Helpful Info 2024-2025 School Year-Summer Edition
Free or reduced applications are now being accepted. Don't forget to apply.
Each school year a new application must be on file to continue receiving meal benefits. Instructions on how to apply electronically via Skyward and paper applications are available at hseschools.org under Food Services.
Please note if your student(s) qualifies for Direct Certification from the state, you will not be able to submit an application through Skyward. This is due to your student(s) already qualifying for meal benefits.
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
Breakfast and Lunch menus can be found on the Food Services section of our district website at hseschools.org. Select your student's school and the menu will generate. A separate printable menu will not be posted on our page as items listed are subject to change based on availability. Check the online menu or app for the most current information.
What is included in a student breakfast meal?
A breakfast Meal Deal consists of at least three and no more then four items. One item must be a 1/2 cup of fruit or vegetable to qualify as a Meal Deal. A juice can be a fruit at breakfast however due to sugar content, only one juice can be included in a Meal Deal.
If your student is receiving free or reduced lunch it's important to encourage your student to take the correct components to qualify for meal benefits.
What is included in a student lunch meal?
A Meal Deal consists of at least three components but can be up to five. One component must be a 1/2 cup of fruit or vegetable to qualify as a Meal Deal. The five components consist of a whole grain, protein, vegetable, fruit, and a milk. Although there are several different ways to make a lunch meal deal, for a truly nutritious meal choose all five!
If your student is receiving free or reduced lunch it's important to encourage your student to take the correct components to qualify for meal benefits.
You child's student ID number is the same as their lunch number
Please encourage your student to memorize their Student ID number. This number will stay with them until graduation and is used in many areas of the school. Memorizing this number also aids in faster service through the lunch line. This number can be found in Skyward under the Food Services tab.
A la Carte Purchases
A la Carte items cost extra and are not included in a Meal Deal. Student accounts would need to have the available funds to cover this cost in their lunch accounts. Meal Deal purchases will always be sold and available regardless of a student's account balance. You can track student purchases and account balances under the Food Services tab in Skyward.
Please reach out to the cafeteria manager at your child's school.
Making eFunds payments
Did you know you can fund your student's lunch account electronically? Click the link in the picture to access our eFunds portal or go to hseschools.org and navigate to the Food Services section. You will need your student's name and ID number to set up a payment. Be sure to click Fund Lunch to ensure your payments go to your student's lunch account. Please note electronic payments include a processing fee and can take up to 48 to post.
Don't want to pay the fee?
You can always send in cash or a check with your student. Be sure include the student's name and ID number with the payment to ensure the funds are applied to the correct account.
Unused Food Service funds will stay in a student's account from year to year. If you are needing to transfer funds from one student to another please email tluce@hse.k12.in.us with the details of the transfer of funds.
Setting up Low Balance Alerts in Skyward
Although the Food Services department sends out negative balance emails every Friday, a low balance alert is available for you to turn on in Skyward to prevent your student's account from going into the negative. This alert will notify you via email or text any time your student's Food Services account is below $10.00. Log in to Skyward and navigate to My Account. Under My Account navigate to the section labeled Email Notifications then check the box that reads Receive Notifications when Food Service Balance is under $10.00. After you have checked this box, choose how you would like to receive the notification. Click Save and you're done.
Looking for employment and want to work the same schedule as your children?
Our Food Services department offers a variety of schedules and positions to accommodate your needs. Click the link in the photo to be taken directly to an employment application.