Wayland Union High School
September 2024
Upcoming Dates
September 2: No School - Labor Day
September 18: Jostens Freshman Class Meeting, FAC during Pride
September 19: Jostens Senior Class Meeting, FAC during Pride
September 25: Powder Puff Game, 6:30pm Stadium
September 27: Homecoming, 7pm
September 28: Homecoming Dance, 7-10pm, FAC
October 2: Student Count Day
October 2: NHS Induction, 6:30pm, FAC
October 4: Blood Drive, hosted by LOC Club
October 8: MSBOA Marching Band Festival
October 11-14: No school for students and staff
October 16: Picture Retake Day, Aux Gym
October 29: WUHS Marching Band Fall Review Concert, 7pm FAC
October 30: WUHS Orchestras 7th-12th grade Fall Concert, 7pm FAC
October 31: Hallowed Halls 5pm - 7pm
From the Guidance Office
September Happenings
September 9-12: Senior meetings to discuss post-secondary plans; including the college application process, timelines, completing the FAFSA, and scholarship information.
September 16: Revtrak will open up for students to be able to order their AP Exam(s). Students and parents will receive an email the same day detailing the instructions for ordering.
September 16: After school credit recovery (virtual or in-person) begins for those students deficient in credit. Contact your student’s counselor with individual questions.
September 18: College visit to GVSU for juniors/seniors that signed up and returned permission slip.
September 15/ TBD: PSAT/NMSQT registration forms due to Guidance Office (11th grade only, optional).
September 23-27: Freshman classroom lesson on EFFORT=SUCCESS in high school; including information about transcripts, graduation, study habits, tutoring, and more!
Senior Sunrise
Seniors were invited to the football field before the first day of school to kick off their last year!
From the Main Office
If your son or daughter is absent from school, please remember that a parent or guardian must call the main office to report their absence.
Medication forms are available in the Main Office. All medications must be on file. Students are not to carry meds unless a physician has given written authorization, and a completed form is on file.
Student Handbook Changes
Deliveries: No food or drink is to be delivered during school hours. The only acceptable items are school related items and items needed for school sponsored extracurricular activities. These may be dropped off by parent/guardian as an exception to the policy.
Dress and Grooming: No hoods are allowed. Hats are acceptable as long as they adhere to the dress code.
Flu Clinic
We will host a Flu Clinic on Thursday, October 10th for students and staff. This is optional for anyone who would like one. Consent forms are available in the main office. Please see the parent letter below for more information:
Hand 2 Hand
Hand2Hand is a program that helps provide a student with food for the weekends and is intended for families who may currently be experiencing a financial burden.
There is no cost to participate! If you sign your student up to receive Hand2Hand, they will continue to receive the bags each week they are at school. However, if down the road you no longer need the assistance, simply write a note expressing your desire to discontinue receiving Hand2Hand bags and give this note to the school office. This opportunity is being provided by Crosswind Community Church in Dorr. To learn more about Hand2Hand, please visit their website: https://h2hkids.org/.
If you feel your student would benefit from this opportunity, please complete the response form at the bottom of this letter as soon as possible and we will make sure that your student’s name is then added to the list. Your response will be kept confidential.
School Pictures
Picture Re-take Day is coming up on October 16th, 2024.
Students are encouraged to have their picture taken even if not ordering a yearbook. Students who have not have their picture taken will not receive a Student ID. Orders may be placed online. Order forms are also available in the main office.
Picture Day took place during the Open House on 8/20/24. The link to order is:
Order Code is 87817MF.
Online ordering is available before and after Picture Day. Shipping and handling charges may apply to orders placed after Picture Day.
Purchasing Yearbooks
Walsworth is our yearbook publishing company. A limited number of 2024 Yearbooks are available. Email yearbook@waylandunion.org to reserve your copy while supplies last. Order your 2025 yearbook this fall at www.yearbookforever.com.
Class of 2025 Senior Photos
Senior photos should be emailed to yearbook@waylandunion.org. Please share only ONE photo to be used in the yearbook. Photos need to be in portrait orientation. The clothing choice needs to follow the school dress code. A simple head and shoulder shot looks best in the yearbook.
Please crop photos before submitting. We create square boxes for the portraits to accommodate for portrait orientations. If we need to crop your photo, we cannot guarantee how it will look in the final product.
We request that the pictures look professional (i.e. no “Selfies”). If there are financial issues preventing a student from having a senior picture taken, please let us know because we can arrange for a yearbook photographer to take some nice pictures.
Photos due are by Friday, December 13, 2024. Turn it in early to get in a gift card drawing. One winner will be selected each month: August, September, October, November & December! The sooner you submit, the better your odds will be to win!
Capturing Kids' Hearts: Empathy
Cinderella Dress Shop
Monday, September 23rd:
- Court Assembly in the FAC. Congratulations to our student reps!
- Assembly Schedule during the school day.
Wednesday, September 25th:
Junior vs. Senior PowderPuff Game and Bonfire
Game 6:30-7:30pm at the Football Stadium
Bonfire 7:30-9pm
$2 Admission to PowderPuff, cash at the gates
Friday, September 27th:
- Pep Assembly at the Football Stadium.
- Assembly Schedule during the school day.
- The Homecoming parade will begin at 4:30pm. The route will start on Commerce Dr. (by Salvino's), and will continue East on Superior to Wildcat Dr., ending at the bus loop at the High School.
- Crowning of the King and Queen will take place before kickoff, approx. 6:30pm.
- Our Varsity players will take on Spring Lake for the game, at 7pm.
Homecoming Dance
- The Homecoming Dance will be held Saturday, September 28th
- Dance will be held 7pm - 10pm, in the FAC
- This year's theme is "Night at the Movies"
Marching Band Festival
Our band will be hosting the MSBOA Marching Band Festival on Tuesday, October 8th.
This event will begin at 5:45pm, with nearly a dozen bands from all over West Michigan coming to our stadium! Bands are adjudicated on marching, music, and general showmanship. Tickets will be $5, cash only at the gate!
We can't wait to take over the campus with so many excellent groups from around the area! Please consider coming out to support your marching band!
FUTURES European Tour
Students will have a chance of a lifetime to explore Switzerland and Italy as part of FUTURES European Tour. Students will visit historical sites, taste local cuisine, and take part in a variety of activities that highlight the culture of Switzerland and Italy. Airfare, ground transportation, excursions, hotel, breakfast, 3 course dinner are all included. Students who enroll also have an opportunity to earn 1 or 3 college credits as an independent study for the fall 2025-2026 school year. This is a great way to fulfill culture requirement courses that many institutions require at the college level.
Visit this trip link to learn more information and to sign up:
You may also contact Amber Knauf: knaufa@waylandunion.org
From Food Service
To apply for "Free and Reduced Price Meal" for the school year, click the button below (Educational Benefits Form). This form replaces the "Free & Reduced Price Meal Application" as in years past.
Please note that Parochial school families (i.e. St. Therese and Moline Christian) still need to complete the full application as in previous years. In the rare instance that a family has children enrolled in both public AND parochial schools, those families would also need to complete the full application. This "full" application is available through the FS Department website.
Hallowed Halls
Come Trick or Treat with us! Hallowed Halls will be held October 31st, 5-7pm. This event is sponsored by SADD.
We are looking for sponsors! Please email:
Mr. Santino Di Cesare
Email: dicesares@waylandunion.org
Location: 870 East Superior Street, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: 269-792-2254
Mrs. Karyll Russell
Email: russellk@waylandunion.org
Location: 870 East Superior Street, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: 269-792-2254
Mr. Brett VanDeRoer
Email: vanderoerb@waylandunion.org
Location: 870 East Superior Street, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: 269-792-2254
Mr. Adam Valk
Athletic DirectorAssistant Principal
Email: baileyk@waylandunion.org
Location: 870 East Superior Street, Wayland, MI, USA
Phone: 269-792-2254