December 13, 2024

Focusing Our Commitment to Unlimited Success
Polar Express Day
The Friday before Christmas break is such an amazing time of year at Endeavor. Students check in with their teachers each period and are then dismissed to hang out in the cafeteria. We watch Christmas movies, eat popcorn, enjoy cookies and hot cocoa. Students can play games, visit with Nugget the comfort dog, and catch up on any missing work prior to the end of the semester. School is dismissed at 12:55.
Santa and Friends
Might there be a return of our special guests for photos?
Santa's Bestest Boy
Nugget is always on Santa's nice list. He will be here on Friday.
Picture Perfect Christmas
Lots of opportunities to come to school on the last day of the year. Don't miss out
Activity Day at Endeavor
A Letter From the Principal
Parents, thank you for the opportunity of working with your amazing children. The staff and I at Endeavor are working hard to meet their educational needs. We are constantly searching for additional tools that can keep us connected to our students, and also provide social and emotional learning tools to prepare them for success.
Endeavor High School has partnered with SchoolPulse - a solution that helps us to provide support, encouragement, and weekly inspirational messages for your children. We highly recommend you encourage your Endeavor student to use this free tool. No passwords or logins are needed, all you need to do is have your child text ENDEAVORHS to this phone number 78573 and they will immediately gain access to this inspiring content. You are welcome to join as well.
- Text “ENDEAVORHS” to 78573
- Hit Send… Enjoy!
You can also just scan the QR code above, hit the link, and send the text!
Phone numbers and responses are completely anonymous, and will not be used for any other purpose. Your privacy is extremely important to us. We value you, your children, and your efforts to positively reframe during this time. Thank you for your consideration.
Mark Sims
Endeavor High School
Every School Day Matters!
Endeavor High School Academic Expectations
It is coming to the end of the fall semester at Endeavor. Many students have taken advantage of what the program can do for them. We have nearly 20 graduates already with the majority of them starting college in January!
Unfortunately, some students have either not been coming to school regularly and/or are not meeting the academic expectations for Endeavor students. All students are expected to earn a MINIMUM of three (3) credits each semester. Three (3) credits are what is typically earned at a traditional high school for each semester. Endeavor is designed for students to excel and earn credits at their own pace. Although we understand that not all students learn the same, students who have good attendance rate will earn 4 to 5 credits in a semester at Endeavor.
Students at Endeavor who have not earned a minimum of three (3) credits run a high probability of having to return to CHS. In some cases, students are not successful at Endeavor because they have difficulty maintaining the responsibility of completing work on their own. If this is the case, CHS would be a better fit. Students are given assignments in smaller chunks with shorter deadlines to meet.
Grades will be finalized by the second week of January. Parents and students will be notified that week if their child must return to CHS. If your child is an open enrollment student, they will have to return to their home school district’s high school.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Mark Sims
Endeavor High School
How Do I Get Motivated?
Parents Empowering Parents
SPED P.E.P. Parents will learn to be advocates for their students, their families, and themselves! P.E.P. meetings will be a catalyst that nurtures more open communication and collaboration with the Channelview ISD SPED Department, teachers, and administrators - With the overarching goal to help SPED parents get the answers and help that their child and family needs! Meeting coordinators will act as liaisons for connecting families to the right contact at the SPED Department AND as a resource for finding other contacts they might need for supplemental support inside the home (beyond what Channelview ISD can provide). Families will also be encouraged to share their stories during parent-led therapeutic “support group” style sessions at the end of each meeting - Where SPED parents can also become P.E.P. Heroes by volunteering their time to help other SPED parents at home!
We are here to become better advocates for ourselves and for
our families.
We promise to believe in our kids and their special strengths.
We promise to give ourselves the same grace we give our kids.
We promise to give ourselves permission to cry.
But we also promise to give ourselves permission to SHINE!
For more information, please text 832-723-2384.
Cap and Gown/Graduation Ring Ordering Info
The official graduation merch website is now online. Click the links below for:
- Cap, gown, and tassel purchase
- Class rings
- Graduation announcements
- Grad clothing accessories
Where to locate the official cap and gown for the Endeavor Graduation.
When you are on the official Endeavor High School/Herff Jones website:
- Click "Grad Gear & Apparel"
- Scroll towards the bottom until you get to "Grad Essentials"
- Click "Gown, Cap, & Tassel Unit" that is $60. This will also include the red sash.
- See the video below for more info.
Orders will delivered about 2-3 weeks before graduation.
Graduation is Friday, May 16th at the Bill Neal Center in CISD.
Endeavor High School/Herff Jones Website Link:
Senior Catalog Link:
Ring Catalog Link:
Scholarship Opportunity
John Garrison Scholarship Award
From Shell Federal Credit Union...
The Shell Federal Credit Union, John Garrison scholarship awards were established in the year 2000 in memory of John Garrison, a dedicated member of the Shell Federal Credit Union board of directors. Mr. Garrison served on the board for over 50 years as a volunteer and his vision and volunteer spirit are still an inspiration for us all. We hope that applicants will embrace that same spirit and carry it forward into their careers and achievements. This year, 20 $2,500 scholarship awards will be provided to deserving graduating high school seniors from the class of 2025 who are either attending of educational/technical school or an accredited two-year or four-year college/university in the United States.
General Eligibility Criteria
- Own or establish a shell FCU savings account in the applicant's name
- Account in good standing with a minimum of $5.00 balance
- Plan to attend an accredited two or four-year college or university technical/vocational school in the United States
The application, along with the student’s essay, official transcript, and signed release form must be submitted (postmarked) no later than January 18th, 2025. The scholarship application can also be completed electronically or printed directly from our youth website from the link below.
Application packets can also be picked up from the Endeavor front office.
What is the ACT/SAT test?
Both the SAT and the ACT are nationally administered, standardized tests that help schools evaluate your application and see how prepared you are for college courses. The SAT and ACT generally cover the same topics. Both ACT and SAT scores are used for college admissions decisions and awarding merit-based scholarships. Most colleges do not prefer one test over the other. Neither the SAT nor ACT is harder than the other. Different students tend to do better on one test than the other.
ACT Vs. SAT Which is right for you?
Take a quiz to find which is right for you!
Bell Schedule
Important Dates
December 20: Polar Express Day! Early Dismissal
December 23 - January 6: Christmas/New Year Break
January 7: Return to school