#EagleNation Updates
Week of 11/26/23/ Semana del 26/11/23

Welcome to the week of January 20th
Today’s inauguration reminds us of the importance of democracy and the power of collective action to shape the future. In alignment with Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s legacy of service and hope, let us come together to build a community rooted in kindness, equity, and opportunity for all.
D A T E S * T O * R E M E M B E R
Jan. 20: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Jan. 21: 2 HR Delay
Jan. 29: Teacher Grading Day
Thank you to the 7th grade team, 7th grade families and EagleNation volunteers who supported our students' visit to Finance Park where they got a taste of what it means to finance adulthood! I received feedback about our students having collaborative conversations about their bills and spending. Score!
Thank You AKA for Your Service to All Mankind, Including the EagleNation!
The ladies of Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Inc. assembled at Eastern in celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Day on January 20th. One of their service stations included packing CHIPP snack bags for students who have registered to receive these bags each Friday. We appreciate that they spent their day off providing service to our community.
*There are a few spots left. If you would benefit from having one of the donated snack bags, please call the counseling office for information.
Report Cards Are Coming!
Report cards will be distributed on Thursday, February 6th.
- The second marking period will end on Tuesday, January 28th
- School will be closed on Wednesday, January 29th.
Excel Beyond the Bell
We’re excited to announce that Excel Beyond the Bell (EBB) is coming to Eastern! This amazing after-school program, sponsored by Montgomery County Recreation, runs Monday through Thursday from 3:00 PM to 5:30 PM and offers a variety of fun activities like basketball, coed soccer, e-sports, fashion, anime, drama, podcasting, video game development, tennis, digital art, volleyball, LEGO motion, and much more! Sign-ups started on Friday 1/10 and will be collected through Wednesday, January 22nd. Don’t wait—get your registration forms in now! Forms are available in the cafeteria, main office, or room 303.
While EVERYONE is welcome to participate in EBB, please note that the 5:30 PM bus is only available for students who live locally. If you need transportation and don't qualify for the 5:30 PM bus, you can leave early and take the 4:15 PM activity bus, available Tuesday through Thursday.
Questions? Reach out to Paul Harmon and Gwen Rosero via email EBB.Eastern@montgomerycountymd.gov
EagleNation PTSA
We hope you're staying warm this winter! Due to recent school closings, our general body meeting has been rescheduled to February. At that meeting, we’ll share an updated events schedule, which we’ll also announce here soon.
In the meantime, here’s how you can stay connected and get involved:
- Join our PTSA listserv for updates: Eastern PTSA Listserv
- Become a PTSA member: Join Here
- Help with Cultural Heritage Night: Sign Up Here
Thank you for your continued support!
Mandatory student expectation lessons were shared to ensure consistent messaging to students regarding building a Culture of Respect and the MCPS Code of Conduct. The training modules are mandatory asynchronous learning accessible on every student’s MCPS Canvas page. Each lesson will take approximately 45 minutes. The completion of the lesson is important which is why during the first quarter, we allocated in-school time to complete the module. Currently the Eastern student body has reached 67% completion and we would like to move closer to 100% completion to ensure all students have certified their understanding of the Code of Conduct and expectations for respect in schools.
This year’s annual student training module has two parts, and both are required learning experiences.
- Part one is the updated edition of the annual “Culture of Respect.” We must take an active role to ensure students are informed and able to recognize signs of bullying/cyberbullying, harassment (including sexual harassment), hate-bias incidents, hazing, intimidation, student gender norms, and how to use the Speak Up Protocol.
- Part two ensures that students are aware of key information in the Montgomery County Public Schools (MCPS) Student Rights and Responsibilities and MCPS Code of Conduct documents. This training educates students on their expectations for creating a learning environment where everyone feels welcome, safe, and knows the various ways to report alleged/concerning incidents.
For questions regarding the modules, please reach out to Mr. Kerwin at: matthew_f_kerwin@mcpsmd.org.
Annual Montgomery Blair Math Tournament
The tenth annual Montgomery Blair Math Tournament (MBMT X) will be held on March 9th, 2025 at Montgomery Blair High School! MBMT is a free middle school math competition that seeks to excite students’ interest in mathematics and encourage them to pursue mathematics beyond the school curriculum. Find more information here.
Linkages to Learning Parenting Classes
Linkages to Learning is offering PEP parenting classes in Spanish via Zoom for 20 parents only. First come first serve! Classes will start Jan. 8th to February 12th. Feel free to contact nelliott@ymcawashdc.org if you have any questions.
F A M I L Y * R E S O U R C E S
* H E R E * T O * H E L P !
Emails and phone numbers for support in the school:
- Main Office: (240) 740-6280
- Admin Secretary: Ms. Perez: priscilla_b_smith@mcpsmd.org
- Attendance Secretary: Ms. Blanco: isaura_m_blanco-flores@mcpsmd.org
- Front Office Secretary:
- Financial Assistant: Ms. Zhang: rui_zhang@mcpsmd.org
- (Last Names A-Q): Ms. Meyer Jessica_A_Meyer@mcpsmd.org
- (Last Names S-Z): Ms. Birkett shondell_birkett@mcpsmd.org
- (Last Names A-R): Ms. Greene- rachel_m_greene@mcpsmd.org
- (Last Names S-Z): Ms. Birkett- shondell_birkett@mcpsmd.org
- Ms. Cwerner cayla_cwerner@mcpsmd.org
- Principal - Ms. Shorts: lisa_n_shorts@mcpsmd.org
- 6th Grade Assistant Principal- Deidre Levin: deirdre_m_mcshealevin@mcpsmd.org
- 7th Assistant Principal- Matthew Kerwin: matthew_f_kerwin@mcpsmd.org
- 8th Grade Assistant Principal- Charles Feamster: charles_s_feamster@mcpsmd.org
Family Supports:
- Parent Community Coordinator - Mirna Medrano-romero: mirna_a_medrano-romero@mcpsmd.org
- PTA President- Shripal Shah: eastern.ptsa.president@gmail.com
#EagleNation: Matching to students, staff & community needs for a 5-Star Experience!
Website: https://www2.montgomeryschoolsmd.org/schools/easternms
Location: Eastern Middle School, University Boulevard East, Silver Spring, MD, USA
Phone: (240) 740-6280
X : @EasternMS_Prin