Cougar Connection
From the Principal...
Dear Colbert Families,
Thank you so much for joining us at our fall conferences. Your presence and involvement mean a lot to us and, most importantly, to your child’s growth and success. These conferences are a valuable opportunity to strengthen our partnership and support your child's learning journey.
As the cold weather settles in, please remember to dress your child warmly with coats, hats, gloves, and boots. If you need assistance in providing any of these items, don't hesitate to reach out—we’re here to help.
Warm regards,
Cari Trowbridge
From the Music Room...
A BIG thank you to our Colbert PTO for sponsoring our annual 4th grade field trip to the Fox Theater to hear our fantastic Spokane Symphony play. Students have been learning about the different sections of the orchestra and the instruments in these sections. It was a thrilling experience to hear these musicians live! If you want to experience this music with your child, get a ticket to an upcoming symphony performance. FYI: K-12 students get in free to all Masterworks Series concerts.
A Note From the Counselor...
The Holiday Season is just around the corner. Our Tree of Sharing opens on Tuesday, November 12th. If your family could use a little help this Thanksgiving and/or Christmas please fill out the form below and return it to school by Friday, November 8th. These forms were also sent home at your child’s conference. If you need Christmas support, be sure to fill out the Wish List Form as well. If you have any questions please email or call Jenn Hoglund at jennifer.hoglund@mead354.org, 509-465-6367.
Jenn Hoglund
Colbert Elementary
School Counselor
Stories, Songs and Service...Save the Date
Technology Use at Colbert
Please read the information below as it pertains to technology use at Colbert.
- Cell phones must be turned off and in a backpack during school hours. If a cell phone is out during the school day, it will be taken for the remainder of the day and parents will be informed.
Gizmos and iwatches are considered phones as well, and are expected to be turned off and in a backpack during school hours.
Ipads, Kindles and tablets of any kind should not be brought to school.
If a student needs to contact a parent they can do so from the school office or classroom.
If there is an emergency at the school, parents will be contacted by our front office.
Dates to Remember...
November 11 - Veterans Day - No School
November 22 - Popcorn Friday
November 26 - Spirit Day...Crazy Socks!
November 27 - 29 - Thanksgiving Break