Oak Leaf Weekly Update
River Oak Charter School
ROCS Community,
Below are photos from the 2nd Grade Earth Day Celebration!
Maureen "Mo" Mulheren, District Supervisor, visited the class to talk about Ukiah's recycling practices and green waste, and she took the time to walk with the class on the Rail Trail to pick up trash. The collage is in the small commons, please come see! Thank you Mo!
District Supervisor Mo Mulheren visits Class 2 on Earth Day!
Class Mural
Trash Pick Up along the Rail Trail
Reminders and Upcoming Events
Field trips this week:
- Class 2 Montgomery Woods Friday
- Class 4 Fort Ross M-T
- Class 5/6 Mendocino Woodlands Science Camp M-TH
- Class 7 Explorers Tournament Wednesday
- Class 8 USS Hornet Th/F
Upcoming Events:
- Pastels on the Plaza May 14th
- Screenagers: The Next Chapter May 18th 6-8
- Schedule Change: Charter Council Meeting on May 9th at 5:30 pm: https://zoom.us/j/92651770030?pwd=bWdnUCs4TjBWMzl5U1hLL3NpSE96QT09 Meeting ID: 926 5177 0030 Passcode: Pw86W2
- LCAP Community Meeting Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 982 4289 9272
Passcode: 996K4y
- Or, if you can't make the zoom, please take the LCAP survey to provide your feedback: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSejq90cjExTUjff93_LEsAYKqFH7NXKJGwSm3SkutgIeiBbkQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
Pastels on the Plaza Important News
- The event this year is starting earlier this year with children's performances starting at 9:30 AM -- not 10:00!
- Parent volunteer sign-ups for this year's Pastels on the Plaza event can now be found outside every classroom door K-8. Please learn about what your class is doing this year and help lend a hand!
- We only have 30 squares sold out of 100 and we need help selling more before time runs out. To help, contact Kaylee at: kaylie.edwards28@gmail.com
- We only have 15 artists out of 100 and we need to find more. To help, please contact Lillian at: lillianrubie@gmail.com
Don't miss this opportunity to learn more about autism!
AudienceParents and anyone interested in learning more about Autism
Price$ 35.00 per individual
Lost and Found Request
A RO parent lost a pair of air pod pros in a white case on campus sometime last week. If found, please bring to the front office.