Weekly Community Correspondence
Week of March 24, 2025
Hello BPS Families,
Spring arrived on Thursday and we are looking forward to another season full of fun and learning. Congratulations to our third grade students on their wonderful strings showcase and to the BPS PTA for a fantastic Art Night (see entries below). The BPS Variety Show, a family-favorite event, is fast approaching. Helpers are needed back stage. Thanks for reviewing the additional information below which may help you decide when you would be able to lend a helping hand. Second trimester report cards will be available in PowerSchool on Friday, 3/28. Thank you for taking time to read through the remainder of this Weekly Correspondence which includes information on the BPS Fiesta, the signature fundraiser of the BPS PTA. Have a wonderful week ahead!
Michael Klimko
Interim BPS Principal
Strings Take Center Stage
Congratulations to the performers in the 3rd Grade Strings Showcase held this past Wednesday. It was wonderful to see how much they have learned about their instruments and about playing music. Congratulations are also due to Orchestra Director Ms. Ruiz on a fun and informative performance.
BPS Art Night Makes a Statement
BPS Art Night was held on Wednesday evening and brought together families in shared creation. The theme of this year's mural was eXploring Our Connections. The mural was created in the pop art style of street artist Thank You X and featured his cubed-shaped design. Student artists drew a self portrait on one panel and a picture of something they love or enjoy on the other. When pieced together they created a color reflection of our school community. Thank you to BPS PTA co-chairs Mrs. Dyer and Mrs. DiGioia-Weinfeld for their hard work on this fun event as well those who volunteered at the two sessions.
BPS Student Council Collection
The Brookside Place School Student Council is organizing a collection for local animal shelters that starts tomorrow, Monday, March 24 and runs for the next two weeks. Thanks for taking a moment to review all the details in the flyer below.
Chess at BPS Kicks off on Tuesday, 3/25
The BPS Chess Club/Clinic makes its opening move this Tuesday, 3/25 in Mrs. Halkias's Kindergarten Room from 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM. Dismissal will be from the Kindergarten door on Spruce Street. Special thanks to the BPS PTA, the CHS Chess Club, Mrs. Halkias, and the custodial staff for supporting this fun and informative club. The dates for all four Chess Club/Clinic sessions from 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM in Mrs. Halkias's classroom are listed below.
* Tuesday, 3/25
* Thursday, 4/3
* Thursday, 4/10
* Wednesday, 4/23
Grades 3 & 4 Night Out: Wacky and Wild Game Show on Thursday, 3/27
It's sure to be a wacky and wild night on Thursday, 3/27 for the Grades 3 & 4 Night Out. Thank you to all who returned their permission slips and paid the $5.00 fee. The “Wild ‘n Wacky Challenge” features crazy obstacles, friendly competition, and plenty of laughs including whipped cream pies and slime!
Event Details:
📍 Where: Brookside Place School Gym
📅 When: Thursday, 3/27 | 6:30 PM – 7:30 PM (Please Arrive by 6:20 PM)
💰 Questions? Please reach out to Mrs. Larkin (zlarkin2014@gmail.com) or Mrs. Sheppard (aksheppa@gmail.com).
⚠️ Please Note: The slime and whipped cream pies contain dairy. While the slime does not contain nuts, it is made in a facility that processes nuts.
Grade 2 BINGO ~ Please Register by Thursday, 3/27
BPS Grade 2 students are invited to a BINGO Night on Thursday, 4/3 from 5:30 PM - 6:30 PM in the cafegymatorium. (This is a drop off event.)
If your child would like to attend, please register by Thursday, 3/27 using this link:
2nd Trimester Report Cards Available on Friday, 3/28
Report Cards for the 2nd Trimester will be available in PowerSchool on Friday, 3/28/25.
Variety Show: Backstage Helpers Needed
The BPS Variety Show: Road Trip USA is almost ready to hit the highway, but helpers are still needed backstage! Please consider being a class chaperone. To help you decide when to volunteer, the order of appearances are listed below. Please Click here to sign up! If you have questions, please reach out to chaperone coordinator Erin Moeller, at erinmoeller@gmail.com. Thank you!
BPS PTA Fiesta: Details, Reservations and Raffles
Please see the information below from the BPS PTA:
The BPS Fiesta is coming up on Friday, April 4th and it’s time to purchase your raffle tickets here! The early bird ticket specials are still available through Sunday, March 23rd!
Many of you may be wondering what this event is all about?! Check out the details and please reach out if you have any questions.
What is BPS Fiesta?
This is the BPS PTA’s biggest fundraiser of the year. Think of it as a mix between a tricky tray and a fun night out. Make a reservation for dinner or just come to see friends and for the raffles. Either way, come to support our school!
How does it work?
The prize baskets are set up on the River & Rail outdoor patio. Purchase raffle tickets and enter for the chance to win the prizes of your choice. The majority of the fundraising proceeds are generated from the ticket packages. River & Rail also donates 10% of BPS related sales back to our school.
What can I win?
This year's baskets are shaping up to be amazing! All 18 baskets are valued at $400 and above....many have even greater value! Check out the baskets here. Remember, "you gotta be in it, to win it!"
Ticket Information: Purchase your package here! Ticket pick up will be at the event. If you can't make it, you can still participate in the raffles. Contact Jamie (908-447-4130) and Christine (908-591-9029) to arrange the plan.
So, arrange for a sitter and come join us at River & Rail. Make your reservations by calling River & Rail directly at 908- 922-4300 and be sure to mention it is for the BPS Fiesta.
Are You Smarter than a Cranford / Garwood 5th Grader? Trivia Bowl on Wednesday, 4/2
Are You Smarter than a Cranford/Garwood 5th Grader? Trivia Bowl is a fun community event that closely mirrors the format of the TV game show. Adult contestants answer trivia questions with the assistance of a panel of fifth grade students from elementary schools in Cranford and Garwood. The event takes place on Wednesday, 4/2 at 6:00 PM at Orange Avenue School. The Grade 5 students representing Brookside Place School will be: Scarlett Oberhamer from Ms. Antoniewicz's class, Cole Dreissig and Ryan Geraghty from Mrs. Collins' class and Lucas Gaetano from Mrs. Scholz's class. Come out and enjoy this family-friendly event and support our panelists on Wednesday, 4/2!
Kindergarten BINGO on Friday, 4/11
There will be a BINGO Night for all BPS Kindergarten students on Friday, 4/11 from 6:00 PM - 7:00 PM. This is a drop off event for students and parent/guardian helpers are also needed. Please see this link to sign up your student and/or volunteer: BPS: Kindergarten Bingo Questions? Please contact Mrs. Geraghty at geraghtymeghan@gmail.com or Mrs. Riley at nadia898@yahoo.com
Reporting a Student Absent
When reporting your child absent please call Mrs. O'Hara's direct line at 908-709-6246 or email her at bpsattendance@cranfordschools.org (corrected link). Please remember to include the specific reason for the child's absence and their teacher's name.
Spring Time Recess Reminders
* Spring time brings changes to the weather.
* Students will go outside for recess whenever the weather permits.
* Thanks for sending students to school with temperature appropriate outwear and remember that wind often makes it feel colder
* Students should refrain from wearing shorts, skirts, or dresses when they would be uncomfortable in them outdoors
* Thanks so much for writing student names inside all clothing that could be misplaced or lost
District Information
SEL Calendar 2024 - 2025
Please CLICK HERE for the Cranford School District Social Emotional Learning Calendar for the 2024-2025 School Year
Food Policy for Cranford Public Schools
Cranford Public School District's number one priority is the safety of its community. Towards this end, the District has modified its policy (5331 - MANAGEMENT OF LIFE-THREATENING ALLERGIES IN SCHOOLS) which makes celebrations in K-8 food free. Please read Dr. Rubin's full letter regarding this change in policy.
Community Information
Girls On the Run: Unlocking Power and Potential
Girls on the Run is a program the emphasizes health, community and confidence. There are teams for girls in Grades 3 - 5. The season starts Monday, 4/7 and culminates with a 5K race on 5/31 with practices twice a week.
Please see this flyer for details: Girls on the Run Cranford 2025
Registration is available at: www.girlsontherunnj.org
Camp Invention ~ Summer 2025
Fun and creativity collide at Camp Invention which will be held during two separate weeks at Orange Avenue School.
Week 1: Discover ~ June 23 - 27, 2025
Week 2: Recharge ~ July 7 - 11, 2025
Please see this link for additional information: Cranford Camp Invention Flyer
Go Green Folder
Please click here to access additional information from the Cranford Community: Go Green Folder
Brookside Place School
Email: danna@cranfordschools.org
Reporting a Student Absent: bpsattendance@cranfordschools.org
Website: https://bps.cranfordschools.org/
Location: 700 Brookside Place, Cranford, NJ, USA
Phone: (908) 709 - 6244