September Newsletter
September 2024

Important Dates
September 2 – No School/Labor Day
September 3- Intruder Drill (8:40 AM)
September 11-17- Scholastic Book Fair
September 11- PTO Meeting (3:30 PM in the Art Room)
September 16 - Late Start Grades K-12
September 19&20- Chompy's Pop-Up Shop (8:05 AM in the Atrium)
September 23- Magical Mondays (students eat lunch with their Houses)
September 27 – No School/PD Day for Teachers
Food & Nutrition
- Click here for the September breakfast and lunch menus.
- Eliminate the hassle of shopping and delivering birthday favors to school. Let Child Nutrition help you! Non-food treats will be delivered to your child’s classroom and he or she will receive a complimentary birthday gift! Click here to access the form.
WSD Opt-Out Information
Throughout the duration of the academic year, the Wentzville School District partners with community agencies that specialize in providing students, families, and educators with preventative education. Agency presenters are credentialed, coordinated through the District, and under the supervision of building administrators. Presentation topics are targeted toward specific grade levels. All students will participate in each program unless you choose to opt your child out of the lesson(s). If you are interested in opting your student(s) out of the presentation(s), please click the appropriate link(s) below.
If you have additional questions, please reach out directly to your student’s guidance counselor.
Focus Transition
If you are not receiving Focus emails, they may be going to spam or not being delivered. This is due to the multiple email domains that are used based on the type of communication.
We are working with the Focus Support team to address this issue and ensure families receive all district communications. Here are some steps that you can take to ensure you receive district communication:
- Mark the emails as "Not Spam"
- Adjust spam filters with their email provider or email application
- Emails will be delivered from the following email domains
Scholastic Book Fair
It is time for our Scholastic Book Fair on September 10-17! Please look at the attached flyer for the details. Also, we need parent volunteers to donate treats for the staff lounge and help us during the book fair. Thank you for your generosity and support!
Mrs. Ann Muench & Mrs. Julie Campeau
Green Tree Library
Reading Success Plans (RSPs)
This fall, teachers and reading interventionists will be conducting reading assessments with all students. These assessments help us plan lessons and identify students who might benefit from extra reading support. In addition, our building reading specialists will work with small groups of students. These flexible groupings are not the same as Reading Intervention, families will be contacted directly by their child's teacher if he/she qualifies for Reading Intervention. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to your child's classroom teacher.
Art Club & Curators
Information about Art Club and The Curators
Green Tree students in 2nd - 5th grade are welcome to join the Art Club. The art club sessions meet before school on Tuesday mornings and Mrs. Winter will run several sessions throughout the school year. Each session has a limited number of seats and registration is on a first-come, first-serve basis. To sign up for an art club session, you can fill out the Google Form.
The Curators is a select group of 4th and 5th grade students who selects and prepares artwork for art shows within Green Tree and the local community. This group of students meets after school twice a month for an hour. This year’s dates are Oct. 7, 14, Nov. 6, 18, Dec. 4, 16, Jan. 8, 27, Feb. 5, Mar. 10, & Apr. 2, 14. We will have a very important extended meeting on Feb. 26 from 3:30 - 6:30 pm to prepare for the school-wide art show. You can get an application from Mrs. Winter or use the online Application for The Curators. Applications are due by Friday, September 6.
THS Football Season
This Friday Night, Timberland will take on Holt to open the High School Football Season! In the Wentzville School District, any student younger than high school is required to attend games with a parent. Admission is $5 for adults and $2 for students. Please do not bring in animals, bags, balls, frisbees or unapproved noise makers. Any Middle School student not sitting with their parents should remain in the area roped off and designated for them behind the shed near the North Endzone. Elementary students must stay with their parents/guardians. There is no re-entry if you leave during the game.
Please remember to treat all Staff, Teams and Officials with respect! See you Friday Night and Go Wolves!!
Pedal the Cause
Five school districts in St. Charles County are collaborating with Pedal the Cause to fight cancer. Pedal the Cause is offering a $10 registration discount for students who attend one of the St. Charles County schools. Learn more.
Let me run is a running program for 4th-5th grade boys. We celebrate the end by completing a 5K. The runners will learn to counteract the negative pressures society places on boys. The program uses running as a vehicle to inspire, teach and reach them. Combining exercise with fun activities and lessons, our trained coaches inspire boys to be courageous enough to be themselves, build healthy relationships, and live an active lifestyle.
Cost of an Absence
Don’t let two missed days define your year! Research shows that most students with just two absences in the first month of school go on to miss more than 25 days total.
Start the year off strong by making sure students are in school whenever they are not sick.
Electronic Device Policy
According to the WSD Student Code of Conduct, the following rules relating to the possession and use of electronic devices apply to all students:
● Creation of Digital Images, Videos, and Audio Recordings. Students are prohibited from creating digital images, videos, and audio recordings that disrupt the educational environment, pose the potential to disrupt the educational environment, or are of the type prohibited elsewhere in this code of student conduct. See, e.g., Disruptive Behavior (prohibiting, among other things, the recording of fights or other altercations on any electronic device).
● Laser Pointers. Laser pointers are not allowed at any time. Possession of a laser pointer will result in a consequence.
● Wireless Headphones. Students may not use wireless headphones during class time and wireless headphones may not be visible or audible during class time.
● Tracking Devices. The use of tracking devices, such as AirTags, for unauthorized tracking of students, staff, other individuals, or property is strictly prohibited. Misuse of such tracking devices will result in a consequence.
● Responsibility for Electronic Devices. Students, who bring electronic items to school, do so at their own risk and are responsible to secure the item from damage, theft, or loss.
● Confiscation of Electronic Devices. If a student brings an electronic device to school and it is visible, audible, or in the possession of or being used by a student during an unauthorized time, that student is subject to the consequences listed below and the student may have his or her electronic
device confiscated by an administrator. In the event an electronic device is confiscated, the building
administrator will notify the student’s parent(s) and return the confiscated electronic device to the
student at the end of the school day on which it was confiscated.
Elementary and Middle Schools. The following rules relating to possession and use of electronic devices apply to elementary and middle school students:
During the School Day:
- Students may not use cell phones for any purpose during the school day. Cell phones may not be visible or audible during the school day. Cell phones, however, may be stored in backpacks during the school day if they are placed in silent mode or turned off.
- Electronic devices other than cell phones may be used during the school day, provided such electronic devices do not disrupt the learning environment. Use of electronic devices other than cell phones that disrupt the learning environment are prohibited.
First Offense- Student may be assigned loss of privilege or ISS.
Second Offense or Subsequent Offense- Principal/student conference, loss of school privilege, ISS
Green Tree Gators Community Project
Our Green Tree PTO would like to continue a community service project that we joined 5 years ago. First of all, we would like to congratulate our kids for the work they did on this project in past years. In the support of the Ronald McDonald House Charities, our kids donated approximately 233 pounds of pop top tabs last school year. We collected 285 pounds the previous school year. The Ronald
McDonald House is always extremely happy to receive our donations and they pass along their gratitude for your support. This year House jugs will be in the cafeteria for tab collection. Each House will be competing for points!
Dismissal Reminders for Car Riders
- Please keep your hang tag visible the entire time you are on the parking lot.
- Make sure your student knows how to buckle their own safety belt. Practice, Practice, Practice!
- Your child should enter the car on the passenger side.
*Any change in transportation at dismissal will require written notification from a parent or legal guardian.
Important Links
Shout Out to the Rupnow Family for Cleaning-up Our Gator Hut!
Meet the Teacher Night- 2024
Mobile Dairy Visit
1000 Ronald Reagan Drive
Lake Saint Louis, MO 63367