Oakhurst Weekly

Thank you for your service, Nurse Jackson!
A very special Veterans Day shout out to our own Nurse Jackson who served in the
US Army from 2008-2012.
Parent's Night Out (Movie Night!) + Auction Date
Our amazing PTA is hosting a Parent's Night Out Movie Night on Friday, November 15th. The movie we're showing is Migration, and you can read more about it HERE.
Space is limited. Click the link in the PTA section below to register.
The emailed version of the PTA Monthly listed an incorrect date for this year's auction. The correct date for the auction is March 1, 2025. Please read the PTA section below for details!
We'll be collecting these items Monday, November 11-Friday, November 15.
School Picture Makeups and Retakes
Picture retakes/makeups will be on Wednesday, November 13.
Any child who did not have a photo taken on October 9 will automatically be included in makeups.
Action item: please complete this form if you would like your child to have their photo retaken.
All students will receive a Family Literacy Month Bingo card in their communication folders today. Instructions, rules of play, and helpful resources are on the front and back of the card.
This information can also be seen in this video.
Extra bingo cards can be printed here.
Cards should not be turned in before Monday, December 2.
Click on the image to the right for more information and resources!
Thank you for supporting family literacy!
Oakhurst families, please complete and submit this food insecurity request form if your student is experiencing food insecurity within the home and is in need of some supplemental weekend snacks.
The Decatur Education Foundation supplies Oakhurst with snack bags for any student in need. This request form will go directly to our school counselor, Ms. King, and she will send home a snack bag with your student every Friday. Please go through each week's snack bag to remove any snack you may not want your child to have due to allergy concerns, etc.
From PTA
Our fundraising events aim to alleviate the financial burden on schools, foster community involvement, and expand opportunities for our children. To that end, all children will be supported to participate. For questions email oakhurstelementaryschoolpta@gmail.com
A few reminders:
You can check out multiple books from the DEI Book Cart at once.
Return books at the next DEI Book Cart event in the coming weeks.
Watch for an automatic due date reminder via email from the new Libib system, used by both the DEI Book Cart and Game Center.