Lincoln School News
September 2024
School Hours - 8:10 - 2:40
Principal's Perspective from Mr. Lang
September 2024
Hello Lincoln Families,
We have had a great start to the 24-25 school year. Students are excited to be here, staff are excited to have them and we are getting settled into our routines. We have made it through our daily schedule twice now! We have some important dates/events coming up along with some additional information to share, so please plan to read the remainder of the newsletter! I am also addressing some of them specifically below. If you have any questions, please reach out to me.
Bring Your Parent to PE Day (Friday, September 27th)
Our Physical Education Department is hosting parents again this year in our Bring Your Parent(s) to PE Day. This is a great opportunity to come in and learn about our PE routines, what activities your students take part in PE and overall, just a great chance to spend some time with your student(s) at Lincoln. A few important reminders:
If you would like to attend, please be sure you have completed the RSVP form by Wednesday, September 25th by 3:00 PM. Late registrations will not be accepted.
For security purposes, please bring a picture ID with you (driver’s license preferred) so we can confirm your identity.
Additionally, if you have not RSVP’d and come on this day, we will have to decline your attendance. Again, this process ensures our students and staff are safe and it also allows for a smoother process in the office.
On this day, you will receive a sticker to wear to show you have checked in. If you do not have your sticker, staff will direct you to the office to get one.
If you have multiple students at different times, we will ask that you come back through the office and follow the same process.
If you have any questions about the day, please feel free to reach out to your student’s PE Teacher. If you have questions about the process, please direct them to me.
Lincoln PTO Fundraiser
Students are busy getting out into our community to help support our PTO with our annual fundraiser through Club’s Choice. Please work with your student(s) in this process so they are clear when talking with neighbors, friends or family in the process of “pitching” or selling. Refer back to the informational items provided in the fundraiser packet and feel free to reach out to the Lincoln PTO if you have any questions.
Lunchroom Update
For the 2024-25 school year, we have returned all students to eating in the lunchroom. This has been a bigger change for students in 2nd-5th grade, as they are used to eating in the classroom. I am also including our lunchtimes below by grade level in the event you want to join your student(s) to eat. We ask if you would like to join your student(s) for lunch, please let the office know at your earliest convenience. If you will be eating a school lunch, the office will let the kitchen know to make an extra lunch.
See student lunch times below:
Overall, we have had a very successful start. Students are receptive, are engaged in conversations and enjoy their food choices. I often hear, “The food is so good” and of course we have students who are hoping to sit by their friends. One of the goals of this change was to provide students more opportunities for engagement with peers outside of their classroom, in addition to improving our overall building conditions. As the year progresses, we will hope to include some more fun options (music, movie, etc) for kids as they are eating. More to come!
Lincoln Teddy Bear Parade-A Homecoming Tradition!
You will read later in our newsletter our First Grade Lincoln Leaders will be celebrating their work in creating their Teddy Bear Floats through our annual Teddy Bear parade. The date and details will be listed below and also were shared by classroom teachers. For this event, we would ask that you line up around the outside of the building along the sidewalks.
In the event it rains the day of our parade and we need to be inside, you will be required to bring a picture ID (driver’s license preferred) to show Cheryl and Pam in the office before entering. **If you do not have a picture ID, we will not be able to allow you in the building for security reasons.**
If you would like to take pictures with your student, we ask that you take them outside. If you plan to go to your child’s classroom, again you will need to enter through the office and will need a photo ID. If you plan to have your student go with you for the remainder of the day, you can check them out through the office as you similarly would any other time of year.
Justin Lang
Mark your Calendar
September 24th-Fundraiser Turn in/Sales end
September 27th-Bring your Parent to PE Day
September 28th (Saturday)-OHS Fun run at OHS K-2 9:00am and 3-5 9:15am
September 30th-Dress up: PJ Day
October 1st-Dress up: Sports/Jersey Day
October 2nd-Dress up: Vacation Day
October 3rd-Dress up: Teacher/Student Swap Day
October 3rd-Brooktree Fun Run all grades at 3:15 at the Brooktree Upper Nine Golf Course
October 3rd-Picture re-takes at Lincoln including groups: band, orchestra, safety patrol and student council
October 4th-Teddy Bear Parade for Lincoln first graders starting at 10:10am
October 4th-Dress up: Husky Pride and 2 hour early release for homecoming. School releases at 12:40pm.
October 8th-PTO Meeting at 6:00 in the Art Room
October 8th, 9th and 10th-Let's Smile Dental Clinic at Lincoln
A Message from Ms. Mattie Hellerud Lincoln School Counselor
Dear Lincoln Elementary Families,
I would like to take a moment to introduce myself to you and your family. My name is Ms. Mattie Hellerud and I am the new elementary school counselor at Lincoln. I am excited and honored to be joining this amazing team of educators. I look forward to meeting you and your student(s) and helping your student(s) succeed to meet their own personal goals for this school year and beyond.
I am an additional resource here at school to help your student succeed in his/her academic goals, as well as support social and emotional growth throughout the school year. Counseling sessions in a school setting are typically short-term in nature and focus on solutions to help your child succeed in all areas of his/her development.
Counseling activities can include individual counseling, group counseling, or whole class presentations. Many of these activities will focus on helping students explore career, academic, and postsecondary opportunities and build their skills to be career and college ready. Other activities will focus on helping students learn ways to build positive social skills, gain confidence in their ability to interact with others, and learn ways to deal with problems and conflicts constructively.
My role as your child’s school counselor is to be an advocate for your child and work collaboratively with parents, students, teachers, administrators, and with our community by assisting students with their academic and social/emotional needs.
The goals of the school counseling program are:
To assist students with educational, personal, and goal planning.
To help students understand themselves and others.
To assist students in identifying and dealing with problems.
To provide crisis intervention when necessary.
To coordinate referrals to school and community support services.
To serve as a resource to students, parents, teachers, and administrators.
Some reasons to contact me are:
School adjustment issues
Coping, problem-solving, decision-making concerns
Organization and test-taking skills
Peer relationships and conflict resolution problems
Divorce, separation, and family changes
Experiencing loss, death, and grief
You may contact me anytime through email at mhellerud@isd761.org or by phone at (507)-444-8136.
Mattie Hellerud
School Counselor
Homecoming Early Release
Lincoln Students will be released from school at 12:40 on Friday, October 4th to attend the homecoming parade downtown Owatonna at 1:30. The OHS football team will host Mankato West at the OHS Stadium-Federated Field at 7:00pm. Go Huskies!
Fundraiser Information
The fundraiser sales end on 9/24/24. Please turn in the packets to the Lincoln office.
Fundraiser products will be available in the small gym for pick up on October 23rd from 4:00pm-6:00pm.
If you are interested in helping with fundraiser pick up, passing out purchased items to families, please contact Leah Wunderlich at lwunderlich@isd761.org.
Teddy Bear Parade
The Lincoln 1st grade students will construct a float and parade around Lincoln on Friday, October 4th at 10:10 am. Here is the link which provides more information on this Lincoln tradition!
Bring Your Parent to PE Day
Lincoln's PE teachers would like to invite parents to join their student during PE class on Friday, Sept 27. During the 30 minute class period, you will be able to participate in the fun with your student.
Please fill this form out for each student you plan to participate with.
On Sept 27 - Arrive at Lincoln 5-10 minutes prior to your students PE class.
- Check into the office with your driver's license.
- Once checked in you can head outside to the south side of the school in the tree area.
- If the weather is not ideal we will move the event to our inside phy ed spaces and will communicate to you.
- Last day to sign-up is Wednesday, September 25 by 3:00 PM.
-Due to the number of visitors, we will not be able to accept late registrations. If you have not RSVP'd by this date, we will not be able to accept you the day of this event.
We are excited to have you join our class for the day! If you have any questions please email: Mr T - dthorson@isd761.org, Mrs. Ihrke - sihrke@isd761.org or Mr. Holt - lholt@isd761.org
Owatonna High School Game/Event Ticketing Information
All game tickets and activity passes are sold through Hometown Ticketing. We do NOT accept cash for tickets. We encourage tickets to be pre purchased on this site - https://www.owatonnaactivities.com/ticketing.
Some reminders when you attend games:
K-5 students must be accompanied by an adult 18 & older for ALL events.
Online ticketing is used for all events that require tickets for admission. Tickets can be scanned from your phone or printed and scanned.
Game tickets are available on the site above 1-2 weeks prior to events.
Tickets are non-refundable. Ticket refunds minus the service fee will be provided for CANCELLED games only. No refunds for postponed games.
No cash accepted for game tickets. We can accept credit cards at the gate if you have not pre purchased your tickets.
Individual tickets are $8/adult and $5/student
No re-entry for football games and football games require ticket admission through the entire game.
Let's Smile Information
Below is information on the dental clinic being offered through Let's Smile, Inc. for Lincoln students in October.
School Picture Information
Picture proofs will be coming to Lincoln soon. The proofs will have all the information you need on them to order pictures, if you haven't already done so. Here is the website link to order pictures through Lifetouch. Please watch for the picture proofs to come home in your student's backpack. They will be arriving at Lincoln within the next week.
Lifetouch picture retake day will be on Thursday, October 3rd. If your child will be getting their pictures retaken, please have them bring back the picture proof to hand to the photographer on retake day.
Flu Vaccination Clinic
Elementary Student Handbook Information
Please click on the Student Handbook and Expectation for Learning form to review the student handbook.
Volunteering at Lincoln School
If you are interested in volunteering at Lincoln School, please email Leah Wunderlich at lwunderlich@isd761.org. She will verify if you need a background check. Owatonna Public Schools requires all volunteers/chaperones to complete a background check every 5 years. You will receive an email from administrator@trustedemployees.com to complete the background check. Once the link is activated, you have 30 minutes to complete it. Below is an example of the email.
Let's Support Team "L"
More Information
Lincoln Elementary School
Website: https://www.lincelemowatonna.portal.rschooltoday.com/
Location: 747 Havana Road
Phone: 507-444-8100
Facebook: Lincoln Families Facebook Page
Twitter: @LincRoadRunner