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Muckleshoot Tribal School
November 2024 Newsletter
Chief School Administrator - Eric Wyand
Welcome, Muckleshoot Tribal School Families,
As we move into the Holiday Season, we wish everyone a safe, fun, and meaningful time with their family.
Important Information:
MTS Snow Days/School Closure
If a snow day or a school closure is activated, students will remain at home and will not be required to participate in virtual learning. The school will be closed.
If snow days or school closures are activated, make-up days may be added at the end of the school year.
Communication regarding snow days or school closures will go out to the community. Please check the MTS website, phone messages, and Flash Alert at https://www.flashalert.net/
Report Cards
Quarter 1 ends on November 7, 2024. Keep an eye out for the report cards that will be sent out in November.
November 1 - No School for MTS students. Staff Professional Development Day.
November 11- Veterans Day Holiday-No School.
November 27- Early Release Day.
November 28- Thanksgiving Holiday-No School.
November 29- Thanksgiving Holiday- No School.
December 13- Regular Friday schedule for MTS students.
December 20- No School for MTS Students, Staff Professional Development Day.
Student Handbook
Elementary - Krista Yi
As we wrap up the first two months of school, I want to take a moment to thank our parents and guardians for attending conferences, answering school calls, and partnering with us to support your children each day. We’re a team, and your insights are invaluable!
One area we’re asking for your help with is cell phone use. Cell phones have become a growing concern in elementary school, as some students are using them during instructional time or in ways that aren’t appropriate. Please remind your child about our expectations to keep cell phones put away during school hours. We appreciate your partnership in addressing this.
Secondary - Rick Brownell
As we move further into this new school year, I want to take this opportunity to address the growing concern regarding cell phone usage among our students and encourage open communication with you regarding responsible digital habits. I believe collaboration is key, by working together, we can ensure that our students utilize technology in a way that supports their academic success and overall well-being. Please have a conversation with your student on the importance of appropriate cell phone use and following teacher expectations on classroom usage.
Reminder MTS is a Closed Campus
Muckleshoot Tribal School is a closed campus. Closed campus means students may not leave the campus during school hours, including breaks, unless they have been granted a “Permit to Leave” slip from the attendance office. Closed campus also means visitors and non-students must check through the front gate and school office before being allowed to visit the school. We must know who is on campus at all times.
MTS is a One Way Campus
Please make sure you are driving the correct direction. This is to ensure the safety of our students and staff.
Athletics - Steven Gray- Athletic Coordinator
High school winter sports season will begin November 18, 2024. This includes boys and girls basketball, cheer, and boys and girls wrestling.
Sports physicals are required for participation and are valid for 2 years.
Those licensed to perform physical examinations include a Medical Doctor (MD), Doctor of Osteopathy (DO), Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioner (ARNP), Physician’s Assistant (PA), and Naturopathic Physician.
We will be hosting a parent meeting before the start of the winter season. More information on that to come.
Counseling Team
*Rheza Peterson - Elementary Counselor - Email: Rheza.Peterson@muckleshoot.com
*Ian Ilgenfritz - High School Counselor (Grades 9-11) Email: Ian.Ilgenfritz@muckleshoot.com
*Krystal Adolph -Success Coordinator (Grade 12 & School Programs: Running Start, Skills Center, Port of Seattle Internship, College in the HS, Credit Recovery, Athletic Credit, Work Credit, XELLO)
- Email: Krystal.Adolph@muckleshoot.com
Our state graduation requirements are designed to ensure students have a solid foundation of reading, writing, math and science skills, no matter the path they choose after high school. We encourage families and students to meet regularly with their school counselors to ensure they are on track for graduation.
Upcoming Events for Juniors & Seniors:
WSU EXCEL Camp 11/1/24-11/3/24
MTC College Planning Day Field Trip 11/6/24
Money Skills Field Trip 11/7/24
Money Skills Field Trip 11/21/24
Financial Literacy Youth Summit 11/30/24
Credit Recovery
CTE Pathways
Graduation Pathways
Graduation Requirements
Senior Portfolio Checklist
Nurse - Kristen & Lucinda
Don’t forget to get your flu shot if you haven’t yet this season.
Medications at school - If your student needs medication or treatments while at school, a medication form must be completed by the parent/guardian and a physician order must accompany the medication. Medication orders and health care plans require annual review and renewal.
Please keep your child home if showing signs of illness.
Keep your student home if they have:
Fever of 100.4℉ or higher
Test positive for flu or COVID-19
Experience vomiting or diarrhea in the past 12 hours
Cold symptoms, such as runny nose, congestion, sore throat coughing or sneezing (unless allergy related)
Red, inflamed, swollen eyes with discharge or crusting (not related to allergies)
Rash of unknown origin, oozing sores or wounds that you can’t cover or contain
Untreated head lice
NYCP Upcoming Events:
Google Valley CampusTour 11/05/24
Renton Technical College Tour 11/12/24
Green River Tour 11/13/24
IGNITE* In-Person Panel 11/15/24
Northwest College of Art and Design Tour 11/20/24
IGNITE* Interview Skills Workshop 11/22/24
Students can sign up by scanning the QR code on the flyers around the school or come talk to Olivia Bentley in room 3217.
*IGNITE aims to increase diversity and close the gender gap in STEM related fields. They serve girls, including nonbinary, transgender, agender, and genderqueer students.
No Place for Hate
This month we are forming our committees and taking the pledge to eradicate hate at MTS.
November will also bring lessons on treating ALL people with respect and looking at how our words are powerful tools that can hurt or heal.
Native Youth Salmon Summit
MTS High School Science took 5 students to the Native Youth Salmon Summit in October 2024.
The Northwest Indian Fisheries Commission is organized a Native Youth Salmon Summit for October 2024. In partnership with Salmon Defense and the Tulalip Tribes, and with support from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, our aim is to inspire Native youth to pursue careers in natural resources—ultimately helping to protect and preserve their treaty resources and the environment for all in Washington state.