Peterborough Elementary School
January 10, 2025
Dear PES Families,
What a fantastic first week back after our long break!
Today at our all school meeting we had our very first dance party of the year! Students had a blast dancing in the gym as we wrapped up our meeting. During this time, we also introduced our new initiative that aligns with our school motto to "Keep it on your mind —Be Respectful, Safe, and Kind," we will be recognizing one student from each grade level who exemplifies these qualities. Each month, we'll highlight students who demonstrate respect, safety, and kindness, reinforcing our motto and encouraging these positive behaviors.. If your child is receiving one of these certificates, you will be notified and invited to our meeting.
Next week we start our mid year assessment window. Students will complete a variety of assessments that help teachers understand where students may need additional support and where they are excelling. This data helps guide our instruction and informs us of the specific needs of each student. Please encourage your child to do their best!
Enjoy the weekend,
Important Dates
1/15- FELT Meeting 3:30-4:30
1/16- PTO Meeting 6:30-7:30
1/20- No School
About Us
Email: toconnor@conval.edu
Website: https://pes.conval.edu
Location: 17 High Street, Peterborough, NH, USA
Phone: 603-924-3828
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/peterboroughelementaryschool