May 6, 2024
Congratulations to Little Flower First Communicants!
Omar Avalos Duran
Owen Bautista Mejia
Fatima Coronada
Therese Costello
Isabella Diaz
Conor Dugan
Whittaker Gleason Rohn
Paxton Glenn
Genevieve Gordon
Fatima Pena Gonzalez
Bianca Guerrero-Torres
Mackynzie Howard
Isabella Hoyt
Izabella Honeycutt
Damien Machado-Alvarez
Mina Mann
Rowan Meier
Elaina Mize
Nathan Rawlinson
Jetzell Serrano
Gabrielle Sykes
Zachary Wade
Sydney Weimer
Gabriel White
Nicholas Wise
Juan (Tony) Zabala
Congratulations to Ms. McGannon and the cast and crew of Into the Woods, Jr. for a spectacularly successful weekend of shows. Your dedication, persistence, and hard work (not to mention your incredible talents) were on full display.
Congratulations to Maya Castro who earned First Place in her cheer competition in Tampa, FL.
April 18 meeting minutes attached below
Use the link to sign-up to help make our Teacher Appreciation Week a success. Thanks for your support!
At Little Flower, traditions play a huge role in who we are as a school and community. May is especially full of special days. We already kicked off the Month with a beautiful May Crowning Mass with our Second Graders and Eighth Graders leading the way.
The Spring Musical was followed with three awesome shows last weekend.
This week we celebrate Teacher Appreciation Week.
Friday is our exciting and fun Field Day.
Next week, Eighth grade parents will be providing special treats for the eighth graders for their last full week at Little Flower.
Friday, May 17 will be our final Celebration of the year.
Thursday, May 23 is a busy day. It is the last day of school for PreK, Kindergarten, and Eighth Grade.
Preschool will have a picnic at Ellenburger to celebrate their year.
Kindergarten will have Graduation in the church.
Eighth Grade has a luncheon served by Seventh Grade. Then we Celebrate the Eighth Graders Final Walk-Out of Little Flower. This involves students and parents creating a path and cheering as Eighth Graders leave. There is a LOT of water, usually a Fire Truck with hose, to dose the kids on the way out. It is a bit chaotic and very wet. Walk-Out will begin at about 2:45 and dismissal will be a little slower on that day. All kids will be wet.
SAVE THE DATE: Our semi-annual Blood Drive will be on Wednesday, May 8th from 3:00 – 7:00 p.m. in the school cafeteria. In order for this to be a successful drive we need at least 15 donations. As summer approaches the need for blood donation increases. Please prayerfully consider giving the gift of life and helping us reach our goal. REMEMBER When you give blood you give someone another chance to ride a bike, go out to eat, play with their child, attend church, and to live!!
Schedule your donation at: https://donate.indiana.versiti.org/donor/schedules/zip
Please contact Peggy Clegg at pclegg@littleflowerparish.org or 317- 357-8352 if you have any questions.
Hello Little Flower Families,
Your help is needed to make the Silent Auction at Summerfest 2024 a great success. As you may already know, Summerfest is the school and parish's largest fundraiser of the year. These baskets are a fun way for the students to participate.
Each grade level in the school is being asked to sponsor themed baskets for the auction. Below you will find suggested basket items for the theme assigned to your child(ren)’s grade. In lieu of purchasing items, families may also make a cash contribution of $5.00 or more that would be used to purchase an item or items for the baskets. All children participating will receive an out-of-uniform pass. PLEASE RETURN YOUR DONATION TO THE SCHOOL OFFICE BY May 16th.
Attached is a summary of all the donation options or you may click on your grade's link below to view the items online.
You can also help in the following ways!
· Do you have any new household appliances, electronics, handmade items or other merchandise that you may have purchased or received as a gift but do not need? If they have a retail value in excess in $25.00 consider donating them for our silent auction!
· Do you own or manage your own business? Do you offer goods or services that people would be willing to bid on at the silent auction? Consider a donation of your own goods or services! Gift certificates are very appropriate!
· Does your employer offer goods or services that would make good items for the auction? Please consider approaching your employer for a donation to Little Flower Parish and our silent auction. Again, gift certificates will work well.
We greatly appreciate your past generosity and look forward to making this year's class baskets the best yet!
Call or E-mail Elizabeth Mann at 463-206-5196 (edeputy1@yahoo.com) with questions or other donations.
Preschool/Kindergarten: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4bacac28a3fd0-preschool#/
First Grade: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4bacac28a3fd0-1stgrade#/
Second Grade: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4bacac28a3fd0-2ndgrade#/
Third Grade: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4bacac28a3fd0-3rdgrade#/
Fourth Grade: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4bacac28a3fd0-4thgrade#/
Fifth Grade: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4bacac28a3fd0-5thgrade#/
Sixth Grade: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4bacac28a3fd0-6thgrade#/
Seventh Grade: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4bacac28a3fd0-7thgrade#/
Eighth Grade: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0f4bacac28a3fd0-8thgrade#/
If your family turned in an application and qualified for Free or Reduced lunch this you will be eligible for SUN bucks this summer. You do not need to apply, all information is taken directly from Powerschool.https://www.in.gov/doe/files/SUN-Bucks-One-Page-Fact-Sheet-for-Households.pdf
Fr. Bob Plays Hide and Seek with Pre3s
Monday, May 6-Friday, May 10
Teacher Appreciation Week
Monday, May 6
Third Grade to see Charlotte's Web
Wednesday, May 8
Blood Drive 3:00-7:00 Duffey Hall (cafe)
Thursday, May 9
All School Mass, Kindergarten Ms. Mendoza
Kindergarten Mother's Day Tea 1:30 PM
Friday, May 10
Field Day 9:00 AM
Sunday, May 12
LF Mother's Day Breakfast 10:30-12:00
Monday, May 13
Athletic Awards Banquet 6:00 PM
Tuesday, May 14
Second Grade to Peace Learning Center
Thursday, May 15
Fifth Grade to Art Museum
Friday, May 17
All School Mass 9:30 AM, Kindergarten, Mrs. Kelley
Celebration 1:45
Saturday, May 18
Eighth Grade leaves for Washington, D.C.
Wednesday, May 22
Eighth Grade returns from Washington, D.C.
Thursday, May 23
Last Day for PreK, Kindergarten, and Eighth Grade
Preschool Picnic
Kindergarten Graduation
Eighth Grade Luncheon and Final Walkout
Friday, May 24
Last Day of School for First-Seventh Grades
All School Mass 9:30, Seventh Grade
Tuesday, May 28
Eighth Grade Graduation Mass 6:00 PM
Friday-Sunday, May 31-June 2
The Little Way
Each week we discuss the Little Way. Every two weeks we take time to discuss one trait of the Little Way and how we can apply it to our lives at LF and beyond. This month we will be discussing STRIVE FOR EXCELLENCE!
We talked about the video The Past is Not Predictive
and challenged students to believe they can succeed- with EFFORT- and to put forth that effort for the remainder of the school year.
Article: How Kids Achieve Excellence
"It takes time to create excellence. If it could be done quickly, more people would do it."
--John Wooden
"Excellence is not a skill. It is an attitude."
--John Marston
Little Flower
Email: kgawrys@littleflowerparish.org
Website: www.littleflowerparishschool.org
Phone: (317) 353-2282