Hornet Buzz
August 2, 2024

The Message..
Hello Hornet Nation!
As we kick off another school year this week, we are thrilled to welcome everyone back! We hope you're just as excited as we are!
A quick reminder: cell phones are not allowed during the school day, except during Nest Hour (also known as One Lunch). We encourage everyone to view the cell phone policy as a positive challenge to enhance your focus and performance in school. By keeping your phone away during class, you are investing in your own success.
Throughout the year, we have numerous opportunities for students, including visits from colleges, military branches, trade schools, unions, and various community employers. Most of these events will take place during Nest Hour, a designated time when everyone is free to participate. Remember, Nest Hour is meant for joining clubs, catching up on assignments, working on projects, and enjoying a meal. If used effectively, this time can help you pass all your classes, stay informed, and engage in all the activities that interest you. Plus, the best part is that these opportunities now happen during the day, eliminating the need for after-school transportation. Just remember, Nest Hour is not for wandering the halls—please make sure to stay in designated areas and plan your time wisely.
Don’t forget that Open House is tomorrow, starting with a presentation for 9th graders at 12:30 PM. Following that, 9th and 10th graders can walk their schedules and meet their teachers from 1:00 to 2:00 PM, while 11th and 12th graders are welcome from 2:00 to 3:00 PM.
Education is a journey that consistently proves to be valuable. Let’s embrace this process and make this school year an amazing one!
For Our Spanish Speaking Families
¡Saludos! Para leer en español, hay un botón para traducir en la esquina superior derecha de los anuncios de Smore cuando se abre por primera vez. Pueden hacer clic en el botón y después selecciona de la lista de lenguas disponibles
**Cell Phone Policy Update for the Upcoming School Year**
As a reminder, cell phones are not permitted during the school day, with the exception of Nest Hour, also known as One Lunch. If we are being honest, many students will agree that their grades could improve if they refrain from using their phones during class. The primary objective of school is to equip everyone with the skills needed to become productive and successful adults. Many careers have policies against phone usage during work hours.
This year all cell phones should be off and out of sight once 1st period begins and not to be used again until lunch time. Then, they should be put away at the start of 7th period until the dismissal bell rings at 2:45. Students in violation of this will have to turn their phones in until the end of the school day on the first offense. If it happens a second time, the phone will only be released to a guardian.
By putting your phone away during school hours, you're making a valuable investment in your education and future success. Let's embrace this challenge together!
Acceptable Use Policy
The AUP is linked here as well as the information Specific to Google.
Upcoming Events
Dates to Remember
- August 19 - Open House
- August 21 - First day of school
- September 2 - Labor Day - All SMCPS schools closed
- September 19 - Two-hour early dismissal
- September 20 - Professional Day - No school for students
- 1:00 - 2:00 9th and 10th graders meet and greet teachers
- 2:00 - 3:00 11th and 12th graders meet and greet teachers
Parking Permits are $60. To apply complete the form below
On the first day of school we have a lot of students who do not know their bus number. Please take a minute to locate your bus stop and bus number. When buses arrive at school in the morning they park in the first slot available. However, in the afternoon they have assigned slots. It is very important that students know their bus number to help them find their bus in the afternoon because it will not be in the same place they were dropped off in the morning.
We appreciate your support!
Who will represent the class of 2028??
Wednesday, August 21st
- Volleyball scrimmage at Chopticon 4:00 pm
Thursday, August 22nd
- Field Hockey scrimmage vs North Point 4:00 pm
Friday, August 23rd
- Football scrimmage at Thomas Stone 5:00 pm
Saturday, August 24th
- Girls soccer scrimmage at St. Charles 9:00 am
- Boys soccer scrimmage at Lackey 9:00 am
- Cross Country scrimmage at Oak Ridge Park 9:00 am
The true purpose of school is for you to become whatever you want to be in life!
NAWCAD Launches Inaugural Jet Design Competition: September 4
NAWCAD Launches Inaugural Jet Design Competition: September 4
Know a student who has what it takes to design the Navy’s next jet? Prime the skids with the kids because the Navy's Next Jet Competition launches September 4!
The Navy’s Next Jet Competition is open to students attending elementary, middle and high school in St. Mary’s, Charles and Calvert counties. Participants can enter as individuals or as a team, with a maximum of five students per team.
Participants are tasked with designing the Navy's next generation jet aircraft. Designs should include detailed specifications, features and capabilities of the proposed jet. Submissions must include a written description and visual representation (drawing, digital rendering or model) of the jet.
Participants must submit their designs electronically to NAWCAD’s Strategic Education Office. Submissions should include the participant's name(s), grade level, school name and contact information.
The submission period opens September 4; submissions are due by October 15. Late submissions will not be considered. Submissions should be sent to: NAWCAD_PAXR_StrategicEducationOffice@us.navy.mil
Buzzworthy Information
Need a library card? Here is how you sign up!
Smart Card Instructions (English)
Smart Card Instructions (Spanish)
Library Hours
SAT Registration
Great Mills Athletics
FAFSA Deadline Approaching, Need Help?
Please email Mrs. Cunningham, accunningham@smcps.org, if you need assistance in completing FAFSA and/or MDCAPS
Higher education determines if you work and retire or work the rest of your life
Maryland Promise Scholarship
Important Links
Mental Health and Wellness Resources
Supplemental Health Insurance
Great Mills High School
Email: bjdothard@smcps.org
Website: https://schools.smcps.org/gmhs/
Location: 21130 Great Mills Road, Great Mills, MD, USA
Phone: (301) 863-4001
Twitter: @GMHS_SMCPS