Tiger Tracks
September 30, 2024 Volume 49, Issue 7
Trinity Lutheran School, 8781 Brunswick Road, Minocqua WI 54548
Shorts Policy: Today is the last day for students to wear shorts to school until May. This is per the Parent/Student Handbook (page 28). Starting tomorrow, October 1, shorts will no longer be permitted to wear to school until spring.
Spirit Wear: Spirit Wear order forms were sent home last week. Please return your form and payment by THIS FRIDAY, October 4. The hope is that the orders will be done by the end of October.
Trinity Seedlings: Trinity Seedlings is a program for children ages 1-3 to come and learn about Jesus. We meet in the school library on the first Friday of the month during the school year. We invite anyone who has a 1-3 year old to join us. Invite a friend! Our next meeting will be this Friday, October 4 from 8:30-9:30 am.
No School: Next Monday, October 7, Trinity will not be in session. Our staff will be attending a Pastor/Teacher Conference in Tomahawk that day.
MAP Growth Testing: Next week, students in grades 3-8 will be taking our standardized testing program, MAP Growth. Results from the testing will be available immediately for the teachers, thus making it easier for the teachers to guide instruction for each individual student as the year progresses. Results will be sent home as soon as they are available. Please make sure that your student gets plenty of sleep each night and a healthy breakfast in the morning so that they are at their best! If you have any questions regarding this matter, please contact Miss Schmidt.
No Bus Service: Please be aware that we will not have bus service on Monday, October 14. The public schools have no school that day.
Fish Fry Social: Trinity Lutheran Church & School adults are invited to attend a fish fry at the Norwood Pines in Minocqua on Friday, October 25. Seatings will be offered at 5:30 pm and another round at approximately 7:00 pm. You will be able to order what you wish and pay via separate checks. Please RSVP to Matt Kock via phone or text at 715-892-3712 by October 24. We hope that many of you will be able to attend as this is a great opportunity to interact with others from the church and school family in a social setting!
Mark your calendars... Watch for information coming soon!: Trinity will be holding a Fall Speaker Event on Thursday, November 14. The presenter will be from the Aspirus Tick-Borne Illness Center. Dinner and childcare will be provided. Watch for more information and registration forms coming next week.
Church Attendance: Every week, church attendance will be taken in kindergarten through 8th grade. Its intent is to encourage an active worship life in our school families. Please make weekly worship the highlight of your week.
Sunday School and Bible Class: Each Sunday following our 9:00 am worship service (10:30 am). Sunday School is for students in preschool through 4th grade. Bible Class is for 5th-8th grade, high school students, and adults. All are welcome to attend!
Midweek Chapel: Each Wednesday (8:15 am) throughout the school year, Trinity conducts a midweek chapel service. We encourage and invite all of our preschool and K-8 parents and families to join the students for this 15-20 minute service each week. This year’s chapels will center around the theme “Connected to Christ”. Our chapel offerings will be given to the Military Services Committee. This committee provides face to face ministry to WELS military personnel serving in the United States and Europe. They also provide resources for those serving on ships or deployed somewhere else in the world. To date, we have collected $85.86 for this ministry.
Lost and Found: If your student misplaces an item during the school year, be sure to check the lost and found shelf outside the office.
School Absences: If your student will not be in school on a given day due to illness, please either call the school office to leave a message or contact your student’s teacher directly. Only parents can excuse an absence; siblings cannot. A Notice of Absence sheet (available in the school office or online) needs to be filled out when an absence is preplanned. It should be returned to your student’s teacher prior to the absence. Thanks for your cooperation!
Upcoming Events
1 - Volleyball Practice 3:30-4:30 pm
2 - Midweek Chapel 8:15 am
3 - Volleyball Practice 3:30-4:30 pm
4 - Trinity Seedlings 8:30-9:30 am
7 - NO SCHOOL - Pastor/Teacher Conference
8 - Home Volleyball game vs. Northern Lights Club 4:30 pm
9 - Midweek Chapel 8:15 am
10 - Vision & Hearing Screening (PK4-7th grade)
11 - Bus Safety (PK4-5th grade)
14 - No Bus Service
15 - Home Volleball game vs. Zion, Rhinelander 4:30 pm
16 - Midweek Chapel 8:15 am
17 - Volleyball Practice 3:30-4:30 pm
19 - Middle School Volleyball Tournament - Northland Lutheran High School
20 - Students sing for Worship 9:00 am
22 - School Picture Day
Forensics - grades 3-5 and 6-7 (in class)
23 - Midweek Chapel 8:15 am
End of 1st Quarter
24 & 25 - No School - WELS State Teachers Convention
25 - Fish Fry Social 5:30/7:00 pm
28 - Report Cards come home
Spirit Wear
Don't forget....All orders need to be turned in to your child's teacher or the school office no later than Friday, October 4. The hope is that we will have the items in hand by the end of October. If you have any questions, please contact Pam in the school office.
Classroom Updates
Mr. Habben - Grades 6-8
Good morning Trinity, here's what's going on in our classroom this week.
Memory Work:
Tuesday- Ephesians 4:32
Thursday- 1 Peter 5:7
Friday- Hymn #663 "Soul, Adorn Yourself with Gladness" verse 8.
Math: 6th grade has a math test today (9/30).
Literacy/Spelling: There will be a quiz on "Summer of the Monkeys" chapters 1-3 today (9/30). List #6 will be the spelling words for the test this Friday.
Science: There will be a quiz on Wednesday this week on lesson 2 "Energy Flow Through Ecosystems".
Social Studies: There will be a quiz this Thursday on lesson 2-2 "Exploring Economics".
Note: There will be no switching classes today (Monday, 9/30) between 3-5 Writing/Typing class and 6-7 Science.
Have a blessed week!
Mrs. Wetterau - Grades 3-5
Memory Treasures:
Wednesday, October 2nd - 1 Peter 5:7
Friday, October 4th - "Christ the Vine" Hymn 709 vs. 1 and 2
Section 1- Unit 4 Week 1
Section 2- Unit 6 Week 1
The final test will be Friday, October 4th.
Social Studies:
The students will begin learning the Northeast states and capitals. Please practice these states at home with your child. The test on these states will be in a couple of weeks. Look to next week's Tiger Tracks for the date of the test.
Next week, the students will take their 1st MAPS standardized test. Tuesday (Oct. 8th), they will have their Language test. Wednesday (Oct. 9th), they will take their Math test, and on Thursday (Oct. 10th), they will complete the reading portion of the test. These standardized tests are done twice throughout the year to measure your child's progress.
Mrs. Habben - Grades 3-8 Science & STEAM
In 3-5 science we are learning about speed and energy and are preparing to make a marble roller coaster.
In 6-8 science we recently made a compost bin and we hope that it works to help us learn about how detritivores benefit our environments. Students are learning about food chains and webs and how energy flows through ecosystems. They will be creating a food web poster of an ecosystem of their choice which is due Wednesday 10/9. They will be having a quiz on lesson 2 this Wednesday 10/2.
Last week in STEAM students learned how to write and follow a recipe card to make homemade applesauce.
Miss Schmidt - Grades K-2
God’s Time
Our theme this week: “Lack of trust leads to trickery and trouble, but God forgives.” We will learn how Jacob tricked his father, Isaac, in lesson 7A. We will also see God’s forgiveness to Jacob in lesson 7B.
Memory Treasures
· Tuesday - I Peter 5:7
· Thursday - Kinders - Matthew 28:20
· Friday - 1st & 2nd - I John 1:7
The children have the October Memory Treasure calendar with this note. Please note events happening this month!
Have a great beginning of October in Christ!
Miss Schmidt
Mrs. Habben - Preschool
This Week in Preschool: 9/30-10/4
PK4 Snack Week - Anna K.
Theme - Autumn, Pumpkins, Feelings
Christ Light - Joseph becomes a Ruler
PK3 Snack Week - Margot H.
Theme - Dd, Green; Ee, Blue
Christ Light - God answers Abraham’s prayer for a son
Next Week in Preschool: 10/7-10/11
PK4 Snack Week - Levi W.
Theme - Autumn, Pumpkins, Feelings
Christ Light - Baby Moses
PK3 Snack Week - Mason S.
Theme - Ee, Blue; Ff, Purple
Christ Light - Jacob’s Dream
4K will begin learning Luke 11:28 which will be recited on Friday 10/11. Please go through this passage with your child at home as well. If you have not given me a photo of your child for the whiteboard in the room, please do so soon so it can be completed. The students love looking at their pictures on the wall. A reminder that next Monday 10/7, there is no school because of the Pastor/Teacher conference.
Lakeland Area Programs
Connect with Trinity Lutheran Church
Worship is held on Sundays at 9:00 am and Mondays at 6:30 pm.
Worship services are livestreamed and recorded on our YouTube channel, Trinity Minocqua - YouTube
Sunday School is available for children ages 3 through 4th grade at 10:30 am on Sundays. Adults and older children are invited to Bible Class at the same time.
Look for us on Facebook and Instagram. Each Tuesday pastor posts, "Where's Marty" with the answer revealed on Fridays.
Watch for pastor's blog, Wednesday's Encouragement, posted on Wednesday mornings on our website and Facebook.
Trinity Lutheran Church & School
8781 Brunswick Road
Minocqua, WI 54548
Visit our social media: Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube. Worship services are livestreamed on YouTube each week.