decades-long community-building tradition for students, families, and staff. During the spaghetti dinner, teachers serve the food while families and friends share a meal together in the Irvington cafeteria. Food options will include noodles served either plain, with butter and parmesan, or with marinara sauce and optional meatballs. Salad and bread will also be served, and gluten free and vegan options will be available. All of this happens 5:30-7:00 on Thursday, May 23.
We are asking families to RSVP so that we can get an estimate of how much food to order. RSVP-ing will not commit you to or exclude you from attending. Entering your email address will allow you to change your response later if you need to do so. Please RSVP here - your best estimate will help immensely!
May Counselor Corner from Ms. Blum
We are nearing the end of the school year and this time can be tough to stay focused because of changes in schedules, fun, school-wide events, and digging deep to find effort to finish strong. Please reach out with any questions or concerns that may come up.
May and June Lunch Servers Sign Up! <REPEAT>
Thank you to everyone who has been able to help serve lunch in the cafeteria so far this school year! We’re in the home stretch - May and June sign ups are now open - CLICK HERE to sign up! Interested in helping out? Start by becoming a PPS-approved volunteer here.
Download the Remind App! <REPEAT>
In an effort to save money and streamline communication, the district will move all communication to the Remind app next year. I will wait until next school year to make the switch for Irvington, but you can start preparing by downloading the Remind app now. (Don't worry: I'll share much more information about this over the summer!)
Upcoming Events
Monday, May 6: Popcorn Monday, 3pm
Monday, May 6: PTA meeting, 5:30-8:00pm
Tuesday, May 7: Connect to Kindergarten gym obstacle course, 5-6pm
Wednesday, May 8: Walk+Roll to School Day
Tuesday, May 14: Irvington Arts Night, 5:30-7:00pm
Tuesday, May 14: Harriet Tubman Middle School Info Night, 6pm
Thursday, May 16: Connect to Kindergarten information session, 6-7pm
Friday, May 17: Spirit day (decades dress up)
Friday, May 17: Tea with Mr. G., 9am
Thursday, May 23: Annual Spaghetti Dinner, 5:30-7:00pm
Wednesday, May 29: Annual talent show, 9am (note the new time!)
See it all at a glance here: