Principal e-Note
Concord Elementary School - Oct 20, 2024 (Week 10)
A Note from the Office
What’s Next? We are excited to share that we will begin posting our Concord Daily News on Facebook in the near future! These daily broadcasts are a great way to see student involvement and learn about school activities. We’re also introducing a special segment to highlight core values in action at home. You’ll be able to submit examples of your child demonstrating core values, and Mrs. Zide will feature one of these stories each week during the Core Value Spotlight in the Daily News. Be on the lookout for more details.
Lastly, it is not too late to participate in our parent survey! See the link below.
Kind Regards,
Brian and Liz
Counselor Corner
Dear Concord Families,
Thank you for joining us in celebrating Unity Week! We are grateful for your support as we continue to create a safe, welcoming space for all students at Concord.
This week, counseling lessons will take place in 2nd and 3rd grade classrooms. In these sessions, we’re continuing our work with the Zones of Regulation across all grade levels. Specifically, 3rd graders will focus on coping strategies to help them return to the “green zone” after experiencing big emotions. We will also explore the important connection between thoughts, feelings, and actions. Students will learn how their thoughts influence their feelings, which in turn drive behaviors—whether positive or negative. By understanding this connection, children can begin to shift their thinking in order to respond to situations in a way that promotes problem-solving and emotional regulation.
Thank you again for your ongoing support of our efforts to help students grow emotionally and socially.
Concord Counselors
Kiwanis Coat Drive
Kiwanis Gently Used Winter Wear Drive runs through November 15, 2024
Concord, in cooperation with the Crestwood-Sunset Hills Kiwanis Club, will be collecting new or gently used winter wear items for students in need. Please bring new or gently used coats, mittens, hats, boots, gloves, scarves, earmuffs, ski masks, snow pants, warm socks, or thermal underwear, and place them in the blue bin that will be in our school lobby. Items will benefit students in Lindbergh schools, Meramec, Monroe, and Patrick Henry elementary schools in St. Louis City; and Angels’ Arms just to name a few.
Halloween Costumes at School
Students are welcome to wear costumes to school on Halloween, which will be Thursday Oct. 31. Costumes are optional, and to ensure that the school day proceeds without interruption, they must meet the following requirements:
- Costumes may be worn on Halloween only, not during fall classroom celebration
Students must be able to wear the costume to school and throughout the school day without any adult assistance (no changing clothes at school)
- The costume must allow the student to participate in learning without distractions (ex: no props, inflatable costumes, large boxes, etc.)
- Please spray hair before coming to school if you feel colored hair is keeping with the character. No aerosol cans are allowed on the bus or at school.
No masks. Face masks that cover the entire face are prohibited for safety reasons.
No toy weapons of any kind. Absolutely no weapons--real or pretend--or props that could cause injury. This includes, but is not limited to, knives, spears, hatchets, guns, and swords.
Costumes must be respectful of others and may not include anything violent or gruesome (no blood).
- Costumes should not be graphically violent such as bloody masks, stab wounds, or other injuries.
- Costumes should not be offensive to any religion, race, or culture.
- Costumes should not make any reference to substances that are prohibited for sale to minors.
- Costumes should not depict any activity that would otherwise be considered a crime or illegal act.
Important Dates
October 2024
October 31 - End of Trimester 1
November 2024
November 1 - No School
November 4 - No School
November 5 - No School
November 6 - Family/Teacher Conferences 4:00-7:00 pm
November 7 - Family/Teacher Conferences 4:00-7:00 pm
November 11 - Veterans Day Assembly 9:30 am
November 13 - Wacky Wednesday for Helping Hands (Students Dress Wacky)
November 14 - Music Concerts: 3rd grade 6:00 pm; 5th grade 7:00 pm
November 20- Jingles for Jammies for Helping Hands
November 23 - PTG Adult Trivia Night 7:00 pm at Sunset HIlls Community Center
November 27-29 - No School
2024-25 School Year Calendar
For a full list of dates, please click on the 2024-25 District Calendar, which is linked below.
What's for Lunch
Monday, Oct.21
Breakfast- blueberry muffin or cereal
Lunch- #1 turkey hot dog o#2 sunbutter & jelly
Tuesday, Oct. 22
Breakfast- donut holes or cereal
Lunch- #1 cheesy chicken tacos #2 cheese quesadilla
Wednesday, Oct. 23
Breakfast- biscuit & gravy or cereal
Lunch- #1 chicken sliders on hawaiian roll #2 veggie ranch wrap
Thursday, Oct. 24
Breakfast - very berry parfait or cereal
Lunch- #1 cheeseburger #2 bosco sticks
Friday, Oct.25
Breakfast- scrambled eggs w/ cheese & toast or cereal
Lunch-#1 cheese pizza #2 turkey sausage pizza
PTG News
Save the Date
District News and Notes
NWEA Fall Math and Reading Results Now Available
The fall NWEA math and reading results are available on Infinite Campus. Use this guide for more information on NWEA and how to interpret results.
Viewing Results on Infinite Campus:
How to access your student’s results in Infinite Campus:
Log on to the Infinite Campus Portal with your username and password.
On the left menu, click MORE
Scroll down to the “District Tests” section, and look for the “NWEA” heading
Gifted Association of Missouri Virtual Speaker Series: “2E Students with Gayle Bentley”
Gayle Bentley, a leading expert in the field of education, will share her insights on 2E (Twice Exceptional) children. Her presentation will focus on understanding the unique challenges and strengths of 2E students, offering strategies to help them thrive both academically and emotionally. With her extensive experience, Gayle Bentley will provide practical tools for educators and parents to support the success of these gifted yet learning-challenged individuals.
From Stories to Service: Community Readers Needed! Oct. 23-24
This fall, Lindbergh Schools is connecting students and community members through the power of picture books, and you are invited to participate!
Lindbergh elementary schools will kick off “From Stories to Service” Oct. 23-24. We invite all members of the Lindbergh community to visit our elementary classrooms and serve as Community Readers by reading aloud one of our “From Stories to Service” picture books. Volunteers are welcome to sign up for more than one date and time!
To share your time as a Community Reader, please sign up using this form.
Note: If you are a community leader, please include your title/organization in the “Comments” field when you sign up to read. Thank you!
After our Community Readers visit, it’s time for service! Classes will be encouraged to select their favorite book and use it as inspiration for a service learning project, encouraging students to use their talents and creativity to help make the world a better place.
Questions? Please contact Dr. Sarah Valter (svalter@lindberghschools.ws) or Mrs. Sara Levine (saralevine@lindberghschools.ws).
Celebrate 75 Years With Lindbergh! This Week’s Events
To celebrate 75 years of Lindbergh Schools, we are opening our doors this October and inviting members of the Lindbergh community to connect with us for a variety of special events! Visit go.lindberghschools.ws/75years for additional details.
Truman STEM Night, 6-7:30 p.m., Wednesday, Oct. 23: We are excited to invite students and families in our community to engage in hands-on STEM activities, including building terrariums and catapults, using a deck of cards to play math games, and participating in a design challenge! Please enter through the front doors.
All Orchestras Fall Concert, Thursday, Oct. 24: Enjoy a night of music during the Lindbergh High School fall orchestra concert. Location: LHS Performing Arts Center. Admission is free.
5:40 p.m. - Sperreng and Truman Middle School Fiddlers
6 p.m. - Middle School Orchestras
7:30 p.m. - LHS Orchestras and Strolling Strings
Idea Center 75 Book Challenge, 2:30 p.m., Friday, Oct. 25: Lindbergh Gifted Education invites the community to read 75 books to celebrate Lindbergh's 75th Anniversary! Community members are invited to place your name on our 75 Books for 75 Years Banner during our Idea Center reading party on Oct. 25!
ECE Trunk or Treat, 11 a.m.-1 p.m., Saturday, Oct. 26: Join us as each ECE classroom transforms a trunk into a themed treat station filled with goodies for all. Come dressed in your favorite costume and enjoy the fun!
Long Student-Led Tours, 2:30-3:30 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 27: Students and staff will lead guided tours of Long Elementary School for current families, Long alumni, and anyone in the community who is interested in learning from Long Leaders about what makes their school a special place for all learners!
75th Anniversary Spiritwear: Celebrate 75 years with us and show your Lindbergh spirit! Shop here for 75th anniversary T-shirts.
LHS Invites Community to Boonanza Oct. 26
Lindbergh High School Student Council is sponsoring Boonanza at 6 p.m., Oct. 26, and all are welcome to attend! Children can sign up for a costume contest in the following age groups: 1-5, 6-8 and 9-11. This fun and free event will also include free activities for kids and lots of Halloween fun.
Checkmate Challenge Chess Tournament Fundraiser
Calling all chess lovers! Join us on Nov. 9 at Lindbergh High School for the Checkmate Challenge: Community Chess Tournament Fundraiser. Whether you're a seasoned pro or just learning the game, this event is perfect for all ages and skill levels—fun for the whole family! Come play, win prizes, and have an awesome time!
Date: Nov. 9, 2024
Time: 9:00 AM check-in, 9:30 AM first round
Location: Lindbergh High School
For additional information, please contact pegsparentgroup@gmail.com.
Contact Information
Mr. Moeckel, Principal
Mrs. Keutzer, Asst. Principal
Faith Rose, SSD Area Coordinator
Mrs. Herrman
Mrs. Niebur
Nurse Sanders
Concord Elementary School
Email: concord@lindberghschools.ws
Website: go.lindberghschools.ws/concord
Location: 10305 Concord School Rd, Sappington, MO, USA
Phone: 314-729-2436
Facebook: facebook.com/ConcordFlyers