The Patton Post
Friday, September 22nd

Friday, September 22nd
It was such a fabulous way to start the week and I know I speak for all the Patton staff when I say how grateful and thankful we are for our wonderful parents and PTA volunteers.
Our First Grade Family Night went off without a hitch last week and was enjoyed by all. Thank you to the PTA for organizing it and I hope all the families that attended had a great time!
We had an excellent fire drill today - all the students were incredibly well behaved and followed all the instructions perfectly! I was very proud of them!
Thank you to those of you that have signed up for a conference with your child/ren's class teacher! For those of you who may have missed the email, the link is included further down in this newsletter. Please do take the opportunity to schedule this one on one time with your classroom teacher!
Please remember that Monday is a NON ATTENDANCE day! Please enjoy the long weekend and, for those of you observing, we hope you have a meaningful Yom Kippur.
Ellie Chin
We had an incredibly fun time at our First Grade Family Night last week! Our PTA did an amazing job and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves! We were lucky enough to get amazing weather as well!
Parent/Teacher Conferences - October 12th and 13th - (NEW POST!)
Our signup genius went live on Sunday, September 17th at 7pm! Thank you to all of those that have already signed up for a time! Please find the link here for those of you that still need to/wish to do so!
Conferences are always a great way for you to spend some one on one time with your child/ren's classroom teacher and to understand how your students are progressing this year.
Please remember that school will NOT be in session on these dates.
4th and 5th Grade Homework Club (NEW POST!)
Families of 4th and 5th Graders,
Beginning next Thursday, Mr Morkert will be offering an after-school Homework Club once a week on Thursdays (with a few exceptions). It will run from 3:35pm (right after school) until 4:30pm. Homework Club offers a quiet room where students can work on homework or silently read (or work on other assignments given by teachers). I will be available to assist if questions arise.
Students will need to sign up for Homework Club via a Signup Genius link (Sept/Oct HW Club Signup) that will be sent home each month. Those not signed up will be unable to attend.
On the signup, you will need to indicate whether your child will walk/bike home, or if you intend to pick them up. If picking up, you will need to be in front of the school by 4:25pm.
CAP students are welcome to join. They will need to still sign up AND be sure to sign in to CAP to let the supervisors know that they will be attending. They will be expected to stay until the end.
Please feel free to reach out with any questions (tmorkert@sd25.org).
PTA Sponsored: FALL FEST & MOVIE NIGHT - Fri, 29th Sept, 6.30-9pm (NEW POST!)
Please register HERE for this fun, family event!
All registered family members will receive complimentary popcorn at the start of the movie!
Additional Fall Treats will be available for purchase including apple cider, hot chocolate, apple cider donuts and pumpkin donuts - all for $1/item.
Fall Fest will run from 6:30-7:30 before the movie starts. There will be hay rides and fall games.
This is NOT a drop-off event, children must be supervised by parents/guardians. We will be showing "The Super Mario Bros Movie" beginning at 7:30.
Please BYO- Blankets/Chairs/Reusable Water Bottles.
Construction Update (NEW POST!)
Construction started in earnest this week! Your Panthers may have come home and mentioned that there has been some noise as digging began. Work will progress over the next few weeks and we will start to see the project take shape which is very exciting!
We were blessed with a lovely rainbow over the site on Wednesday and we were lucky enough to have Mrs Pullam capture this perfect shot for us!
Thank you, as always, for your patience and grace as we navigate this year of progress - remember, to enjoy the rainbow, we must first enjoy the rain.
The theme for 2023-2024 is I am Hopeful Because…
Each year, students nationwide create original works of art in response to a student-selected theme. Approaching its 55th year, this program helps them explore their own thoughts, feelings, and ideas, develop artistic literacy, increase confidence, and find a love for learning that will help them become more successful in school and in life.
Students submit their completed works of art in one or more of the arts categories: Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, Visual Arts. They participate in their grade division: Primary (Pre-K – Grade 2), Intermediate (Grades 3-5), Special Artist (All grades welcome).
Students who identify as having a disability and may receive services under IDEA or ADA: Section 504 may enter in the Special Artist Division or grade division most closely aligned to their functional abilities.
Check out Illinoispta.org for more details on the program. Entry instructions and the due date will be posted here soon. Please contact Carolyn Neary at cmneary88@gmail.com with any questions.
This week your Panther/s came home with school picture ordering information. You can also order your package online by clicking https://orders.colorportraits.com/prepay/ and use School Event Code: 10025401. This is the online version of the flyer with additional step by step order information if needed.
Online ordering will be available until picture day. Questions? Email betsybalachandran@gmail.com.
Our Lost and Found is getting pretty full.....especially with hoodies and light jackets....which may come in handy now that the weather is getting chillier.
Please remind your child/ren to come down and look through the lost and found if you know they have forgotten items. The longer things sit in the Lost and Found, the less likely they are to be claimed. All items will be donated following Parent Teacher Conferences in October, so please plan to take a look when you are here for conferences.
The search for the District’s next Superintendent is under way and our Board of Education needs your help. The following are opportunities for you, our parents/guardians, to give your feedback to be considered in the selection process of the District's next Superintendent.
Online Survey (NOW OPEN) - encuesta en español
This survey is now open and will be available until 5:00 pm on October 2.Community Forums | Virtual & In-Person
To see the schedule of these three forums, click here.
Remember, for all things Superintendent Search, visit www.sd25.org/SuptSearch.
4th and 5th GRADE RUNNING CLUB - SIGN UP (2nd POST!)
Are you interested in joining a club focused on FUN and FITNESS?
If so, join Running Club!
Running club meets on Tuesdays in October (10/3, 10/10, 10/17, 10/24) from 3:35-4:30.
Each session will begin with a warm-up, 30 minutes of running at your own pace, strength & conditioning.
Huge thanks go to Mrs Goumas for being the club sponsor for this club!
Parent volunteers are VITAL to the success as they provide a safe running path. Please sign up to volunteer for at least one session if possible.
Please note: The club will not meet if it is raining.
If your 4th or 5th grader is interested in taking part in running club this fall please sign up HERE.
Once you sign up, more information about the club will be sent your way.
PTA Sponsored PROGRESSIVE TAILGATE - Saturday, October 7th (2nd POST!)
Event location:
Three Houses near the ARC (Ridge Park Area)
October 07, 2023 @ 6:00pm – 9:00pm CST
Please join us for the 3rd Annual Patton PTA Tailgate! Dress in your best sports gear and have fun tailgating at Patton Family homes. Enjoy a night out with appetizers and games while you meet and reconnect with fellow Patton Parents!
If you would like to request some people to be grouped with you, please email Anne at asiena@gmail.com or Elie at tobiaseloise@hotmail.com. We will try to accommodate your request as best we can! Please remember that this is an ADULTS ONLY event!
The ABC/25 Foundation is excited to launch the 2023-24 school year! We have an array of thrilling developments in store, and it all begins with the unveiling of our fresh, redesigned logo and new slogan, "GRANTING INSPIRATION TO FORWARD EDUCATION"
We invite you to join ABC/25 Foundation and make an impact on District 25 student learning. Your support ensures that we can continue to provide students with projects and programs that foster innovation, creativity, and excellence.
Become an ABC/25 Foundation Member by donating $40.00 or more HERE.
Membership must be renewed annually.
One donation per family.
Each family membership is applied towards all schools your children attend.
Join us in our journey to support and enhance education in our community!
Make sure to explore our revamped website www.abc25.org and follow ABC/25 of Facebook and Instagram for all of our latest updates!
If you haven’t joined the PTA for the 2022-2023 school year, please consider doing so!!
Annual PTA membership is only $12 and can easily be completed through the School District 25 Online store! Click here to Join the Patton PTA
As a Patton PTA member, you will have access to the Patton Student DirectorySpot App, which is useful for planning birthday parties, carpools, and playdates. The office is not allowed to divulge any private information and students are not allowed to hand out party invites at school so Directory Spot really is an incredibly handy app for you to have access to.
Your PTA membership gives you discounts at different retailers (see www.pta.org/benefits for details). You are also a member of the National PTA, which advocates for the safety, education, and well-being of our children.
Questions? Please e-mail ahpattonptamembership@gmail.com
Our Food services team are delighted to welcome you back this school year! Updated menus were posted this week and the Choosi App has been updated! All product nutrition and ingredient information can be found on the AHSD25 Food Services page and all allergy information is available on the Choosi App!
Please see links below for some helpful information
The District recently launched its new Parent Academy newsletter and page on the website.
The goal of Parent Academy is to provide learning opportunities for parents to better understand ways to support their students’ academic success and personal well-being. We welcome parents and families to engage in various activities and events to explore topics related to mental health, well-being, equity and inclusion, and academics. Please visit the website (www.sd25.org/ParentAcademy) for archived newsletters, further resources and information, or to submit an idea/topic for the next Parent Academy newsletter.
Monday, September 25th - NO SCHOOL
Friday, September 29th - PTA Sponsored: Fall Fest and Family Movie Night
Monday, October 2nd - PICTURE DAY
Saturday, October 7th - PTA Sponsored Progressive Tailgate
Thurs 12th and Fri 13th October - Parent/Teacher Conferences (NO SCHOOL)
Please be sure to click on the Patton PTA website button above for information about other upcoming events
Main Line: (847) 398-4288
Fax #: (847) 394-6681
Absence Procedure
Twitter: @AHSD25Patton