MSM Family Connection Newsletter
September 20, 2024
A Message from Principal Spillman
Dear MSM Families,
I am looking forward to seeing everyone at Meet the Teacher Night next Thursday evening, September 26th. The short presentation by the University of Buffalo on managing social media and technology will be helpful for all grade levels as we navigate this ever-changing, digital world landscape.
All families are also encouraged to stop by the counseling wing to connect with our Counseling and Wellness team. For families of upperclassmen, I do hope that you'll get a chance to meet Mrs. Julia Rooney-Grant and Ms. Jordan Osborne who will be assisting with the college process. They have some good information to share with parents/guardians that is also being readily shared with your daughters in senior seminar class.
I do want to draw your attention to our reminders about school safety procedures which are formalized in our annual approved safety plan. Thank you for reinforcing with your child(ren) the importance of following our safety measures.
Have a wonderful weekend and see you soon!
Katie Spillman
Class of 2025 Kicks Off the Year with Senior Sunrise!
On Friday, September 13, over 50 members of the senior class gathered together on the front lawn to watch the sunrise and kick off their last year at MSM together. This beloved MSM tradition is a moment for students to pause and reflect on the friendships they've made, the experiences they've shared, and the many exciting milestones yet to come.
We hope this year brings many wonderful things and lasting memories to the Class of 2025!
We Need YOUR Help at Open House!
We need YOU to volunteer for one of our most important annual events, OPEN HOUSE!
Sunday, October 6 | 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and Monday, October 7 | 5:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.
Parents can help with hospitality in the cafeteria and welcoming prospective families. Students can give tours, show off their team/club displays, and more.
Please email the Office of Admissions, esuchan-reitz@msmacademy.org, if you're interested in being a part of this important event!
Join Us for Meet the Teacher Night: Thursday, September 26th
We are very excited to be hosting this year's Meet the Teacher Night on Thursday, September 26, from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm at MSM! This is a great opportunity to meet and chat with your daughter's teachers about the year and what is coming up. We have extended the RSVP date to Monday, September 23, at 8:00pm. Please be on the lookout for a copy of your daughter's schedule next week; if you need an additional copy, they will be available in the Main Office.
Finally, we strongly encourage you to attend the Parent Presentation at 6:00 pm on "Promises and Pitfalls of Social Media: Supporting Your Child in their Digital Worlds," as we know the many challenges that social media can present for all high school students. There will be additional resources and information available from the Alberti Center for you to take home that evening.
If you have any questions, please call or email Jessica Gertz (School Social Worker) at 716-877-1358 ext. 208 or jgertz@msmacademy.org.
Please click HERE or anywhere on the flyer below and RSVP to let us know you will be attending.
See you on September 26th!
🔹 New Attendance Email Address 🔹
Dear Parents and Guardians,
MSM's email address for parents/guardians submitting an email regarding absences, early dismissal, late arrival, and medical notes has changed from: forms@msmacademy.org to attendance@msmacademy.org.
For any attendance-related notifications, please use this new address moving forward.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
MSM Lawn Signs Now Available!
Do you want to show off your MSM pride and help advertise for Open House/Fall events?
Contact the Office of Admissions for a lawn sign! Every MSM family who stakes one on their lawn and sends in a photo to Ms. Hawkins yhawkins@msmacademy.org,
will be entered into a drawing for a $25 Starbucks gift card for their Mountie!!
Stop by Admissions today!!
Important School Life Information
Please Take the Time to Read the Following Important Information Carefully❗
At MSM we strive to create a safe school environment every day. As communicated with our students and families this August, it is a requirement for all students and employees to wear their school ID and fob at all times during the school day. Students should also have their ID/fob accessible before and after school to gain entry into the building and school events.
All returning MSM students should have their school IDs from the last school year. The entire school community will receive their ID cards approximately 1 week after picture day (September 23). All students have already received their fob, allowing secure access to our building. This should be worn on a lanyard in a visible manner.
Our school doors are locked at all times. Access is strictly limited to the doors with an intercom system (Doors 1 and 9). Students, faculty, and staff can access the building using their fob from 6:30AM - 8:00AM and from 2:30PM - 4:00PM. All other visitors must be buzzed in by a staff member and register with the Main Office. Students should not open the door for anyone at any time. If a student should lose their ID and/or fob, that student should report it missing in the Main Office.
Additionally, all students have been issued a locker and a school lock. It is imperative that lockers are locked at all times. Students should not share their lockers and/or lock combinations with other students. If a student experiences any issues with her lock, she can come to the Main Office for assistance.
Please help us in maintaining a safe and secure environment and talk with your daughter(s) about the importance of security measures. This is a required part of our uniform code. A warning is given the first time that the uniform code is not followed. Further disciplinary consequences will be assessed with each uniform infraction. If at any time a student forgets part of the uniform, she may come to the Main Office before the start of the school day to borrow missing pieces.
Drop Off and Pick Up Procedures
We have two points of drop off for families who drive their students to school. We have noticed an overall heavy increase in traffic in the rear parking lot. The rear parking lot is already logistically difficult due to limited space, faculty, and upperclassmen who drive themselves.
If we could please ask for your assistance in trying to utilize the front loop as much as possible for student drop off that would be greatly appreciated. Additionally, regardless of location, we also ask for your assistance in trying to make drop off as seamless and in as timely a manner as possible.
MSM Cell Phone Policy
Cell phone usage of any kind is not permitted during class instruction, in the hallway during class instruction, or in restrooms. Cell phones must be silenced and out of sight in students' backpacks during class periods.
The cell phone policy outlined here should also be a part of all faculty Course Expectations. Cell phone use should be limited and or not permitted during Advisory, unless given specific permission from the advisor.
When permitted by a faculty/staff member, cell phones must be used in a non-disruptive manner. The faculty/staff member has the final say as to what is disruptive. Cell phone usage is permitted before school, after school, during a student’s assigned lunch period, study halls, and hallway transitions to class. They may be used during lunch and study hall when kept to a quiet noise level; again, the proctor has the final say as to what is disruptive.
Phones cannot be used for making audio or video calls at any point during the school day. Students who need to use their cell phone to call a family member during the school day may request permission to do so from a school administrator or counselor and the call must be made in their office.
The following information outlines consequences for cell phone use violations:
- The first offense will result in a verbal warning.
- A second offense will result in a written warning or phone call home to the student’s parent/guardian. Additionally, the faculty/staff member may also take the student's phone to the Director of School Life, and the student will then be able to pick up their phone from the DSL or DSL Assistant at the end of the school day.
- A third offense will result in the student incurring disciplinary consequences including but not limited to detention, loss of senior privilege, and or etc. For safety reasons, earbuds, over the ear headphones, and other Bluetooth speaker devices are not permitted during hallway transition time to be able to hear general instructions, and/or emergency/safety directives. MSM's cell phone policy is subject to change upon further review by administration at any time. (MSM Handbook, p. 16)
MSM Spirit Wear Back to School Sale!
Gear up for the new school year with our back-to-school sale on spirit wear! From cozy hoodies and stylish tees to MSM scarves and baseball hats, we’ve got everything you need to show off your Mountie pride. Enjoy fantastic discounts on all your favorite designs, and don’t miss out on 30% off sitewide when you shop early.
Whether you’re gearing up for game day or just want to represent your favorite Mountie in style, our spirit wear sale is the perfect opportunity to refresh your wardrobe and support MSM.
Click HERE to shop now and get ready to make this school year the best one yet!
Don't Miss Out! Get Your FREE MSM Car Magnets Today!
Drive around and show off your Mountie pride! If you'd like an MSM car magnet, take advantage of this one-time back to school offer; they are FREE from the Office of Admissions for the month of September! Have your Mountie stop by today! Limit 2 per family.
It's Reverse Raffle Time!
Get ready for an evening of excitement at MSM's 14th Annual Reverse Raffle sponsored by Batavia Downs Gaming and Hotel!
This year’s event promises to be bigger and better than ever, with a 1 in 400 chance to win the $10,000 Grand Prize, along with a chance to win other cash prizes totaling $1,600!
Unlike traditional raffles, in our reverse raffle, the last ticket drawn wins the grand prize, keeping the suspense high and the fun going all night long!
Purchase your Reverse Raffle tickets HERE and be part of this unforgettable event!
MSM Soccer Alumnae Event
Support the MSM soccer team with your former teammates at the MSM Soccer Alumnae Event! Please join us on Saturday, September 28th to cheer on the MSM Varsity Team as they play Buffalo Seminary at 2:00 pm at Elmwood Commons. Following the game, enjoy Happy Hour at Fattey Beer Company in Kenmore to visit with friends and raise money for the team!
To R.S.V.P. for the event, click the following link: MSM Soccer Alumnae Event
MSM Thunder Athletics Calendar
Click the link below to visit the official Mount St. Mary Academy Thunder Website for a calendar of upcoming athletic events. Come out and support our Mounties in action!
Archived Family Connection Newsletters
Mount St. Mary Academy
Mount St. Mary Academy, founded by the Sisters of St. Mary of Namur, is a Catholic, private, college preparatory school for young women. Within a nurturing and academically challenging and inclusive environment, the Academy strives to develop the whole person’s gifts and potential. Guided by our Catholic tradition, and rooted in Gospel values, we empower scholars to be leaders dedicated to lifelong learning, moral integrity, social justice, and service to and inclusion of others.
We Believe in You!
Email: information@msmacademy.org
Website: https://www.msmacademy.org
Location: 3756 Delaware Avenue, Buffalo, NY, USA
Phone: 716-877-1358
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/msmacademy
Twitter: @msmacademy