Notes & Quotes
September 6, 2024
Lugoff Elementary School
Dr. Melissa C. Lloyd, Principal
Mrs. Jennifer Bonds, Assistant Principal
"A Title 1 School"
"Mission Possible: Engaging Every Child, Every Chance, Every Day"
994 Ridgeway Road, Lugoff, SC 29078
Phone 803-438-8000, Fax 803-408-3970
Website –
The mission of Lugoff Elementary School is to develop competent, confident, lifelong learners by creating a safe, child-centered environment where the school and community collaborate to help students attain their maximum potential.
Week at a Glance
September 9 - 13
Monday - Book Fair Opens
Tuesday - Annual Title 1 & SIC Mtg. - 5:00 PM/PTO Mtg - 5:30 PM/
Book Fair Family Shopping Time: 1-2:15 PM
Wednesday - Grandparents' Day Parade - 8:30 AM
Thursday -
Friday - Book Fair Family Shopping Time (7:40 - 9:00 AM)/Book Fair Ends @ Noon/
Face Painting by the PTO/House Huddles
Looking Ahead:
Monday, September 16 - Last Day to Turn in World's Finest Chocolate Money
Tuesday, September 17- Constitution Day
Wednesday, September 19- Parent Conferences (3:00 - 6:30 PM)
Friday, September 20 - Parent Conferences (7:30 - 11:30 AM)
Annual Title 1/SIC Meeting
The Lugoff Elementary School Improvement Council is elected yearly. Although our council acts in an advisory capacity only, our administrators work closely with this important group to work toward the betterment of Lugoff Elementary. Working hand in hand with our SIC is our Title 1 Committee. They both meet Tuesdays, eight times a year. We will vary the times for our meetings this year in order to hopefully encourage more participation. The first meeting will be held Tuesday, September 10, 2024 at 5:00 PM in the art room. Please come and learn about our SIC, as well as what it means to be a Title 1 School. In addition, we will discuss the use of the Title 1 funds we receive, review the parent engagement policy, discuss parental responsibilities, rights and involvement, and much more. Please come!
Grandparents' Day Parade
Our fourth annual Grandparents Day Parade will be held on Wednesday, September 11 at 8:30 AM. If it rains, our rain date is Wednesday, September 18 at the same time. Please feel free to decorate both sides of your vehicle and include your grandchild's/grandchildren's names since you won't know which side of the circle they will be on. Grandparents are to begin lining up in the car rider circle between 8:10 and 8:20 AM.
Fall Book Fair!
Tuesday, Sept. 10: 1:00pm-2:15pm
Friday, September 13: 7:40am-9:00am
Flyers were sent home Thursday, and you may preview even more titles that will be at this fair on our Fair website:
While you’re there, set up a Book Fair eWallet, the digital payment account that allows your child to shop for books at the Fair without cash. Then share your eWallet link so friends and extended family can add funds. When you fund an eWallet, you’ll have the opportunity to contribute to a giving initiative called Share the Fair™. Your contributions directly support our students who need help buying books from the Fair. Many of us still remember the rush of finding the perfect book at a Scholastic Book Fair! Happy reading!
World's Finest Chocolate Fundraiser
Thank you for your support of our World's FInest Chocolate fundraiser. As a reminder, the last day to turn in your money is September 16th. If you have any questions, please contact our PTO at
Lugoff Elementary Good News Club
Good News Club is an exciting, fun-filled weekly club for kids in which the Bible is clearly taught with dynamic stories, creative learning activities, meaningful songs, and life changing scripture memory! Good News Club will meet every Thursday from 2:30-4:00 starting September 23rd and snacks will be served! "Permission slips can be accessed via a link or QR code through PeachJar." We are looking forward to a great year!
Information to Keep Handy
Parent/ Student Handbook 2024
Here is an updated copy of our handbook. Changes were made specifically to page 40. Please take a moment and check it out!
Title 1 Parent Involvement Responsibilities Policy
Parent Involvement Policy
The school will have a parent involvement policy which is developed with parents of
participating children and distributed to parents of participating children. This parent involvement policy describes how parents can become involved in the school.
Annual Parent Meeting
The school will hold an annual parent meeting at which time the Title I program, stu-
dent selection procedures, and the Title I requirements including the rights of parents to be involved are explained. Parents are to be involved in an organized, ongoing, and timely way in planning, reviewing, and improving the Title I program.
Regularly Scheduled Meetings
The Title I teacher(s) and school principal will offer regularly scheduled meetings to
provide parents of participating children opportunities to develop suggestions, to share experiences with other parents of participating children, and assist in decisions relating to the education of their children. Flexible times for meetings will be arranged to allow parents of participating children opportunities to receive assistance in reviewing and making suggestions for the Title I program. Parents will receive timely information about the school performance profile, their child’s assessment results, and test interpretation. Parents are to receive
a description and explanations about the school curriculum, types of assessments
used to measure progress, and the proficiency levels students are expected to meet.
School-Parent Compact
The Title I teacher(s) and school principal will assist parents of participating children in the development of a School-Parent Compact which describes how the school will provide a quality curriculum and high level of instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment that enable the children served to meet the State’s student performance standard. The compact will describe the ways parents will support their child’s learning such as monitoring television watching, attendance, and homework completion; volunteering in their child’s classroom; and participating as appropriate in decisions relating to the education of their children and positive use of extracurricular time.
In addition, this compact will address the importance of communication and the partnership between students, teachers, and parents and requires (a) at least one parent teacher conference, (b) frequent progress reports to parents, and (c) reasonable access to school staff with opportunities as a classroom observer and participant. The Title I teacher will keep on file a signed compact for each Title I student.
Building the Capacity for Involvement
Staff materials and training will be provided on the value and usefulness of the contributions of parents. This in-service will instruct all school staff in how to reach out to, communicate with, and work with parents of participating children as equal partners.The school will coordinate and integrate parent involvement programs and activities with other school programs and community-based programs, organizations, and businesses that include a role for parents of participating children and a role for community partners.
The school will conduct activities designed to help parents of participating children become full partners in the education of their children including reasonable support for parental involvement requests and accessibility to parents with limited English proficiency and with disabilities. Information and school profiles should be provided in
a language and form parents of participating children understand.
Car Rider and Walker Tags
If you do not have this year's car rider tags, now is the time to get them. The link is Anyone with the wrong tag will be sent to the front office to be identified. This is a protocol that we utilize to help maintain safety.
LES Counts are Healthy - AGAIN!
Communication is the Key!
Happy New School Year! The key to a successful school year is COMMUNICATION between home and school! The following link will take you to all the ways we communicate with our families throughout the year. You will get a hard copy of this list as well, so we ask that you put it somewhere to gain easy access.
Avenues of Communication Link:
Be Great Academy
Be Great Academy is presented by Boys & Girls Clubs of Kershaw County, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation.
Our rates are based upon the family's ability to pay. Tuition assistance is offered based upon verified household income. For assistance with registration, please contact us to speak with a member representative at 803-231-3300.
Mon-Fri 2:30pm - 6:30pm to 4K-5th Grade
Register now Online at
- Homework help
- Nationally recognized programs
- Sports & recreation
- The arts and S.T.E.M.
- Snack & much more