Youth Services News
December 27, 2019
OLIS Develops Library Presenter Directory
To better connect libraries and presenters to support educational, cultural, recreational, and civic programming in libraries, OLIS has launched the Library Presenter Directory (LPD). The LPD is an online clearinghouse for information about program presenters, as submitted by presenters, for the use of Rhode Island libraries. For more information about the LPD including how to register, list programs, and search the directory, please visit:
Help spread the word! Rhode Island has an abundance of talented presenters who can offer a wide array of programs to libraries. OLIS encourages libraries to promote this new service to successful presenters you have engaged for your library so that we can create a rich and diverse directory of presenters. Please send the link listed above or the email listed below to presenters who may wish to be included in the LPD.
Upcoming Sensory Friendly Programs
RI public libraries have set their fall/winter schedule for sensory programs. Please share the flyer below with families in your community.
Interested in learning more about sensory programs and services for youth with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)? Join the Sensory Story Time Support Group for their next meeting on January 14 at 1pm. Developed and facilitated by Maria Cotto and Babs Wells, the group is an opportunity for all RI librarians to learn and discuss strategies for working with patrons with ASD and making the libraries more inclusive. Time Support Group please contact Maria Cotto at and Babs Wells at
Babs Wells Named NERCTL Representative
Greenville Public Library Children's Librarian Babs Wells has been appointed the RI representative to the New England Roundtable of Teen and Children’s Librarians (NERTCL). NERCTL, a section of the New England Library Association, is comprised of youth services librarians from all over New England dedicated to providing continuing education programs for librarians working with children and young adults through conferences and workshops. For more information about NERCTL, visit
Congratulations Babs!
Opportunities to Plan for Summer
Performer Discussion
Date: Tuesday, January 28
Time: 1:30pm - 3:30pm
Location: West Warwick Public Library
Snow date: Thursday, January 30
Learn about available resources for discovering and contacting performers for your Summer Reading Program. We'll discuss how to book performers and arrange block booking/group rates among neighboring libraries. We will also demo the new Library Presenter Directory.
90 minutes will be reserved for participants to recommend and discuss performers and arrange potential block booking opportunities.
Planning for "Imagine Your Story"
Date: Tuesday, February 25
Time: 9:30am - 12:00pm
Location: North Kingstown Free Library
Date: Thursday, February 27
Time: 1:00pm - 3:30pm
Location: Barrington Public Library
Youth services library staff are invited to “Imagine Your Story” in preparation for Summer Reading Program 2020. We’ll cover program planning nuts and bolts, partnership/outreach opportunities, thematic resources, and highlight hidden gems from the Collaborative Summer Library Program manual. Time will be reserved for group discussion and idea sharing. This workshop will highlight activities and resources for youth pre-k through high school.
2020 Learning Grant Application Update
The 2020 Learning Grant application and associated materials are now available at
Please note that the application webpage includes new documents:
- FAQ sheet
- score sheet that will be used by the grant review panel when evaluation appplications
- presentation slides from the three grant workshops
The Summer Reading Program LibGuide also has information about the 2020 Learning Grants, including information about evaluation tools and methods.
If you were unable to attend a workshop or have additional questions about your application, please contact either Danielle Margarida at or Donna DiMichele at before December 20 to schedule a time to discuss the grant application.
Upcoming OLIS CE
Young Adult Roundtable: Programming Favs and Flops
What makes a teen program a hit and what makes a program a "flop"? Join fellow young adult librarians to share your most impactful programs and discuss why some programs just don't seem to meet our goals or engage our teens. Please be prepared to share a recent program that was a success, as well as a program that "flopped" so we can collectively think about how to rework it into a "fav."
Tuesday, Jan 7, 2020, 09:30 AM
West Warwick Public Library, Main Street, West Warwick, RI, USA
Children's Sensory Story Time Support Group
Snow date: January 21
Join fellow youth services librarians to share best practices for sensory story times and inclusive library programs and services. We will be discussing community connections, sensory activity ideas, and programs/services beyond story time.
Please bring your PR materials for your library's upcoming sensory programs so that the group can help with promotion!
Agenda: TBD
For more information about the Sensory Story Time Support Group please contact Maria Cotto at and Babs Wells at
Tuesday, Jan 14, 2020, 01:00 PM
Rochambeau Library, Hope Street, Providence, RI, USA
Mock Newbery Discussion #3 - Voting
It’s time to vote for a Rhode Island Mock Newbery winner and honor books! Please read all the titles from the third reading list and come prepared to defend your top picks before we vote using the balloting procedures of the real Newbery committee. The third discussion list will be available on December 6 at
Tuesday, Jan 14, 2020, 04:30 PM
Cranston Public Library: Central Library, Sockanosset Cross Road, Cranston, RI, USA
Summer Reading Program Planning: Performer Discussion
Snow date: January 30
Learn about available resources for discovering and contacting performers for your Summer Reading Program. We'll discuss how to book performers and arrange block booking/group rates among neighboring libraries. 90 minutes will be reserved for participants to recommend and discuss performers and arrange potential block booking opportunities.
Tuesday, Jan 28, 2020, 01:30 PM
West Warwick Public Library, Main Street, West Warwick, RI, USA
Children's Services Roundtable: 2020 Census
Libraries will play a critical role in the 2020 Census, which is the first census that will be conducted online. Join us for a discussion about how youth services librarians can help children and families be counted. We'll discuss programming ideas and brainstorm ways to embed Census information into the services you are already providing. The last 30 minutes of the meeting will be reserved for open discussion and networking.
Tuesday, Feb 4, 2020, 01:30 PM
Woonsocket Public Library, Clinton Street, Woonsocket, RI, USA
EDI Book Club: So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo
Join the Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Book Club to discuss So You Want to Talk About Race by Ijeoma Oluo with other interested members of the RI library community. Racism is a difficult subject to talk about. How do you tell your roommate her jokes are racist? Why did your sister-in-law take umbrage when you asked to touch her hair–and how do you make it right? How do you explain white privilege to your white, privileged friend? In So You Want to Talk About Race, Ijeoma Oluo guides readers of all races through subjects ranging from intersectionality and affirmative action to “model minorities” in an attempt to make the seemingly impossible possible: honest conversations about race and racism, and how they infect almost every aspect of American life.
Wednesday, Feb 12, 2020, 01:30 PM
West Warwick Public Library
Summer Reading Program: Planning for "Imagine Your Story"
Youth services library staff are invited to “Imagine Your Story” in preparation for Summer Reading Program 2020. We’ll cover program planning nuts and bolts, partnership/outreach opportunities, thematic resources, and highlight hidden gems from the Collaborative Summer Library Program manual. Time will be reserved for group discussion and idea sharing. This workshop will highlight activities and resources for youth pre-k through high school and will be repeated Thursday, February 27 at 1pm at the Barrington Public Library.
Tuesday, Feb 25, 2020, 09:30 AM
North Kingstown Free Library, Boone Street, North Kingstown, RI, USA
Summer Reading Program: Planning for "Imagine Your Story"
Youth services library staff are invited to “Imagine Your Story” in preparation for Summer Reading Program 2020. We’ll cover program planning nuts and bolts, partnership/outreach opportunities, thematic resources, and highlight hidden gems from the Collaborative Summer Library Program manual. Time will be reserved for group discussion and idea sharing. This workshop will highlight activities and resources for youth pre-k through high school and is repeated from Tuesday, February 25 at 9:30am at the North Kingstown Free Library.
Thursday, Feb 27, 2020, 01:00 PM
Barrington Public Library, County Road, Barrington, RI, USA
Grant and Award Opportunities
OLIS Learning Grants (1/13/20)
Real Skills for Youth (1/31/20)
Libraries Transform Communities Engagement Grants (2/3/20)
National Network of Libraries of Medicine Funding Opportunities (3/20/20)
Ezra Jack Keats Mini-Grant (3/31/20)
Professional Development Opportunities
PLA 2020 Conference (Nashville, TN, February 25 - 29)
Save the Date: RILA 2020 Conference (Bryant University, May 28 - 29)
Upcoming Events and Celebrations
Location: 1 Capitol Hill Providence, RI 02908
Phone: 401-574-9309
Twitter: @olisri