New Albany Primary School
October 28, 2024
Greetings from the Primary School! October has been filled with beautiful weather and fall-themed activities! As we transition to November, preparations have started for our Veteran's Day Assemblies on November 11. Please scroll down to see how we plan to honor your special veterans.
One of the district’s goals is for all students to feel safe, supported, and connected at school. To help the district focus our efforts on identified needs, students will be taking a short anonymous Belonging Survey during the survey window from November 4 to 5, 2024. Parents can preview the survey for the Primary School by clicking here. The only information collected will be the grade level for each student taking the survey.
In addition to the questions on the Belonging Survey, Primary students will be asked to identify school staff members who they consider to be a trusted adult (the explanation shared with students is that a trusted adult is someone who helps, listens, understands, and makes them feel safe at school). During Wellness classes, primary students will be asked to identify school staff members, verbally or in writing, who they consider to be a trusted adult with the Wellness teachers. The students use their names when identifying staff members at school that they trust. If you would like to learn the staff identified as trusted adults by your child, please email Principal Smith at smith.132@napls.us.
Parents may opt their student out of the Belonging survey by completing this opt-out form. In addition to opting out of the Belonging Survey, parents who complete the form will also be opting out their child from taking the Trusted Adult Survey during Wellness. The Opt-out form must be completed by 5:00 pm on Friday November 1, 2024.
Students in second grade will be taking the InView Cognitive Ability Test in November. Second grade students will take the test in two parts on November 12 and 13. To learn more about the InView test, click here.
Is there a veteran in your life? They are invited to join us for an assembly honoring veterans on Monday, November 11! We will be holding two 45 minute assemblies, separated by hallways. If your Primary School student is in the blue or yellow hallway, the assembly time is 9:30am - 10:15am. If your Primary School student is in the green or purple hallway, the assembly time is 2:30pm - 3:15pm. At the assembly, we will introduce each veteran. Please complete this RSVP form so we can prepare for your visit!
Lost and Found season is upon us: the mornings are cool and the afternoons are warm, which means that sweatshirts and jackets are taken off and forgotten about. If your child has the tendency to do this, please write their name on the tag of their outerwear, and remind them to look for their missing item in our Lost and Found!
November 1: Socktober Silly Sock Celebration
November 8: Last day of the trimester
November 11: Veterans Day Assemblies
November 12 & 13: 2nd Grade InView Testing
November 27-29: No School
Teresa Smith, Primary Principal
Dr. Sara Peterson, Primary Assistant Principal
Colleen Masters, Primary Assistant Principal
Dear NAPS Families,
Thank you Families! Your donations and support have made our PTO very successful and we have been able to do such great things for our students and staff!
Good news! Our Read-A-Thon fundraiser has now been extended to 11/1! Keep logging your donations and minutes! Register your reader here if you haven’t yet!
Sponsor Appreciation
SHOUT OUT to our amazing Primary School families and Irish Eyes Photography for donating supplies for a super yummy caramel apple bar for our amazing teachers!
We also want to give a big THANK YOU to The Links Pub for donating pizza and salad for dinner to our teachers and staff!
There is still time to become a PTO member!
Becoming a member is a great way to become involved and to help your child’s school. We are a 501(c)(3) organization, so your membership is tax-deductible. Membership is open to all parents, teachers, relatives and friends of the New Albany Primary School.
Your membership contributes to our ability to help fund and provide author visits, classroom and library books, cultural arts, academic and technology programs, teacher/staff appreciation, individual classroom instructional items/supplies and more! Click here to join the PTO!
Warm Regards,
Coleen Barber
NAPS PTO President
202-2025 NAPS Board
President: Coleen Barber
President-Elect: Lauren Bar-Lev
Treasurer: Lindsey Osborn
Treasurer-Elect: Emily Swanson
Secretary: Carrie Mayer
Communications: Kiki Piletz & Laurie Lauderback Fundraising: Andrea Wiltrout
Membership: Samantha Rafael
Programming: Rachel Maloney & Amy Wenker
Hospitality: Jonelle Abounaoum & Erin Foster
HRP Coordinator: Stephanie Wissman
Our Purpose
The New Albany-Plain Local School District is committed to creating a culture of accountability that achieves the best academic and developmental outcomes for each student.
New Albany Primary School
Email: news@napls.us
Website: www.napls.us/primary
Location: 87 North High Street, New Albany, OH, USA
Phone: 614-413-8600
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/NewAlbanyPrimarySchool/
Twitter: @napls_ps