Wednesday Whistle
Emerson Parent & Community Newsletter (Sept. 27, 2023)
It was nice to see and talk with so many of you at Back to School Night last week. During my welcome message at Back to School Night I shared with you the Core Values that the district and Emerson share. We still have copies available for pick up in the office, located on the counter.
With respect and admiration,
Mrs. Dominguez, Principal
Dates to Remember
Sept. 27th First School Site Council Mtg (Zoom link Below)
Sept. 30th-Oct.1st Fund Photos (see flyer below)
Oct. 12th Family Night Out (Lucille's Smokehouse Bar-B-Que)
Oct. 24th Spirit Award Assembly for selected students
Oct. 26 Fall Picture Retake Day
Oct. 27th Trunk or Treat
Please take the time to review the 1st Day Parent Packet and then complete the 2023-2024 1st Day Packet Contents contract confirming that you have reviewed all of the information. Several items in the packet will require the Parent/Guardian to go onto their ParentVue account to complete the Student Annual Verification. This is very important as it is now required to be completed annually to ensure all of your students information, as well as the emergency contact information, is up to date. Instead of sending home paper emergency cards, the District is going digital to ensure that parents have access to update their information as needed so that in an emergency situation, we always have the most up-to-date contact information.
The office will be reaching out to families in the next couple of weeks to ensure that this is being completed by all of our Emerson families.
If there are any questions, or you are unable to access your ParentVue account, please contact the Emerson office by phone between 8:30am-4:00pm M-F, or by responding to this email, for assistance.
Thank you all in advance for your time and attention to this matter.
Emerson Uniform Policy
Pet Reminder
- Pets are not allowed on campus in the walkways leading to gates and beyond
- Please do not allow students to pet your pet
- Please clean up after your pet.
UPDATED - Safety Concerns: Pick Up / Drop off
Safety concern: More parents are driving the wrong way on the one way street off of Willow, please adhere to all parking and directional signs at all times. Also we noticed a few cars unattended in the middle of the street can cause traffic to back up and possible accidents. Please do not park in the bus loading zone or in red zone, or turn your hazards on and leave your car double parked and unattended with/without other children inside. Safety is our utmost concern, and we thank you in advance for making sure we keep everyone safe and ticket free. Our school neighbors have kindly asked that we remind parents to NOT block their driveways when dropping off and picking up, OR, leave any children in their cars unattended while walking to drop off other siblings to the school campus.
WeBreak is Back at Emerson Sign Up Info is Below
Week 3: Emerson PTA Membership Drive
Eagles, together we did an AMAZING job and exceeded our PTA membership goal this year! Our goal was 400 active members before our membership drive ended and currently we have 496 members! Thank you so much for your support! We are so proud of you, Eagles!
A personal note from Tricia Leeard (VP Membership): Eagles, thank you for showing up and standing proud for our school. This year’s membership drive totals are a school record and I’m so thankful and proud to be part of our Emerson community. Together, we SOAR!
Here are our final winners of the membership drive:
Grand Prize Winning Class
Spirit Wear Winner
Principal for the Day Winner
Family Night out at Lucille's Smokehouse Bar-B-Que
Thursday, Oct 12, 2023, 11:00 AM
Lucille’s Smokehouse Bar-B-Que, 2nd Street, Long Beach, CA, USA
A few pictures from BTS Movie Night
Bell Schedule
TK & K 9:00 - 3:00
1st - 3rd 9:00 – 3:05
4th & 5th 9:00 – 3:10
EVERY THURSDAY TK – 5th Grade 2:30 dismissal
School Wellness & Prevention Lessons
Ms. Lang our school counselor will facilitate these lessons and send communications prior to the start of the lessons.
IMPORTANT: Update Your Contact & Emergency Information
Health & Safety Protocols
• Masks will be optional for students and staff.
• Surfaces will be sanitized and cleaned as much as possible.
Please CLICK HERE for the LBUSD's most recent Corona Virus Resources and Information.
Please monitor your child for illness and remember to stay home and test if you are ill.