BK Bulletin
Week at a Glance
May 6-10
May 6- 10 - Catholic Education Week
Monday, May 6
Healthy Hunger - Papa John's
Tuesday, May 7
Father Jack visiting classrooms today
Wahkotowin Club for Stealthy Shadows: Indigenous Outdoor Games
Wednesday, May 8
Hats on For Mental Health Day
Healthy Hunger - Subway
Bike Club starts today - for Grades 4-6 (permission form required to attend)
Thursday, May 9
Wear blue today for Catholic Education
Grade 4 & 5 Waste Management Field Trip
Grade 6 fundraiser - Popcorn for sale $2.00/bag
Skipping Club Starts Today - at lunch recess
Friday, May 10
Jingle Dress Presentation (morning)
May 12 - Happy Mother's Day to all of the beautiful women in our BK children's lives!
May 15 - Grade 6 camp mandatory parent meeting @ 7pm
May 16 - Moose Hide Campaign Day
- Inuit printmaking for Grades 4-6
- Last School Council Meeting for 2023-2024 - 6:30pm
May 17 - PD/Staff Meeting Day - No classes
May 20 - Victoria Day - No School
May 22 - Parent Appreciation Morning Drive Thru (morning)
- BK Skip-a-thon today!
May 23 - Living Rosary Today
May 24 - BK Family Glow Up Dance - 6-8 pm - please help support this event by signing up for a volunteer shift: https://m.signupgenius.com/#!/showSignUp/10C084CADA62DABFFCE9-45229151-bkschool
May 30 - Anything but a backpack day!
BK Family Glow Dance
Pre-Purchase Tickets here:
Please sign up for a volunteer shift here:
Jingle Dance Presentation
We are thrilled to have Jill Ladoceur join us on Friday, May 10 to share her gift of jingle dancing as well as share stories with us.
Originally from Kebaowek First Nation in Quebec, Jill Ladouceur is an Algonquin jingle dress dancer. She brings with her knowledge and teachings of her Algonquin culture as well as the gift of playing the women's hand drum and songs. Jill is also an Indigenous Education Specialist for Wild Rose School Division, teaches Indigenous Education at the high school level, and has spoken at several different conferences. She has written and illustrated 12 children's books for her home community as well as wrote a children's story for the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador Health and Social Services Commission about Children's Rights. She is a mother to 6 children and spends her free time educating her children about their culture, making moccasins, and constantly expanding her knowledge.
Bertha Kennedy Catholic Community School
Website: https://www.berthakennedy.com/
Location: 175 Larose Drive St. Albert, Alberta T8N 2G7
Phone: 780-458-6101
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/BKBOBKATS1/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/bertha_kennedy_bobkats/