W.E.stchester Weekly

News from the Principal
Greetings WE Families,
It has been a terrific start to the school year. Everyone is getting settled into the new routines. It takes a lot of repetition and as the week goes on you may be seeing “Beginning of the Year Tired”. Trust me. This is a real condition. 🙂 There is a lot of new learning taking place and it can wear down the best of us. Be patient. It will pass. Stay the course in setting the back to school routines as well. preparing bookbags and clothes before bed and an early bed time are all important routines for your children. That helps save energy for the school day.
Just a reminder that the morning announcements begin at 8:15 AM. It is important for students to arrive at school in time to settle into their places by that time. School starts at 8:20 with our valuable Class Crew meetings.
Some upcoming events to place on your calendars.
August 12th - 23rd: STAR Universal Screening Assessment Window. These assessments are conducted three times a year to monitor your child’s academic progress.
August 28th: Early Release 12:50 Dismissal
August 29th: Curriculum Night 6:00 PM
August 30th: Community Circle 8:20 Families are invited to join us in the auditorium.
The Westchester Elementary School Leadership Team (SLT) is an elected committee consisting of Westchester parents/guardians, staff members and other personnel. The SLT is focused on school governance, student achievement, and family engagement. Some of the responsibilities of this team are to: Develop and approve the School Improvement Plan (SIP) and monitor the continuous school improvement planning process Determine the allocation of the school's instructional and technology budget Review student achievement data Recommend and support school needs to the CSD Board of Education during the annual budget process Help with the interview process of potential WE employees The SLT would like to hear from WE parents and community members with concerns, suggestions, and ideas to make Westchester a great place to learn for all of our students. Please contact any one of us at any time! We have three open positions this year. If you are interested in serving on SLT for the 2023-2024 school year, email Ms. Knox at cknox@csdecatur.net .
I have shared many times before but it warrants sharing again. “Great communities make great schools and great schools make great communities” It is truly a great time to be a Westchester Wolf!
From your grateful principal,
Christine Knox
Other Information:
Dyslexia Opt out info - same as last week
Annual Update: We have remaining families that need to complete the Annual Update information. If you have not already completed this, please take a moment to do this prior to Monday August 5th. Thank you for your attention to this important update to our Student Information System. (an email will be sent to each family who has not completed the update)
Pick Up Patrol: Thank you to everyone who has completed this registration. We know that new communication tools can be overwhelming as we make the transition. We have remaining families that need to complete this process. It was a very helpful information source along with the Google form to make sure we have accurate transportation plans for each child. Another benefit to this site is that you can use this one top spot to communicate with the office as well. Please add any attendance information under the “Other” tab. Ms. Brantley checks this and is able to run a report with all the necessary information for the day. We will not need to use the We-office-group email and have separate emails. Your attention to this change is greatly appreciated.
Parent and Families,
The form below explains City Schools of Decatur’s screening process of identifying students in kindergarten through third grade who might benefit from extra reading support, including those students who may potentially exhibit characteristics of dyslexia. The form outlines the screening process, next steps, and your right to opt out. Contact your child’s school for any questions.
Dyslexia Screener Opt-out Form
Calendar of Events
CSD News & Announcements
The news and announcements in this section are sent form the Wilson center.
New 2024-25 Superintendent's Student Advisory Council Members Needed
New 2024-25 Superintendent's Student Advisory Council Members Needed
Applications for the 2024-25 Student Advisory Councils opened in the Student Launchpad on Wednesday, July 31. The Superintendent's Council allows students to meet each other and discuss matters affecting their education with Superintendent Dr. Whitaker. Additionally, there will be opportunities for students to share creative ideas, concerns, or suggestions for improving our district. The application deadline is Wednesday, August 14, at 5 pm.
The application requires a Google account to enable students to upload submissions. While student CSD Google accounts are preferred, any Google account will access the form. Please contact your school's media specialist if support is needed to access the CSD Google account. Students may also access the application here using their Google account.
Infinite Campus Updates
Infinite Campus Updates
◽Schedules ◽Grades ◽Lunch Money ◽Contact Information◽Test Scores ◽And More!
At the beginning of every school year, it is critical for families to use the Parent Portal for back-to-school readiness. Action needed:
Complete the Annual Data Update (ADU). The ADU is how families verify or update critical communication and health information and do sign-offs for the handbook and code of conduct. From the Portal home screen, select More ⇒ Annual Data Update. More information about the Annual Data Update is available at https://www.csdecatur.net/adu, including a tracker showing which school is closest to hitting 100% submission! All new and returning parents must update student information via Infinite Campus.
Apply for Free/Reduced-Price Meal Benefits. We encourage ALL families to apply. Families that previously received benefits must reapply every year. In the Portal, select More ⇒ Meal Benefits. More information about the meal benefit is available at https://www.csdecatur.net/nutrition.
Add funds and set up balance alerts and auto-payment for meal account balances. In the Portal, select Food Service.
If you need help with the Portal, visit https://www.csdecatur.net/portalhelp or contact your school’s front office.
Name/Gender Change Requests
Parents and families can request a name change for your student. If you wish to have your child's chosen or preferred name updated in our records, please complete the name/gender change request form. Please note that the updated name and gender marker will be reflected in our Infinite Campus and Google Workspace applications. However, it's important to remember that CSD will only use legal names on official documents such as transcripts requested by outside sources.
If a legal name change has occurred, please contact your child's school to have the student's records updated accordingly. Thank you for your attention to this matter and for helping us ensure that our records are accurate and respectful of each student's preferences.
Accommodating Students with Disabilities and/or Special Dietary Needs
City Schools of Decatur will make accommodations for children with disabilities whose disability or special dietary need restricts their diet when that need is certified by a licensed physician. Milk intolerance is not considered a disability or food allergy. For modifications or substitutions to the school meals, the school’s Nurse or Nutrition Manager must have a written Medical Statement to Request Accommodations for Disabilities in the School Meal Programs Form on file that is signed by a licensed physician or licensed health care professional who is authorized to write medical prescriptions under State law.
The Accommodations form and the Milk Substitutions form are located here.
CSD Plans Launch of District App and Website, And One District Newsletter
Join Decatur Education Foundation, a Community of Problem-Solvers!
Join Decatur Education Foundation, a Community of Problem-Solvers!
Welcome to another great year in City Schools of Decatur! Decatur Education Foundation is proud to be this community's - YOUR community's - local nonprofit dedicated to helping solve the problems that keep Decatur's kids from finding success. DEF hosts community events (a brand new one is coming soon - be on the lookout!) and generates resources from our community to support programs that provide opportunities, address unmet needs, and support educators and students in ALL of our CSD schools. But we can't do it without your help! Support our work by volunteering, attending our events, or making a donation in support of Decatur's kids. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram to learn about upcoming events, and visit our website - www.decatureducationfoundation.org - to learn more about our work and how you can be a part of it! Our community. Our kids. Together, we make a difference.
Reminders from Last Week
Visit past newsletters for answers to your questions🤗
Westchester Elementary School
Who to Contact: Please see who the best contact is for your questions for a quicker response.
Website: https://www.csdecatur.net/Westchester
Location: 758 Scott Boulevard, Decatur, GA, USA
Phone: 404-370-4400
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/westchesterelementarycsd