Greenwood Elementary

What's Happening Around our Nest!
Welcome Back!
August 8, 2024
Mark your Calendars
Monday, August 12th
1st Grade and New Family Night 5:00
Tuesday, August 13th
1:00-3:00 Supply Drop Off for Grades 1-5
Wednesday, August 14th
First Day of School! 🏫
Thursday, August 15th
Orchestra Orientation: 4th-5th Grade students who are interested in joining orchestra will meet with Mr. Rittenour at 1:00
Supply Drop off for Pre-K: See Sign up
Friday, August 16th
Band Orientation: 5th Grade students who are interested in joining Band will meet with Mrs. Schweihs at 1:00
Supply Drop off for Pre-K: See Sign up
Monday, August 19th
First Day of Pre-K
First Day of Everyone Reads~ ER Calendar
Tuesday, August 20th
Wednesday, August 21st
Thursday, August 22nd
Friday, August 23rd
Monday, August 26th
No Everyone Reads ~ER Calendar
Tuesday, August 27th
Wednesday, August 28th
Thursday, August 29th
Friday, August 30th
Upcoming Dates to add to your Calendar
August 26th: NO Everyone Reads
September 2nd: No School
September 10th: PTO Meeting
September 13th: PTO Build a Mascot and Family Picnic
September 19th: 1/2 Day (NO Everyone Reads)
September 23rd: NO Everyone Reads
October 4th: Picture Day
October 9th-10th: Parent Teacher Conferences (NO Everyone Reads)
October 11th: No School
October 14th: No School
October 24th: 1/2 Day (NO Everyone Reads)
October 28th: NO Everyone Reads
November 5th: No School
November 7th: End of 1st Trimester
November 11th: No School
November 18th: NO Everyone Reads
November 27th-29th: Thanksgiving Break
December 9th: NO Everyone Reads
December 21st First Day of Winter Break
Important Information
Visit our NEW D200 Website!
Families and Students Quick Links
Greenwood Website
Technology Help
Please contact the Technology Department through ZenDesk for all Technology requests, repairs, etc....
CB bags
Lost CBs
Missing Keys
OS not working correctly
Food Service
Please Visit the D200 Food Service Website for important information and to manage your child's lunch account.
Mealtime Accounts
Free &reduced Meal Applications
Class Dojo
Morning Drop Off
- You may drop students off starting at 7:10am.
- There is no parking allowed in the drop off line. If you need to enter Greenwood please park in the parking lot at the front of the school.
- When dropping your child off at school, please pull forward as far as you can so we can accommodate as many cars as possible.
- It is important that you stay in your car and say goodbye quickly.
Late Arrivals
If you arrive after 7:20, an adult will need sign their child into the office. Please park your car and accompany your child into the building.
Changes in your child's school day
Please call the office if your child's transportation at the end of the day is different. We need this information by 1:30. Otherwise, we may not be able to accommodate your request.
Greenwood Back to School Letter
Dear Greenwood Families,
On behalf of the entire Greenwood Elementary Staff, I’d like to welcome you to the 2024-2025 school year! We are excited to welcome our students back for the best year yet! We all believe that all our students can achieve their goals, hopes, and dreams through hard work and determination. Our staff, students and community are here to support each other to meet those goals! Collaborative relationships between home and school will be key, and together we will provide positive paths for your child to become successful. I encourage you to be an active participant in our school community. However, the most important way you can participate in our school community is by supporting your child’s daily school activities. We believe communication is a key to a successful educational experience. Education is truly a partnership between school, home, & community working collaboratively toward our shared goals.
A few important details to note for the new school year:
- All visitors will be required to be checked in through the office and our Raptor System. All visitors must enter and leave the building through our front office.
- GWE families are invited to our annual Meet Your Teacher & School Supply Drop-off on Tuesday, August 13th from 1:00pm - 3:00pm. This event is designed for you & your child to meet your child’s new teacher and drop off school supplies to their classrooms.
- Pre-K Meet Your Teacher & School Supply Drop-off will be August 15th and 16th more information coming soon!
- If you are new to Greenwood, you are invited to a 1st Grade & New Families Meeting on Monday, August 12th at 5:00pm.
Please call the school office with any questions and refer to the school website for updated information, including school supply lists.
We are looking forward to another outstanding year at Greenwood!
Julie Smith, Principal
24-25 Back to School Information
- School Supplies A link to our School Supply List can be found here or on the district website.
- Physical Exams and Immunizations
- Physical exams and up-to-date immunizations are required for all students entering pre-kindergarten, kindergarten, sixth, and ninth grade and any student entering District 200 outside of Illinois. Dental examinations are required for kindergarten, second, sixth-grade, and ninth-grade students. Students entering kindergarten and those entering District 200 from out of state must also have an eye exam completed by a licensed optometrist or ophthalmologist. Physical, dental, and eye examinations are due on the first day of school, and the forms can be found here.
- Food Service
- Students will have the opportunity to select hot or cold food options as well bring their own lunch. Lunch prices for the 24-25 school year are $3.35 (Pre-K-5) and $3.45 (6-12). Breakfast prices are $2.45 (Pre-K-12). Families who qualify for Direct Certification will receive a letter from the District 200 Food Services Department by August 5, 2024. If you do not receive this letter, you may still apply for free and/or reduced-price lunches and breakfasts. You may apply online through the District website. If you need assistance completing the free/reduced lunch application, please contact the Food Service Office at (815) 338-8166.
- Fee Waiver Application and Requirement:
- Fee waiver applications will be available in August at the school’s main office or the district website. Complete a fee waiver application, attach the necessary proof, and return it to the school or the District 200 Business Office. You can put all your children on one form even if they attend different D200 schools. The District 200 Business Office will complete a review of your information and determine what if any, fees can/will be waived for the 2024-2025 school year. If you think you may qualify, please fill out this paperwork as soon as possible. You will receive a letter notifying you about the status of your application.
- Raptor System
- The Raptor system, a visitor management system, enhances school security by reading a visitor’s driver’s license or other approved government-issued ID. Each school will ask visitors to provide their identification the first time they enter the building. Once cleared through the system, a visitor badge is produced that includes a photo, the visitor's name, date and time, and destination, replacing the paper sign-in. We appreciate your support in doing what you can to keep our children, staff, and visitors safe.
- Transportation
- Information regarding bus routes will be available on our online system beginning Monday, August 5. Routes have been created based on your home address. If alternate arrangements need to be made, or you have any questions or concerns, contact transportation as soon as possible at 815-338-4777. There will be continued updates and changes made to the routing information. It is important to recheck all busing information on August 13, before the first day of school. Please follow the steps outlined below to access bus routing information.
- Go to https://trans.woodstockschools.org.
- Login using your Student ID number as your username and password. At the beginning of each new school year, the password will always be the same as the Student ID number. This is the same ID number used by your student for Chromebook log-in. Please contact your school if you need help locating the Student ID number. You will be prompted to change your password the first time you log in.
- Click on “Work with Students”
- Click on “View My Students”
- Click on “Student Name”