Hawk Talk - May 3, 2024
Hawthorne Elementary School
Hawthorne Families
We have lots of great things coming up!
- Keep scrolling for more information, dates and special events.
🚲😀🚲😀🚲😀BIKE CHALLENGE!🚲😀🚲😀🚲😀
Our annual BIKE CHALLENGE runs from May 1-22. Students who ride their bike 12 times (either to school or a safe ride after school) during the challenge will earn a "Just Ride Idaho" t-shirt and be entered into a drawing for a NEW TREK BIKE! This fabulous contest is sponsored by: Idaho Mountain Trading, Teton Toyota and BMPO Safe Routes to School. ***If students don't have a bike to ride, they can substitute 30 minutes of outdoor play/exercise for that day.
Bike WEEK - May 6-10 at Hawthorne!
May 6-10 is BIKE WEEK at Hawthorne! We are partnering with BMPO (Bonneville County Metropolitan Planning Organization) and they are bringing their Bike Trailer to Hawthorne for the week. The Bike Trailer has bike helmets and 15 Trek BMX bikes that are great for kids to ride and practice their skills or learn to ride on. We will set up a bike skills course and our K-3 classes will rotate through it during their PE times and other open times that their teachers will set up. We will also have a sign up for some afterschool times if you want to come and help your student learn to ride. We are also going to host a "Hawthorne Hawk Ride to the Library". We are coordinating with other groups on that, we will send out a date as soon as we have it.
Hawk Families for Bike Week, we are hosting a "RIDE TO THE LIBRARY" school bike ride on Tuesday, May 7 at 4:00 p.m. We will have volunteers from our local "Bikes and Brews" group to ride with us and model safe riding habits. At the library, you can get a library card (for free), check out some books and learn about the Summer Reading Program!
Idaho Reading Indicator (I.R.I.)
May is when we take our final Idaho Reading Indicator (I.R.I.) assessment for the year! Kindergarten - 3rd grade students take the I.R.I. three times a year to track their progress toward becoming proficient readers. For the I.R.I. we use the iStation Reading Assessment that all of our students take each month for our monthly progress monitoring. Our K-3 teachers will let you know when your student's class is testing in their classroom newsletters. Please encourage your student to focus, try hard and do their best!
Important Dates
Monday, May 6 Kindergarten Round-up (for pre-registered students) 10:00 a.m-11:00
Wed. 5/8 5th Grade Water Festival 9:00-11:30
Tues. 5/14 GRIT LEAGUE - 30 minutes of obstacle course racing for every grade level
*Schedule coming - feel free to come cheer for our students!
Thurs. 5/16 4th Grade Rendezvous
Tues. 5/21 6th Grade Track Meet
Thurs. 5/23 Gr 2 Field Trip - Steam Day at the Zoo
Friday 5/24 Preschool Graduation - 9:00-10:00 a.m.
Mon. 5/27 Memorial Day (NO SCHOOL)
Tues. 5/28 D91 Senior Walk / Seniors will walk the hallways at their elementary schools
Wed. 5/29 6th Grade Graduation at 5:00 p.m.
Thurs. 5/30 Kindergarten Graduation - Time TBD
Fri. 5/31 LAST DAY of SCHOOL! 9:00 a.m. - 1:35 p.m. (no late start, early release)
Parents of returning D91 students should have
received a link by email to complete those
Parents of students who are either entering
Kindergarten or Grade 1-6 students who are
new to the district should go to:
Click on the option to register a new student.
Please complete these registrations as soon as
possible in order to secure a spot at your zoned
Kindergarten students must be five years old by
September 1, 2024 to qualify.
Immunizations required are:
5 - DTP 3 - Hepatitis B
2 - Polio 2 - Hepatitis A
2 - MMR 2 - Varicella
Waiver applications for open-enrollment are
available on the district website and will be
accepted or denied on August, 2024.