Paw Power Press
Butler Elementary School - Volume 2 - September 2024
Butler's Pledge: Be Respectful, Responsible, & Kind
Important Information
Carline Tags
Last issue, we shared information about our new dismissal program, Schoolhouse Driveline, which is an internal system organizing our notifications for cars and buses. Relatedly - All Families - If you ever plan to have your child picked up during Dismissal by vehicle through our carline, it is necessary to have your Carline Tag now - even if your family does not typically use the carline dismissal option. This may be due to a dismissal change, bad weather, instrument, etc. Please contact the main office to get your family's personalized car tag!
4th / 5th / 6th Grade Students Interested in a Musical Instrument
Students met with our instrumental music teachers to learn about the many instruments to play in either strings or band. Please refer to the below to sign-up this year! Butler supports our performing arts! (4th Grade Strings, 5th & 6th Grade Strings, 5th & 6th Grade Band). Scan QR Code below for information and registration.
NAESP: Report to Parents - 10 best Practices to Protect Kids Online
As parents and educators know, online access to information has revolutionized the way we learn, communicate, and solve problems, with resources readily available at our fingertips. This instant access not only enhances our knowledge but also connects us to a global community of ideas and support. As children increasingly engage with digital spaces, it’s crucial for adults/parents to maintain a supportive presence in all online activities. Recently, NOVA presented to our Butler 5th & 6th grade families at Back to School Night - sharing resources and information to support ways families might guide their child's online presence. By actively participating and monitoring children's social interactions and gaming experiences, we can help ensure their safety and guide them through the complexities of digital environments. In this month's Report to Parents publication, NAESP shares important tips for all parents to follow as a guide to this important responsibility.
"In the last decade, child sexual exploitation and abuse (CSEA) has increased exponentially. In 2023, the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children received 36 million reports of child sexual abuse material online—up from 1 million in 2014. Armed with a greater understanding of the problem and strategies to take action, families can teach their children best practices in navigating the internet to keep them safe."
To read the full 1-page article, please click here.
Car Rider Arrival & Dismissal Reminders
Arrival and Dismissal procedures are paramount in our operation during the two busiest times of our school day - especially Car Line Procedures. Please be reminded:
- School Doors officially open at 8:45 AM.
- PLEASE have car-riders REMAIN in vehicles until staff is in place at 8:45 AM.
- Walkers will be assembling under the canopy by the front doors, but we request car-riders remain in vehicles so traffic is not moving while children are walking to school.
- We will have a crosswalk attendee supporting student walker arrival and traffic flow.
- Please keep your eyes open for student walkers and adhere to speed limit postings.
- Car Rider dismissal will again take place from our Gym Atrium Doors.
- A placard will be provided to each family on the first day/week - please make sure this is displayed around your rearview mirror each day.
- Parents remain in vehicles at all times; a staff member will identify the Schoolhouse Driveline Family number to call the student(s) to meet the family member's vehicle in our pull-around circle (See Details Above).
- Walkers will be released from Front or Back of the building once bus and car traffic has exited - usually around 4:00 pm.
With the start of the new year, timing will continue to improve - new routines for students and personnel makes things a little slower the first few days. There is always a dramatic improvement in timing from day one to day two - Thank you, families! Soon, our dismissal procedures will be efficient and familiar - we just ask (kindly) for your understanding and patience.
School Backpacks for Students
Student 1:1 Device Assistance
Standard School Day - Butler "C-School" Hours
Butler School Day - "C" School:
Grades 1 through 6 - 9:05 a.m. — 3:45 p.m.
AM Kindergarten: 9:05 a.m. – 11:40 a.m. (Mid-Day Pick-Up)
PM Kindergarten: 1:10 p.m. – 3:45 p.m. (Mid-Day Drop-Off)
Typical 2-Hour Delay Schedule:
Delayed Opening Arrival - 10:45 a.m. (K-6)
Normal Dismissal - 3:45 p.m. (K-6)
AM Kindergarten - 11:05 a.m. - 12:50 p.m. (adjusted hours)
PM Kindergarten - 2:00 p.m. - 3:45 p.m. (adjusted hours)
** Early Dismissal Days / Or Scheduled Half Days - 12:25 p.m.
Daily Recess/Lunch Schedules
5th Grade - 11:00-11:30 - Recess / 11:30-12:00 Lunch
6th Grade - 11:30-12:00 - Recess / 12:00-12:30 Lunch
1st Grade/EDK - 12:00-12:30 - Recess / 12:30-1:00 Lunch
4th Grade - 12:30 - 1:00 - Recess / 1:00-1:30 Lunch
2nd Grade - 1:00 - 1:30 - Recess / 1:30-2:00 Lunch
District Messages & Announcements
The Annual Student Information Update for the 2024-2025 school year is now available until September 30th. New this year upon logging into the Parent Portal, you will be directed to complete the Annual Student Information Update before accessing other information such as schedules, assessments, and demographics. To begin, login to Parent Portal, navigate to the menu (top), select “more” and then “Annual Student Information Update”. For assistance, please contact parentportal@cbsd.org.
UPDATING THE INFORMATION IS CRITICAL. Unless the update is completed:
- School nurses may NOT administer acetaminophen, antacids (Tums), antihistamines (Benadryl), or ibuprofen.
- The school may not be able to reach you in an emergency if phone numbers or email addresses are not up to date.
- You may miss school closing, early dismissal information, emails from classroom teachers, and MORE.
Instructional videos have been prepared to assist families in accessing and completing the update. Watch here: English| Spanish.
For more assistance you have any questions or would like help with this, please call or email Lori Rebstock at 267.893.5714/lrebstock@cbsd.org.
CBSD: Committed to an Inclusive Environment for Students with Disabilities
At Central Bucks, our mission is to equip every student, regardless of ability or need, with academic and problem-solving skills essential for personal growth, responsible citizenship and continuous learning. A crucial aspect of fulfilling this mission is to provide an inclusive environment for all students, including students with disabilities. In recent years, the district has been working to create a continuum of special education services and programs in all schools to ensure students with disabilities can be educated in their home schools and alongside their peers, to the maximum extent possible, rather than transported to schools or locations outside their home school. Read more on the CBSD Pupil Services homepage.
Information on Title IX - Ensuring a Safe Environment
The 2024 Title IX regulations enhance protections against sexual harassment and gender identity discrimination. CBSD is dedicated to ensuring an environment free from discrimination due to race, age, religion, sex, gender identity, disability and any other classification protected by state or federal law. We uphold Title IX, prohibiting sex-based discrimination and harassment. Updated Title IX regulations, approved in the summer of 2024, emphasize stronger protections for students, particularly regarding sexual harassment and gender identity discrimination. Parents and guardians with inquiries should contact their building principal or Alyssa Wright, Title IX coordinator, at 267-893-2060 or alwright@cbsd.org. More information
Have You Changed Addresses?
If you have moved, please make sure you update your address with Central Registration. The office can be reached at 267-893-2111 or centralregistration@cbsd.org.
New Safety Protocol Launched with New School Year: I Love U Guys
All schools in CBSD will be implementing the Standard Response Protocol developed by the "I Love U Guys" Foundation beginning this school year. The SRP provides a framework for handling various emergency situations in schools by emphasizing the importance of consistent, clear communication across all schools and with law enforcement. Learn more.
CBSD Attendance Law - Act 138 and Act 16
New Bus Safety Program to Help Enforce Traffic Violations
Beginning the first day of school, Sept. 3, CBSD is bolstering the safety of bus passengers through a new partnership with BusPatrol, a safety technology company, and in line with PA Motor Vehicle Code § 3345. CBSD buses are now equipped with photo enforcement cameras to detect vehicles that illegally pass stopped buses while the stop sign is deployed and red lights are flashing. Every captured incident will be reviewed by a law enforcement officer before a violation notice is issued to the motorist. Read more in an email sent to the CBSD community on August 19.
MySchoolBucks - Aramark Food Services Update
CBSD utilizes the online platform MySchoolBucks for school meal payments, making it easy to oversee a child's meal choices and maintain their account balance. It is important that an account is created for every student, regardless of whether they take part in school meals or not. You can access MySchoolBucks to view and/or set up an account for your student(s) by clicking here. To set up an account, you will need your child(ren)'s student identification number(s), which can be found in the Parent Portal.
For the 24-25 school year:
School Breakfast is free for each student (State Grant).
School lunch meals cost $2.85.
- All menus are available to be viewed online up to 2 weeks in advance by visiting cbsd.nutrislice.com.
Free & Reduced Lunch Program
The application for free and reduced meal pricing for the 2024-25 school year is now open. Breakfast is available at no charge to students, and lunch costs vary depending on grade level. Your child(ren) may qualify for free meals or for reduced price meals. Learn more and apply by visiting the full informational webpage here.
Before & After Care for the 2024-2025 School Year
The 24-25 Before & After Care Community School Program is now open. Please visit the CBSD Childcare Program site for more information on how to register your child.
CLICK HERE to Register for Before/After Care with CB Community School!
CHIP is short for the Children's Health Insurance Program, Pennsylvania's program to provide health insurance to uninsured children and teens who are not eligible for or enrolled in Medical Assistance.
CHIP is brought to you by leading health insurance companies. You'll have a choice of major insurance companies with networks of physicians, specialists, and care facilities near you. Your kids may even be able to keep visiting the same doctors they see today.
Payment System Open for 1-to-1 Device Fee for Grades 3-12
The 1-to-1 fee payment system opened on August 14 for families of students in grades 3-12. There is no fee for families of K-2 students as devices for these grades stay at school. All CB students will either receive a device this year or continue to use the device that was issued last year. Even if your child has their own device, we ask that you participate in our program to allow for a consistent learning platform for our students. Read more about the plan, the fee amounts, and next steps here.
Department Update: Health Office
Health Room Update - Required health Exams for the 24-25 School Year
Required Health Examinations
Pennsylvania mandates the following health examinations as indicated: Physicals: School entry, grades 6 and 11 Dentals: School entry, grades 3 and 7.
Parents are urged to have physical and dental examinations completed by their family physician or dentist and submitted prior to October 15th of the year that they are due. Exams may be completed any time after September 1st of the prior calendar year. Forms can be found by clicking HERE. Please submit these forms to the school directly or via email to ggiovinco@cbsd.org.
The Pennsylvania Department of Health has the following immunization requirements for students:
- 4 doses of tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis (1 dose on or after 4th birthday) (DTaP)
- 4 doses of polio (4th dose on or after 4th birthday and at least 6 months after previous dose given) (IPV)
- 2 doses of measles, mumps and rubella (MMR)
- 3 doses of hepatitis B (Hep B)-properly spaced
- 2 doses of varicella or evidence of immunity (chickenpox)
You may check your child’s school immunization record by logging onto the parent portal through the district website at www.cbsd.org or by consulting with your child’s physician. Immunization records can be sent to the school directly or via email to ggiovinco@cbsd.org.
School Calendar & Updates
School Calendar
September Continued:
Sept. 19 - Unami BTSN (7th Grade)
Sept. 20 - Butler PTO Bingo Night - Evening
Sept. 23 - General Parent PTO Meeting - 7:00 PM (Library)
Sept. 26 - Unami BTSN (8th & 9th Grades)
Sept. 27 - PTO Monster Mash (Grades K-2 Only) - 6:00-7:30 PM
Sept. 30 - Half-Day for Students (12:25 PM Dismissal)
Sept. 30 - **Annual Student Update Information Due (Click Here)
Oct. 3 - School Closed (Holiday - Rosh Hashanah) - Offices Open 9:00 AM-3:30 PM
Oct. 7 - Extended Day Kindergarten Begins (By Invite Only)
Oct. 8&9 - 5th Grade Soil Secrets (Peace Valley Park) - 1-Day by Schedule
Oct. 9 - Extended Day Kindergarten "Back to School Night" - 5:00 PM
Oct. 11 - Fire Prevention Assemblies - K-3
Oct. 18 - Haunted Gym - Grades 3 (w/parent) through 5th Grade Only - 6:30 PM
Oct. 22 - Picture Retake Day
Oct. 24&25 - 6th Grade Ropes - Elbow Lane
Oct. 28-31 - Red Ribbon Week - Living Drug Free
Oct. 31 - Parade - 9:30 AM (Outside - Details to Come); Classroom Parties to Follow
Oct. 31 - Half Day for Students - Dismissal Begins 12:25 PM
Butler Family Bingo - 9/20
When: Friday, September 20 | 7:00-8:30 PM
Where: Butler Gymnasium
Join us for the first PTO event of the new school year... Butler Family Bingo! There will be light snacks and water, as well as fun prizes to win! We hope to see you there!
Please note, this is a family event (i.e. not a drop off event).
The Butler PTO Monster Mash - 9/27
When: Friday, September 27 | 6:00-7:30 PM
Where: Butler Gymnasium and Cafeteria
Join the PTO for a brand-new event... The Butler Monster Mash! There will be music, crafts, Halloween activities, and a costume parade! Please sign up here to assist with the event. We hope to see you there!
Please note, this is a family event for current K-2 students (i.e. not a drop-off event).
Students in grades 1-8 are invited to attend the EAST meets WEST field hockey clinic, at WAR MEMORIAL FIELD on, Sunday September 22nd, 10:00-12:30. Students will need to bring a stick, mouth guard, shin guards, sneakers/turf shoes, and water bottle. The cost for the clinic is $50 and registration can be found at www.mypaymentsplus.com/welcome.
Lenape Valley (LV Lightning) Basketball Try-Out/Registration Information
See below to learn how to register your children or visit www.lvbasketball.org
School Happenings
Butler Back to School Nights
Across the opening of school, Butler held three evenings of Back to School Nights for our Kindergarten through 6th Grades, Special Education, and PEN classrooms. Each grade level highlighted classroom routines and curricular activities to be done throughout the school year. "Thank You" teachers, for providing important details during your grade level night!
NOVA - iSafety: Online Safety Standards for Children
On September 5th, in-between the 5th and 6th grade back-to-school nights, Butler had the Network Of Victim Assistance (NOVA) present iSmart for Caregivers. This presentation provided information to parents about social media safety for students. Linked are handouts for parents about helpful tips with social media and how parents can respond to help their children remain safe online. NOVA also provided a list of apps parents need to know about, but keep in mind that apps are frequently changing! For additional questions, please click on the link here to NOVA’s website.
Butler Town Hall Meeting - 9/4
Butler Elementary met with both Primary and Intermediate students the first Friday (9/6) of the school year to celebrate completing our week of success! Staff and students have been working very hard emulating what it means to be a Butler Bear. Our focus of the Town Hall Meeting was led by our School Counselors (Mrs. O'Connell & Mrs. Milotich) and Butler Student Ambassadors as we highlighted expectations, school pride, and our Butler Pledge (Be Respectful, Be Responsible, and Be Kind)! This set the stage for our collective efforts for the year celebrating our Butler Community!
Butler Picture Day - 9/10
On September 10th, Butler held our Picture Day with C&C Photography. Our gymnasium was turned into a "photo shoot" with each of our classrooms taking time when it was their turn on the schedule. Students smiled brightly and looked their best throughout the day. (Picture Retake Day will be held October 22nd. This will be for those students who were absent or want to conduct another session due to a quality issue.)
E-A-G-L-E-S Spirit Day - Go Birds!
The start of school means new routines, new classmates, and EAGLES Football! Butler celebrated the Eagles by showing our team pride with great hometown swag!
First Weeks of School
Photographs from the First Weeks of School!
Student Showcase
Paw Power Winners - 9/13/24
Simon Butler's students and staff embrace the Butler Pledge, the foundation of our school's positive behavior program. Our Butler Community promises to:
Be Respectful * Be Responsible * Be Kind
This pledge to all Butler Bears upholds our traditional Pillars: B.U.T.L.E.R.
Butler (at its Best!); Understanding; Teamwork; Leadership; Educational Excellence; Respect
Each week, students earn Positive Paw Power Coupons for their good deeds and honorable actions as recognition. Children enter them into our collection bins where names are drawn to earn a special "Breakfast with the Principals".
9/13 Winners: Rosie C-T (Kdg.), Dante W. (Gr.1), Rita F. (Gr.2), Anuoluwa A. (Gr.3), Emma K. (Gr.4), Christina I. (Gr.5), Roy S. (Gr.6)
New this year, student winners will get to choose a special activity from the "Choice Board" - where they identify a special event in which they will participate.
9/13 Special Announcer
9/13 VIP Lunch
From the Butler PTO
The Butler PTO Newsletter
Butler PTO General Meeting - 9/23 - 7:00 PM
District Details
Central Bucks School District
Superintendent: Steven Yanni, Ed. D.
Assistant Superintendent-Secondary: Charles Malone, Ed. D.
Assistant Superintendent-Elementary: Nadine Garvin, Ed. D.
Website: cbsd.org
Location: 20 Welden Drive, Doylestown, PA, USA
Phone: 267-893-2000
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cbschools/
Twitter: @CBSDSchools
Simon Butler Elementary School
Principal: Karl Funseth
Principal's Secretary: Peggy Bernabei
Assistant Principal: Lauren Dowd
Assistant Principal's Secretary: Michele Droxler
Website: https://www.cbsd.org/butler
Location: 200 Brittany Drive, Chalfont, PA, USA
Phone: 267-894-4250
Twitter: @CBButlerElem