Freeman Frolic
December 2 - December 6
Everyday Counts
Imagine Believe Achieve
Welcome Back, Rachel Freeman Students and Families
Welcome back from NHCS Winter Break!
Students return to school Monday, January 6th. Welcome Back, Freeman Bears!
We hope you had a restful and enjoyable winter break and are ready to start the new year! We are excited to welcome everyone back to school and look forward to all the learning and fun ahead.
Here are a few important dates and reminders to keep in mind as we begin the second half of the school year:
Report Cards will be sent home on Wednesday, January 8th, 2025. Be on the lookout for these in your child’s backpack!
Aimsweb Math and mClass Reading Winter Benchmark Testing will begin in the coming weeks. Classroom teachers will send more details home soon.
Please make sure you are connected to your child's classroom through Class Dojo. If you need help with this, don’t hesitate to send a note to your child's teacher.
Outstanding Attendance Recognition: Rachel Freeman Elementary will soon be recognizing students for excellent attendance. More information is shared below and will be shared in upcoming newsletters.
As the weather is cold, please be sure your child comes to school dressed warmly with a coat for recess and outdoor activities.
We are thrilled to have everyone back in the building. Let’s make the second half of the school year a great one!
Welcome back, Freeman Bears! We’ve missed you!
Warm regards,
The Freeman Elementary Team
School Breakfast Service Ends at 9am
We want to make you aware that breakfast service ends at 9am so the cafeterIa can start making lunches. If your child is tardy and comes to school after 9am, please know that breakfast is not served after 9am. Try to make sure your child gets breakfast if checking in late!
Happening This Week and Upcoming!
Monday, January 6, 2025
Return to school from winter break
Wednesday, January 8, 2008
Report Cards come home
Week of January 13 - 17, 2025
5th Grade Students attend STARBASE all week. Please make sure permission slips and all paperwork for the experience is turned in before Monday, Jan. 13
Monday, January 20, 2025
Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday
No School for Students
Attendance Incentives
Recognize Previous Attendance Celebrations
Communities in Schools and Ms. Robbins will recognize perfect attendance for the months of school we have already attended. January 8th, the team will visit classrooms to get the Attendance Incentives started. This recognition will continue each month. Students with perfect attendance for the month will be recognized with a charm/tag to add to their chain.
These attendance "lanyards" will be kept in the classroom on display in a safe place so they don't get lost. Name tags will be made for each chain for each student.
Bear-ific Attendance Walls
Each Friday, teachers will plan to meet at the attendance wall with their class and add Bear-ific star pictures for weekly perfect attendance.
Away for the Day
At R. Freeman Elementary School, cell phones and personal devices are expected to be away for the day.
- Students will keep personal devices turned off and put away in backpacks.
- This included phones, smart watches, tablets, laptops, headphones, earpods, and similar devices that are not school-issued.
- Students may access their personal devices before school (before they enter the building) and after announcements (2:30pm).
- Students may NOT access their personal devices during the school day (7:15am - 2:30pm).
- Parents may call the front office to leave messages for their student (910) 250-6011
- If a student needs to call home, they can use the front office phone.
How can families support in this area?
- Please support by not expecting your student to access their phone during the school day.
- Students can bring devices to school to let families know they have arrived or about after school plans. They just cannot access the device during the school day.