Hawk Highlights
Friday, October 18, 2024
Upcoming Dates
October 23- PTA Meeting (6:30 P.M. in the Library)
October 25- Picture Retake Day
October 25- Highland's Walk-A-Thon (2:20 P.M.)
November 5- Election Day, No School
November 27-29-Thanksgiving Break, No School
Mission Moment
“Love Makes a Family” displays throughout our school celebrate the diverse and unique families within our community.
Highland School's Walk-a-thon
You are invited to participate as sponsors by making a small donation to this year's Highland School Walk-a-thon. All monies earned through this event will be donations to our Angel Fund which is used to provide necessary items and services for families at our school that could occasionally use a helping hand.
Pledge sheets and money should be turned in to your classroom teacher by Friday, October 25th.
PTA MEETING NEXT WEEK Wednesday 10/23 at 6:30 in the Library **Babysitting Provided for 3+
Please join us next week for the PTA meeting, next Wednesday October 23rd at 6:30 pm. Come hear what the PTA has going on right now, and find out how you can become involved with the PTA- at any level you are comfortable with, whether than means taking on an organizational role, being a room parent, volunteering at specific events, coming to meetings to stay up to date, or simply by paying membership dues to help support the PTA.
The PTA seeks to foster community at Highland between our students, families, and staff. We do that best with active parent involvement.
We understand many people are not able to attend the meetings, but there are other ways to stay informed. If you are not already on our email list, please email ptahighlandschool@gmail.com to be added to our email list. We will send out periodic emails with information on events, fundraisers, and ways to be involved.
If you have not already paid your membership dues for the year, you can PAY 2024/5 MEMBERSHIP DUES HERE. Membership dues help support PTA activities throughout the year.
For more information on the PTA, CLICK HERE
There is still time to shop the fair! Highland PTA’s book fair will continue online through October 23rd. 25% of your online purchase goes directly back to the Highland library and classroom libraries. Let’s help fill our school with more learning resources!
MONDAYS: 8:40 a.m.–2:30 p.m.
TUESDAYS-FRIDAYS: 8:40 a.m.–3:30 p.m.
A portion of the proceeds benefits the PTA. BUY SPIRIT WEAR HERE
9700 Crawford Avenue, Skokie, IL 60076
Phone: 847-676-5001
Fax: 847-676-5099