Family Update
October 13, 2024
Greetings, families!
We hope you enjoyed your weekend and this beautiful weather! Interims were finally able to be pushed out at the end of last week. If you did not receive one in your email, please check your spam first before calling the office. This mid-marking period checkpoint is a great time to catch up with teachers to make sure students are on the right path for a successful first marking period!
We are excited for our first House Breakfast taking place on Tuesday morning at 8:00. Later in the day, Houses will meet together for the first time of the year! Be sure to ask your child what House he or she is in to wear the correct colors on Tuesday!
This Wednesday we celebrate UNITY DAY to stand up against bullying! We ask all students to wear orange to promote kindness and inclusivity within our schools.
This Thursday will be a busy day regarding school safety and preparedness. In the morning, staff and students will participate in the world-wide Great Southeast Shakeout with other schools, organization, and groups around the world. Please feel free to view the following resources for your information regarding how to respond during an earthquake:
Seven Steps to Earthquake Safety
Thursday afternoon Holly Hall, along with local law enforcement and our Department of Student Services, will participate in our annual ALICE Drill. While ALICE is an acronym for Alert, LockDown, Inform, Counter, and Evacuate, steps are not completed in this order as staff/students use the information they have to make the best decision for their safety. Our younger grades continue to use the text: I'm Not Scared, I'm Prepared. Please note that the Holly Hall campus will be locked down from approximately 1:45 - 2:45 on Thursday. Please contact the office if you need to make alternate arrangements for your child during that time.
Our first Principal's Cabinet will take place this Thursday at 5:00 either in-person or virtually- your choice. Please RSVP at ndreckner@ccps.org for attendance or to receive your zoom link.
Finally, we are always looking for Lunch Volunteers to help during the day! Volunteers open items for our younger students, hand out utensils and such, or simply enjoy chatting with our Herons. One day or more, one hour or more, that's the joy of volunteering... It is up to you! Please reach out to Mrs. Cooper at mbcooper@ccps.org if you are interested in volunteering during lunch. Lunch shifts are from 11:15 - 1:05 daily.
Please remember that Friday the 18th is a Professional Day for staff, and schools are closed for students.
National School Lunch Week
It's so much more than breakfast and lunch... Thank you to the best cafeteria crew for all you do! We love you every day... not just on nacho day!!
Those minutes add up!
Did you know that when students come to school late or leave early, the time adds up? If a student leaves just 10 minutes early each week, they will miss a full day of learning by the end of the school year. If they miss the same block of time each week, it may negatively impact their progress in that content area. While we understand that there are times students need to be picked up early due to appointments or come in late to school, we ask that you avoid this unless it's necessary.
House Craft Day!
Parent involvement and collaboration is a crucial part of our educational community at Holly Hall Elementary. Thank you for all that you do to support student success!
Come learn about the House System here at HHES, and create a House craft with your child.
Please join us on October 15th from 8:00 - 8:45 a.m. to discuss ways for you to get involved in the House system at home and school. Be sure to RSVP using this link: RSVP Here!
Principal's Cabinet
Feed the Candy Monster!
Please help support our Trunk or Treat by sending in your favorite candy! If you include your child's name and teacher's name, that classroom will earn pirate coins for their class!
Special Education Citizens Advisory Committee
SECAC: New Year, New Topics! Please join us for our first SECAC meeting of the year. October 17, 2024, from 6:00-7:30 pm at Rising Sun High School. Kristen Lehr, Coordinator for Behavior/Mental Health Service will present on “Supporting Children with Challenging Behaviors”.
Holly Hall PTO
From our Judy Center Partners!
Holly Hall is fortunate to be a Judy Center School!
The Judy Center supports children and their families from birth through age 5. We are collecting information about children not currently enrolled in school who would benefit from this program. Please take a few minutes to complete this survey attached. Thank you!
Link to Survey: https://forms.gle/5qswG6X4jL8op8Yq8
Supporting our public schools...
The cutoff for voter registration is 10/15/24. Please visit the Maryland State Board of Elections for more information or to register to vote.
On 10/22/24, the NAACP will host a candidate forum at Elkton High School beginning at 6:00 PM. All candidates for local office have been invited to participate.
Local elections have a significant impact on our schools. Please make an effort to learn about the candidates running for local office and support and vote for those that are committed to supporting public education in Cecil County!
Community Resources:
RISE Financial Workshop
October 18
Elkton SPOOKTACULAR Fall Festival
October 26
Write to Heal
November 7
Caseworkers are here to help!
October 15
Circle of Security
October 22 - December 17
Caregiver Conference
November 21
Your help is needed for our community:
Volunteers needed!
Holly Hall Elementary School
Proud Title I School
Email: ndreckner@ccps.org
Website: https://www.ccps.org/hhes
Location: 233 White Hall Road, Elkton, MD, USA
Phone: 410.996.5050
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/HollyHallElem