December Tiger News

Principal's Corner
December 1, 2024
Dear IRS Families,
I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday break and are ready for the winter months to begin.
Our November Student of the month assembly was postponed and will be held with the December assembly. That will be celebrated on Friday, December 20th - right before the December break. We have also decided to hold a school wide celebration on Friday, December 20th with various activities throughout the building.
Our annual holiday concerts this year will be grades 5 and 6 chorus and band on Monday, December 9th with grades 7 and 8 chorus and band to follow the next day Tuesday, December 10th. Both concerts begin at 7:00 p.m.
I hope you all stay safe and healthy as we begin the winter trudge.
Warmest Regards,
Kevin Towle
News from the Nurse
Just a reminder...
Flu and cold season are among us . . . . Please remember to keep your student home from school for a fever of 100 or greater and not return to school for 24 hours after the fever has subsided with no fever reducing medication. Students who have been vomiting or have diarrhea also need to stay home for 24 hours after the vomiting and/or diarrhea has subsided.
Thank you for helping to keep our school community healthy.
Please see the CDC website for more information about common respiratory viral illnesses. We have seen an uptick in "walking" pneumonia throughout the upper valley. Watch for symptoms, and be seen if you have a prolonged fever, headache and a slowly worsening cough.
Cell Phone Use
We have seen an increase in cell phone use throughout the school day including in the middle of class. We would like to reiterate the cell phone policy for Indian River School, if a student MUST use their cell phone they should ask to go to the office where they are able to use it. It should not be out in class, lunch, activity period/recess or the hallway.
Electronic Devices During School: Though students may have their cell phone and other electronic devices on their person or in their locker throughout the school day, these items may not be out without explicit permission from a staff member between 7:40 am and 3:00 pm. If these items become visible, even if they are not in use, the student in possession of the electronic device will be given a verbal warning. If the electronic device is not removed from view immediately, or if the electronic device becomes visible again in the same school day, the student will be referred to the administration. Electronic devices that reach the administration will be confiscated for the duration of the school day and returned to the student upon dismissal. If a student is referred to the administration for the possession of an electronic device for a second time in the same school year, that device will be confiscated and will be returned, not to the student, but to the parent or guardian of that student. Each subsequent violation of the school’s electronic policy will result in the same consequence for the duration of the school year.
Winter Weather
Winter weather is here, likely to stay. With that being said let’s talk about your child’s winter gear. Recess will be held outside unless the temperature is under 10* and/or it is raining, or the grounds are deemed unsafe. This also goes for activity period if the teacher chooses to bring the students outside.
What should your student wear?!
- Pants
- Snow Pants (if they plan to play in the snow)
- Jacket
- Boots
- Gloves/Mittens
- Hats
Also, as a reminder, students wait outside in the morning until we open the doors at 7:40am. They should plan and dress accordingly.
Tutor Information
Stay tuned! Tutoring information will be available soon, we look forward to sharing these opportunities for the students to grow and learn.
1st Quarter Honor Roll
1st Quarter High Honor Roll
December Spirit Days
Upcoming School Dates
Quarter 2 Progress Reports
Friday, Dec 6, 2024, 07:00 AM
November in Review
Eloise P. was able to bring family members in to the STEAM Night - All Things Art. With these nights friends, family and siblings are welcome to join in on the fun.
Elizabeth S., Annabelle S. and their mom, Miranda enjoying some girl time during the STEAM - ALL Things Art Night. Students and their guests made magnets, glow in the dark paint, scratch art and more.
Students and families were able to participate in the STEAM Night - All Things Art. These STEM and Steam night are put on by the Title One and Ms. Dunkerton.
Wynny G. and her mom, Jess, working on their art during ART STEAM Night in Ms. Dunkerton's room.
This beautiful Turkey bulletin board made by our sixth grade students
Lou B. and her mom, Ostin, work hard on their monsters during the Title One Monster themed STEAM night.
Savannah C. and her dad during the Monster STEAM night. Ms. Dunkerton works closely with Title One to provide fun and interactive STEAM/STEM nights.
Anson W. showing off his Monster creation.
Cedric D. and mom, Veronique, play a game during the Monster STEM Night. There are several different activities available during these Title One events.
Eloise P. showing off her colorful monster filled with feathers.
Paper airplanes are always fun, these students are testing their designs in out 6th grade hallway.
Music class led by Mrs. Maynard decided to enjoy some beautiful fresh air on a November morning for their ukulele lesson.
Some of the our 5th grade students had fun during the "Anything but a backpack day" put on by student council.
Kate L. carries her belongings in a drawer for anything but a backpack day.
Roots Program
Roots is a program based our of Corinth, VT. The program offers wilderness skills and traditional handcraft classes. While they offer classes in Corinth we are lucky enough to have some of their mentors come to us and spend two days with our sixth grade students.
Typically the mentors demonstrate how to start a camp fire with tools from the woods, this year due to the open fire ban we had to adjust the activities a bit. This year they were shown some handcrafted tools, how to use a bow and arrow, and how to build a shelter using what nature provides. Below you will see some pictures from their two days.
For more information about Roots visit their website - https://rootsvt.com/
OLE Packet
Lunch Balances
Indian River School has over $2,000 of unpaid lunch fees already this year. If you have received a letter for an unpaid lunch balance we would appreciate a prompt payment. Please reach out if you would like a free and reduced lunch form.
There are a couple of different ways to pay for student breakfast/lunch balances.
- You can send money in with your student who can bring it to the kitchen staff to put on their account.
- You can set up an online account through MyMealtime and put money on their account. Check out the food services section of the school website for more information.
You will receive a paper copy of any outstanding balances. If you need help, please reach out to the office.