What's Happening @Faiss
Important information for the starting school year
Welcome Faiss Families
Dear Faiss Families,
The highly anticipated start of a new school year is just around the corner! Our team has been diligently preparing to make our 18th year the best one yet. Whether you're new to Las Vegas or the Southwest Valley, or you've been with us for a while, we are excited to welcome you to our community and eagerly await the wonderful experiences this year will bring.
Middle school can be challenging, and my passion is creating an exceptional environment for your child. As I begin my ninth year as principal at Faiss, I am incredibly grateful for the dedication and expertise of every staff member on our campus. We are committed to partnering with you, our families, and guardians to support your child's growth and success. I am proud to share that we are beginning this school year without a single teacher vacancy!
As we embark on this new school year, I want to assure you that our commitment to your child's growth and success is unwavering. Over the coming weeks, we will keep you informed about accessing important information on your child's progress and learning. We will be using Canvas to communicate what your child is learning and Infinite Campus to show how well they are mastering the material.
If you have any questions, comments, or compliments, please don't hesitate to reply to this email or call the school at 702-799-6850.
Dream...Believe...Soar to Achieve!
Roger West, Principal
Melissa Giannantonio, Assistant Principal (Curriculum/Activities/Attendance)
Shirley Cunningham, Assistant Principal (6th Grade/Special Education/Transportation/ELL Services)
Amanda Skrogstad, Assistant Principal (7th Grade/School Safety/Testing)
Joe Vespo, Assistant Principal (8th Grade/Athletics/Facilities)
What to expect on the FIRST day
Students will report directly to their first-period class on the first day of school. We will follow our A-day schedule, so only periods 1, 3, 5, and 7. If you do not know your first-period class, there are two ways your child can get their schedule.
Login to the IC Portal, either parent or student and view their first-period class
Staff will also be available at the start of the day on Monday, August 12, to assist students who need to find their first-period class.
All students will receive a copy of their schedule in their first-period class to reference for the day.
Pickup/Drop Off and Student Bike/Pedestrian Safety
Pick-up/Drop-off Procedures
We have multiple buses, but many students are also picked up and dropped off daily. Please follow these rules for safety and orderliness:
- Drop-off is allowed in front of the school, in the parking lot, or along Pearland Street.
- Do not use the back side street between Faiss and Faiss Park/Pool/Cowabunga Bay for drop-off; it's not a full-size street. You can park and drop off in the lot south of Faiss Park. After 8 am, back doors will be closed; students must enter through the front.
- In the Faiss parking lot, use the right side for drop-off and the left for through traffic. Follow the flow of traffic.
- U-turns are prohibited in front of the school during school hours. Violations may result in a ticket from CCSD Police or Metro. The speed limit on Maule Ave. is always 25 mph or less.
- Pick-up will be more crowded; follow all traffic signs. Do not leave cars running or parked in driving lanes.
Safety Reminders for Walkers and Bikers
- We do have crossing guards, please look for these people and follow their directions.
- The only marked crosswalks along Ft. Apache are at Maule (North) and Arby (South). Encourage students to use these crosswalks.
- Students leaving school to the east should exit through the front and use the Maule crosswalk or exit through the back and go to Arby or Warm Springs to cross Ft. Apache safely.
Pedestrian Safety Rules:
- Stop at the curb; do not walk/run into the street.
- Look left, right, and left again before crossing.
- Always use crosswalks/follow the directions of crossing guards.
- Ensure cars have stopped completely before proceeding.
- Walk, don’t run, across the street.
Bicycle Safety Rules:
- Always wear a helmet.
- Stop and check traffic before entering a street.
- Obey all traffic signs and signals.
- Be cautious when turning left; motorists may not expect it.
- Do not wear headphones while riding; they impair your hearing.
The bike rack is near the gym at the front of the school. It is locked during the day, but students should use their own locks. We also provide storage for skateboards.
Lunch Options at Faiss MS
For the 2024-25 school year, breakfast and lunch are free to all students.
The Clark County School District participates in the Community Eligibility Provision of the federal Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act districtwide. It will provide free school meals to all students during the school year.
Other options for lunch:
- Students can bring lunch from home
- Student store has snacks/drinks for sale, cost is between $1-$3 per item. There are also vending machines that sell snacks/drinks that take cash/card/mobile pay.
Faiss MS and CCSD Student Conduct Expectations
On Wednesday, our grade level administrators and teachers will spend time reviewing our student handbook with students. Here are just a few important reminders for students after being away on summer break, especially concerning cell phones/earbuds/headphones and dress code.
Required ID Policy for Staff and Students
During the 2024-2025 school year there is a new item you should make sure your child has every morning. The purpose of the change is to ensure staff can identify all students. Starting August 12, 2024, all students in Grades 6–12 at Clark County School District secondary schools must wear ID badges. On the first day of school, Faiss students will receive a breakaway lanyard in their house color and a temporary ID badge. Picture day is August 15th and 16th, with permanent IDs distributed on August 19th.
To view a video regarding required student ID badges, click here.
Morning Procedure: Our campus opens at 7:30 am with entry only through the front gate and bus lot/cafeteria door. Staff will direct students with ID badges and lanyards; those without will be noted and given a temporary ID sticker.
Reprint Process: Students can buy replacement IDs ($2) or lanyards ($3) from Mr. Stoker in the front office during designated hallway times in the 1st Block. Paid students will receive a green sticker and be removed from the lunch detention list. Ms. Gonzalez will print the new IDs and deliver them in class.
Consequences: Students without an ID/lanyard must purchase replacements and will be assigned lunch detention unless they buy replacements the same day.
Communication: The procedures will be communicated through Parentlink, the Faiss MS website, and staff reminders.
IDs and 5STAR: IDs are required for all after-school activities, and attendance will be logged on 5STAR.
Staff: Faiss MS staff must wear CCSD ID badges and CENTEGIX badges daily for safety and community standards.
Cell Phone Policy
Faiss Middle School
Cell Phone Policy
CCSD is taking an innovative approach to promote a healthy learning environment. Students in Grades 6 to 12 must put away their cell phones while in the classroom.
Technology is a valuable tool to assist with learning. However, social media, texting, and music can be equally distracting. According to CCSD Policy, Cell phones are permitted to be used Before School, During Lunch, and After School.
Cell phones, headphones, and all other electronic devices must be put away during all passing and instructional times. In alignment with school district policy, Cell phone pouches will be provided to students for use during instructional time.
Failure to comply with the Cell Phone/ Technology Use policy will result in the following:
Cell phones, headphones, and/or electronic devices will be confiscated by a staff member and stored in a secure location if it is being used or is visible anytime other than before school, during lunch, and after school.
All items will be returned to students at the end of the day from the OSS. However, after a 3rd offense, a parent/designee will be required to personally retrieve the item from the Faiss Middle School office.
As a condition of possessing a device on campus, the student agrees to an administrative search of the device's content if reasonable suspicion of violating the cell phone use policy exists. Parents will be notified of all searches.
Bus Information
Bus Riders
For many students, middle school is the first time they have needed to ride the bus. Please understand that the first few days will likely be the most challenging with bus transportation. The number for CCSD Transportation is 702-799-8100.
When students exit the bus on the first day, they will be given a bracelet with a color so that after school they will be able to easily find their bus. We will also have bus routes posted throughout the school for students to review before the end of the day.
If you have not already, Please download the Onboarding Application for Android or IOS. You will be able to see real-time bus tracking.
We always appreciate hearing if there is an excessive delay or an issue at a bus stop. We will send an administrator out to assist if there is ever an issue or concern that a student was not picked up.
Please remind your students they are expected to be on their best behavior while on the bus. The directions of the bus driver must always be followed. If your child has a concern, they should speak with a Faiss staff member upon leaving the bus and we will assist with resolving the issue. Progressive discipline will be imposed for student misconduct either at the bus stop or while riding on the bus.
1:1 Chromebook Information
All Faiss MS students will be required to checkout and be responsible for a Chromebook for the school year. Checkout will happen through Math classes from August 15-19.
Middle School Athletics-Click this link for information about Sports at Faiss!
On behalf of the Faiss Middle School Athletics Department, we hope you are enjoying a restful summer!
First and foremost, if you intend to try out for any Sport (including Dance and Cheer), throughout the '24-'25 academic year, PLEASE plan on attending our Athletics meeting during open house, inside the gymnasium from 5:30 PM-6:00 PM on Wednesday, August 7th.
Secondly, Register My Athlete (http://www.registermyathlete.com) MUST be completed in its entirety for EVERY STUDENT, to be eligible to try out. PLEASE start your registration NOW by clicking on the link above. When completing your RMA profile, please select ALL sports from the drop-down menu to ensure your profile is accurate and complete for the entire year.
Thirdly, if your son or daughter intends to try out for one of our sports teams, please reference the important dates below:
Flag Football Tryouts (Boys & Girls): Monday 8/19/24 - Thursday 8/22/24
Cross Country Tryouts (Boys & Girls): Monday 8/26/24 - Wednesday 8/28/24
Mandatory Parent/Athlete Meeting: Thursday 8/29/24 5-6 PM (Library)
As always, if you have any specific questions, comments, or concerns about Faiss Athletics, please contact the Athletics Office at any time using the contact details below.
We look forward to seeing all of you in August! Go Flyers!
Faiss Athletics Department
Office: 702-799-6850 Ext. 4500
E-mail: newbujm@nv.ccsd.net
Website: https://www.faissmiddleschool.net/faiss-athletics
After School Clubs/Activities
The club fair will be held the second week of school before school in the quad. We are finalizing our list of clubs and will share that list with students and families very soon. After-school tutoring/clubs will run Monday-Thursday from 2:15-3:50. A late activity bus will be available for students who ride the bus. Students will need a Late Bus Pass from the club/tutoring they attended to ride the bus. The late bus will leave campus promptly at 3:55 pm. Late activity bus stops are limited and are not exactly the same as regular routes, but are reasonably close.