

The Buzz

Message from the Executive Headteacher
It has certainly been a busy week at HISN, with learning being the priority. We were delighted to welcome 20 trainee teachers from St Mary's University who had selected a Music specialism, they were delivering lessons to the children and the children certainly enjoyed the sessions. We have also welcomed Ofsted again to HISN, they were part of the team who were inspecting St Mary's University. This had no effect on the school and staff shared the work they have been doing with our trainee teachers.
Concerningly, it's come to our attention that 3 children in year 2 have their own personal YouTube accounts and they are posting on them. This is against YouTube's own rules as the age for a personal account is 16. I encourage all parents to be aware of what their children are accessing on social media and be mindful of the age restrictions on accounts which are there for a reason.
A couple of reminders around drop off and pick up times, as walking to school week is coming up, please ensure the children are not racing ahead on their scooters, there have been a couple of occasions recently with near collisions. Also, once you have dropped the children, please move away from the gates if you wish to chat and catch up with friends as it is causing some congestion to other families dropping off children.
Next Tuesday are the class photos, please make sure the children wear their full school uniforms and a winning smile!
Next week Reception will be welcoming Dads, Uncles and Grandpas for our popular DUG week so please ensure you have signed up.
HISNA are busy at the moment, the pre-loved uniform sale was very well attended and I know the disco tickets for reception are selling fast. HISNA is also supporting the upcoming school sports days which I'm sure will be lots of fun for the children.
Finally, a reminder that the schools will be closed to children on Friday 24th May for Inset.
Helen Lockey
Executive Headteacher
Makaton Sign of the Week
w/c 29.04.2024
1D had 100% attendance last week - Well Done 1D!
1D and 1Y had no late students last week
Certificate of Excellence
Last week certificates were given out to children for following the principle of Independence
AM Nursery Elise
PM Nursery George
RC Manal
RF Natty
RK Owen
RP Atlantis
1B Jack
1C Sara
1D Thea
1Y Margot
2C Sophie
2J Noah
2MC Alice C
2P Ayla M
Walk to School Week
Next week is Walk to School Week! It is a national event encouraging parents/carers and children to leave the car at home and take the chance to get outside and get fit by walking to and from school.
At HISN we will be having discussions about the benefits of travelling to school sustainably, as well as the importance of road safety. Walking, scooting, cycling or parking further away from school so you can include a walk in your journey, all have a huge positive impact on the whole school community.
Why should you walk to school?
· To get fitter
· To feel better
· To be more alert
· To talk about the day
· To keep the air we breathe cleaner
· To keep the area around our school SAFER!
Too many cars around the school, parked near to the school gates and using the roads around the area, make it more dangerous for the people coming into school. The weather is improving so get outside and get walking!
How many days can you walk, scoot or cycle next week?
Thank you, as always, for your ongoing support.
Spotlight - Science
At HISN we believe that equipping our children with both scientific knowledge and skills is key to delivering a broad and balanced curriculum. As a core subject in the primary curriculum, science teaching and learning is given the importance it deserves. As a school we want science to excite children’s curiosity and encourage them to embark on scientific adventures.
Our carefully designed science curriculum is intended to spark our pupils’ love for exploring and investigating the world around them. Science combines these two key elements, which are crucial to establishing a lifelong love of discovery and learning.
Scientific enquiry skills are used in each topic the children study and these topics are revisited and developed throughout their time at the school.
In EYFS, children also explore science by developing knowledge and understanding of the world. The topics of Plants, Animals including Humans and Materials are taught in Years 1 and 2. This allows children to build upon prior knowledge and increases their enthusiasm for the topics whilst embedding knowledge in their long-term memory.
Science in Early Years
Science in Key Stage 1
Workshops and visits
Science based workshops and visits are arranged to enrich children’s subject knowledge and capture their interest. At Hampton Infant and Nursery School we participate in Science week, and other workshops which are devoted to exploring different elements of Science.
🟨 Nursery
This week we have continued to read the story 'The three little pigs'. We thought very carefully about the materials the three little pigs used to build their houses from. We talked about the properties the materials need to have to make them suitable for building a house. We passed around a variety of materials, felt them and described them. Then we decided which materials would be strong enough to build a house and which materials would get blown down by the wolf. We then explored building houses using a variety of materials.
In PE we have had fun exploring how to travel using different equipment. We got to pull ourselves along a bench, moved in and out of cones, climbed through hoops and jumped off a platform and then rolled along a mat.
We have also continued to watch the caterpillars changing into butterflies too. It has been so exciting to watch them transform and emerge from the cocoon as a beautiful butterfly. What a busy and fun week!
Time to talk Nursery
We all know how important talking at home is for exposing children to a wide range of vocabulary and ideas. This all helps them with their reading and to become future writers. Each week we will share an idea with you for 'talk homework' with your child.
We have been reading the story 'The Three Little pigs' again this week and talking about the homes the pigs built and how each one looked different. At home please talk about what type of home you live in and what it looks like. Can you identify key features together?
🟥 Reception
In Reception, we have been continuing to focus on traditional tales and reading 'The Three Little Pigs.' We talked about how we wanted to try and find Mr Wolf at the end of the story after he had run away. We made a list of describing words for Mr Wolf and created some Wanted Posters to help find him. We spent some time discussing each character's perspective at different points in the story and hot seated some of the characters. The children practised asking the characters questions and enjoyed pretending to be the different characters.
The children were very excited because some of our chrysalis had hatched into beautiful butterflies! We have been talking about the lifecycle of a butterfly and the children have loved watching them grow.
In Maths, we have been practising counting backwards. We have also been looking at a number track to 10 and describing the position of different numbers on the track. We have been learning to identify whether numbers are before or after 5 on the number track. Which numbers are close to 1? Which numbers are close to 10? Which number is in the middle?
In Phonics this week, we have been continuing to practise all of our sounds. We have talked about the spelling 'ing' and the spelling 'ed' and how 'ed' makes the 'id, d or t' sounds in different words. We have been practising writing simple sentences independently.
Time to talk Reception
We all know how important talking at home is for exposing children to a wide range of vocabulary and ideas. This all helps them with their reading and to become future writers. Each week we will share an idea with you for 'talk homework' with your child.
We have been reading the story 'The Three Little pigs' again this week and talking about the homes the pigs built and how each one looked different. At home please talk about what type of home you live in and what it looks like. Can you identify key features together?
🟦 Year 1
This week, we have moved onto a new text in English called ‘Lila and the Secret of Rain’ by David Conway and Jude Daly. We have been looking at the pictures and making interpretations, e.g. Do you think there is a lot of rain here? What jobs do you think people might do?, as well as identifying similarities and differences between the setting of the text and where we live. We then worked in groups and annotated various pictures with adjectives ready to use when writing our very own setting description.
In Maths, we have continued looking at the concept of multiplication and division, focusing this week on doubles and making equal groups, both by sharing and grouping. We have been working with concrete objects to physically move items to make groups and share, before moving onto pictorially representing these and finally working abstractly with number.
In design and technology, we have been enjoying our new textiles topic and thinking about how to create our own hand puppet. We practised our running stitches on scrap fabric and we have been thinking about the design of our puppet, choosing the colour of our fabric and thinking about additional design features in preparation for putting it all together next week.
In history, we have been designing our own castles. We thought about the various features of castles and how they were adapted to defend against attack, before deciding on our own designs and working in teams to construct our versions. We think they look amazing and had great fun making them!
We have continued with our animal topic in science this week, focusing on vertebrates and invertebrates. We learnt that an animal with a spine is a vertebrate and one without is an invertebrate. We then studied various creatures before sorting them into their appropriate groups according to whether or not they had a spine.
In computing, we have been practising logging on to the Chrome books using our own logins. We then opened up Google slides and practised typing text and using the various icons and keyboard buttons to edit, delete and change the format of our text.
🟩 Year 2
We have been learning to read the time in Maths this week with a focus on recognising the hour, half past, quarter to and quarter past the hour. We have used physical clocks to show our understanding of the hour hand and minute hand to show a range of times. We have also practiced drawing the time on a clock as well as reading the time accurately. We will continue practicing recognising time and progress to learn about 5 minute intervals on an analogue clock next week. It is helpful to consolidate this learning at home by discussing the time in a day as well as asking your child to read the time from a clock.
In English we have loved role playing Florence Nightingale. We used our knowledge from History to help us think about why Florence went to the Crimean War and how she helped soldiers there. We discussed how she might have felt as she nursed soldiers and what a typical day would have been like. We used this knowledge to help order a typical day and have been writing a diary entry as Florence Nightingale.
Next Wednesday is our Explorer Day in Year 2. Children are invited to come to school dressed as explorers for the day as we spend our day thinking about explorers and building our own 'Jungle Jeeps.' Please continue to send in any resources by Monday 20th May so we can collate and organise available resources.
Donate Your Unwanted Bike
If you have an unwanted bike, please take it to West Middlesex Hospital on Monday 3rd June, between 9.30am and 12pm, donated bikes are renovated and given to an NHS staff member. You will find the project team in the garden by the main entrance.
The Recirculate project sources donated bikes from staff, business partners and the general public, the bikes are renovated in prison workshops at HMP Peterborough & HMP Aylesbury and locates them with NHS staff and children whose families can't afford to purchase a bike. So far 38 NHS staff at West Middlesex Hospital have received bikes from Recirculate.
313 bikes have already been given away to NHS staff, other key workers and families in need, but we need more to fulfil all requests. If you have a bike you don't need any more, especially adult bikes, please donate them to the project.
The well being and safety of our children is everyone's responsibility. If you have concerns about a child please contact SPA on 547 5008 or out of hours on 0208 744 2442.
Useful Links
Click on above tab to view HISN's virtual school tour
Contact details
Email: office.hisn@hpp.school
Website: hpp.school
Location: Hampton Infant School and Nursery, Ripley Road, Hampton, UK
Phone: 0208 979 1815