Parent Newsletter
Lawford Cunningham, Superintendent

Enrollment Application is Open Until April 2025
All applications, including the common web application and the paper application, received on or before April 1, 2025 are entered into the lottery. A third party lottery software application randomly selects applications for the lottery placement. A selection preference is applied to the lottery process. Lottery Preference by order:
1st. Preference: Sibling- the student entering the school has a sibling registered at the school.
2nd. Preference: Employee- an employee is enrolling their child to the school. The employee preference is limited to 15% of the charter school’s total enrollment and the child must reside in New York.
3rd. Preference: District- The child must reside in the school district on the date of the lottery.
The school district is determined by the home address on the application.
The school district for each Icahn school can be found here:
- Icahn Charter School 1 KG-8 | District 9
- Icahn Charter School 2 KG-8 | District 11
- Icahn Charter School 3 KG-8 | District 11
- Icahn Charter School 4 KG-8 | District 11
- Icahn Charter School 5 KG-8 | District 11
- Icahn Charter School 6 Lower KG-4 | District 9
- Icahn Charter School 6 Middle 5-8 | District 12
- Icahn Charter School 7 KG-8 | District 8
Your home school district can be found here: https://schoolsearch.schools.nyc/
Message From Your Superintendent
Dear Students, Families, and Staff:
Happy New Year! I hope the time off was restful and joyful. I am confident that our staff is ready to tackle the second half of the school year.
As we begin this new year, I want to shed light on the incredible resilience and dedication that our school communities have shown throughout the first four months of schools. It was not always easy, but we battled through some of the toughest and emotional moments as as team. Despite challenges faced, we are committed to providing supportive and engaging environments in all Icahn Schools. Together, we will continue to grow, learn, and achieve great things.
As always, thank you for believing in the Icahn Schools. Your partnership means the world to us.
Lawford Cunningham
From the Desk of Deputy Vasquez
Stay the Course: Support Attendance, Engagement, and Learning This Winter
As we approach the 100th day of school on February 24, we want to celebrate all the progress your child has made this year! Attendance and punctuality are essential to keeping that momentum going, even during the winter months when snow, freezing temperatures, and seasonal illnesses can make getting to school more challenging.
We understand that winter brings its own obstacles, but showing up—on time and ready to learn—builds resilience and helps your child feel engaged and connected to their school community. Every day and every minute in school matters for your child’s success.
Why Attendance and Punctuality Matter
· Our students are expected to attend at least 90% of the school year.
· Everyday counts: Missing just 10% of school days—about two days a month—can impact your child’s ability to learn and stay on track.
Small Delays Add Up
· 5 minutes late each day: Equals 3 days of lost learning
· 10 minutes late each day: Equals 6.5 days of lost learning
· 15 minutes late each day: Equals 10 days of lost learning
· 20 minutes late each day: Equals 13 days of lost learning
· 30 minutes late each day: Equals 19 days of lost learning
Building confidence: Regular attendance and punctuality help your child stay connected and feel successful in their learning environment.
Tips to Stay on Track This Winter:
Here are a few ways to help your child make the most of every school day:
1. Plan for bad weather: Have a back-up transportation plan in case of snow or rain. Partner with other families to form a “walking school bus” or carpool.
2. Keep children healthy: Encourage handwashing, proper rest, and warm clothing to prevent illness.
3. Communicate concerns: If your child feels anxious or is unwell, contact the school nurse, teacher, or counselor for support.
4. Stay engaged: If your child must stay home due to illness, reach out to their teacher for learning materials to stay connected and on track.
Attendance, Lateness, and Early Pick-Up Policy:
To learn more about our school’s expectations for attendance, lateness, and early pick-ups, please review the Family Handbook https://www.icahncharterschools.org/documents/family-handbook/525490). These policies are designed to help ensure every child has the opportunity to succeed.
We’re here to support your family through any challenges. If you need assistance or have questions, please contact your child’s school office. Together, we can ensure your child’s success this school year—every day counts!
Adapted from Attendance Works https://www.attendanceworks.org.
Students Celebrated Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed: "We hold these truths to be self-evident: that all men are created equal."
Lunar New Year at the Icahn Charter Schools
Chinese New Year, also known as Lunar New Year or Spring Festival, is the most important festival in China and a major event in some other East Asian countries.
Chinese New Year is the festival that celebrates the beginning of a new year on the traditional Chinese lunisolar calendar. Chinese New Year 2025 will fall on Wednesday, January 29th. The date changes every year but is always somewhere in the period from January 21st to February 20th.
Icahn Administrators | Professional Development
Recap Key points from The Impact of Gratitude Leadership, Strategies for Effective Management, Motivating Staff Beyond Traditional Incentives, Maximizing Staff Potential for Enhanced Performance, and Embracing Distributive Leadership.
Effective Communication in Leadership
- Highlight key elements of effective communication
- Key components of Effective Communication
- Role-playing to practice Communication skills
Author's Digest
I wanted to extend my heartfelt congratulations to Ms. Gina Oliver, Assistant Principal of Icahn #3, on the release of her first children's book, Theo the Plane Who Couldn't Stop Flying. This is an amazing milestone, and a testament of all the hard work, passion, dedication Ms. Oliver displays.
There is always something incredibly special about a debut, and I can only imagine how proud Ms. Oliver must feel to finally see her words in print in HER OWN BOOK!
Again, congratulations and we are super proud of you!
Lawford Cunningham, Superintendent
Theo The Plane Who Couldn't Stop Flying
Written and Illustrated by Ms. Gina Oliver
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ICS 6 Community Service
As part of Icahn Charter School 6’s community service initiative, we are addressing hunger within our community and exploring ways to provide support and raise awareness. We partnered with the Food Bank for New York City to combat hunger. The Food Bank for New York City collaborates with various agencies to tackle this critical issue.
During their volunteer time, students took on specific tasks and roles. They sorted and organized various products, including non-meat proteins, grains, drinks, and more, and labeled boxes to contribute to this important cause.
ICS 6 Students Volunteer
NYC Food Bank
Icahn Charter Schools | Professional Development K-2 Teachers
Teachers and Paraprofessionals in grades kindergarten through second participated in professional learning on Friday, January 10th, led by Ms. Oliver, ICS3 AP, ICS3's K-2 teacher teams. The ICS3 team expertly led K-2 teachers through a deep dive of Wit & Wisdom Module 3 using Wigging and McTighe's Understanding by Design framework. Teachers developed and deepened their understanding of the structure of backwards design and the benefits of backwards planning. At it's core backward design refers to as “purpose-driven teaching.” It asks teachers to first identify what learning outcomes you want your students to achieve before considering what methods and tasks students will engage.
Saturday Academy
Our Successful Saturday Academy Program began in January. Below, please see the remaining Saturday Academy schedule for the 2024-2025 School Year:
February 1, 2025
February 8, 2025
March 1, 2025
March 8, 2025
March 15, 2025
March 22, 2025
April 5, 2025
April 26, 2025
May 3, 2025
Looking Ahead: Black History Month
- Friday, February 7, 2025 - Network Wide Professional Development (12:00 PM Dismissal for Students)
- Wednesday, February 12, 2025 - No After School Programming
- Thursday, February 13, 2025 - Family Teacher Conferences (12:00PM Dismissal for Students)
- Friday, February 14, 2025 - Valentine's Day (Remote Day for Students)
- Monday - Friday, February 17 - 21 - Midwinter Recess (Schools Closed)
- Monday, February 24, 2025 - All Staff and Students Return to Buildings
- Monday, February 24, 2025 - 100 DAYS OF SCHOOL
Icahn Charter Schools
The mission of Icahn Charter Schools is to cultivate a climate of collaborative excellence among students, staff, families, and the community. Our Four Pillars of Transformative Education guide Icahn Charter School educators to adopt a holistic approach to teaching. The student-centered learning experience is redefined through individualized learning environments that empower Icahn scholars to take ownership of their education. Our Core Knowledge Curriculum and transformative instructional practices promote learning through innovation and creativity to meet the needs of our diverse learners. Through strategic partnerships among stakeholders, a nurturing community is built to share in the success of the whole child. Icahn scholars graduate equipped with the skills, knowledge, and personal confidence to participate successfully in the most rigorous academic environments and demonstrate a sense of personal responsibility as global citizens.