Feeling Generous?
How to Donate to ASES
Supervisor's Letter
Dear ASES,
Huge THANKS to our families who have generously donated to the program. Please let me know if you need tax receipts.
I know life gets busy, so many of you intend to donate to our program. I hope ASES helps in that busyness, and in case you haven’t heard, all of the PUSD ASES program's budgets were affected this school year. Snack, supplies, and other items prices have increased, and salary wages increased, however, the ASES grant budget stayed the same.
If each family could donate at least $50 - $100/student, we would make up the shortfall and be able to continue to:
· allow students with no printer at home to print reports (ink costs a lot!),
· have paper, pens, pencils, and index cards available for homework,
· purchase ingredients for Cooking Club, ASES Store, and Homework Cafe
· purchase sports equipment, pay for referees, and uniforms
· afford paint, beads, and other materials for Arts & Crafts.
- Purchase gardening, Color Guard, and Cheer supplies.
We are at the end of our supplies purchased last year and need funds for more to keep our current schedule of activities going! Checks should be made payable to PUSD with BMMS ASES in the memo.
I am asking every family to consider helping us maintain (even expand!) the lively, creative activities your students have come to expect in ASES with voluntary donations. It’s all tax-deductible and is still a BARGAIN when you consider the cost comparison to E.S.S.:
· ESS PM program: $3,000 - $4,000 per student per school year,
We are just asking for a fraction of that!
Again, let us know how we can assist in your student’s success. We are here to help!
Thanks for your support of BMMS ASES!!
Mr. Jireh
Amazon Wishlists
Click Amazon Wish List Links
Donate Online
You can donate online through PUSD Classroom Online Donation Registry
Click this link and scroll down at the bottom to see ASES Department
Write a Check
Payable to PUSD
Donate Items
Please do not Venmo any amount more than $100. Please use the donation online via PUSD Classroom Donation registry or write a check.
Use Venmo for $1-100 only.
Give Cash
Any cash donations are appreciated.
Gift Cards
- Vons
- Costco
- Michaels
- Amazon
- Target
- Office Depot
- Dick's
- Visa
- Walmart
Tax Receipts
Please let me know if you need tax receipts. I can email them to you.
- Mr. Jireh (jiadvincula@powayusd.com)