Panther Weekly
December 6, 2024

Make sure students are dressed for the weather
Please be sure your student has appropriate clothing (winter coat, hats, gloves) to be outside during winter. Students will continue to go outside for recess when the weather remains above 10 degrees. (Additionally, students may have to wait outside before school, after school, or during an emergency.)
If your family needs help getting winter clothing, please contact our school’s social worker, Amelia Russell, arussell@ccsd89.org
Share a 'thank you' with Park View teachers
The holiday season is upon us, and we want to express our sincere gratitude to the incredible teachers and staff at Park View Elementary School for their hard work and dedication to our students throughout the year. To show our continued appreciation, we have again organized a holiday gift drive through GiftCrowd, a convenient and secure platform that allows Park View families to pool contributions and create meaningful gifts.
Families can find menus, nutrition info online
Lunch menus for all CCSD 89 schools will be available using the links at www.ccsd89.org/lunch
Once you have opened a lunch calendar, clicking on any menu item will pull up nutritional information.
Parent Series: Essential strategies for better skills, less stress (December 10)
At noon and 7 p.m. on Tuesday, December 10, author and educational consultant Ana Homayoun will share new strategies for helping students develop a system based on executive functioning skills, making genuine connections, and remaining adaptable. This free online event is part of the GPS Parent Series. Preview. More info: https://bit.ly/415AdMZ
Parent Series: Preparing students with disabilities for college success (December 11)
At noon and 7 p.m. on Wednesday, December 11, Elizabeth Hamblet will share information on how students with disabilities can access accommodations in college, find the right school, and navigate the application process. Hamblet is a longtime learning disabilities specialist in college disability services offices. This free online event is part of the GPS Parent Series. Preview. More info: https://bit.ly/4i6Izdq
Support students in need with gift-card donation
The families of more than 500 students in our district are getting by on very limited means. Affording rent or enough food can be a struggle. You can help! Through December 13, social workers at all CCSD 89 schools are collecting gift cards from Walmart, Target, Jewel, and Aldi. Learn how you can help: https://bit.ly/3AUeRrp
Enjoy band, choir, and orchestra performances in December
December will be filled with musical performances. The Glen Crest chorus will perform on December 13 and 14. The Glen Crest jazz band performs on December 16. There will be an orchestra concert on December 18 and a band concert on December 19, both at Glenbard South. Community members are welcome to attend. Times and more info: https://bit.ly/3Z0JuDD
Free flu shots available through Jewel-Osco through February
Uninsured and low-income families can receive a voucher for a free flu vaccine at any DuPage County Jewel-Osco until February 25. No appointment or prescription is needed, but supplies are limited. More info: https://bit.ly/3AgjrzF
Health departments are offering tips on how to tell the difference between a cold and the flu and information on the flu vaccine. Your family’s doctor or the school nurse can help resolve any questions. More information about immunization, health, and dental resources is available at: www.ccsd89.org/Page/534
November 18: Board of Education meeting, 7 p.m.
November 20: Parent Series: Understanding, preventing addiction, noon and 7 p.m.
November 21: DuPage County Smile Squad at Park View
November 21: Parent Series: Ayudar a los adolescentes a gestionar sus emociones, 6 p.m.
November 27-29: No school (Thanksgiving break)
December 4: Parent Series: Reduce parent burnout, raise competent kids, noon and 7 p.m.
December 5: Parent Series: Find your future at college, 7 p.m.
December 5: Parent Series: Encuentra tu futuro en la noche universitaria, 7 p.m.
December 7: Park View PTC Pancake Breakfast, Mrs. Mouse's House 9:00 a.m.-11:00 a.m.
December 10: Parent Series: Skills for better grades, less stress, noon and 7 p.m.
December 11: Parent Series: Preparing students with disabilities for college, noon and 7 p.m.
December 13: Glen Crest winter chorus concert at Glen Crest, 7 p.m.
December 16: Board of Education meeting
December 17: Parent Series: Strengthening teen socialization skills, noon and 7 p.m.
December 19: Parent Series: Estrategias para ayudar a familias y adolescentes sanos a prosperar, 7 p.m.
December 23-January 6: Winter break
January 7: Students return from winter break
See all the CCSD 89 community fliers at www.ccsd89.org/backpack
See all the CCSD 89 community fliers at www.ccsd89.org/backpack
Glen Ellyn Public Library December youth programs (December)
Free AI workshops through People’s Resource Center (December)
Lions Charities Reindeer Run 5K (December 7)
Glen Ellyn History Center Victorian holiday celebration (December 7)
Santa’s Wintery Wonderland (December 13)
B.R. Ryall co-ed youth basketball league (January-March)
Free computer training classes (January)
Microsoft Office certification class (January-February)
Butterfield Park District Daddy-Daughter Date Night (February 7)
Free flu vaccine at Jewel-Osco (through February 28)
Wheaton Briarcliffe Youth Baseball
People’s Resource Center Literacy Classes
Support group for families of children with autism
Free groceries through Northern Illinois Food Bank
DuPage Health Coalition: help paying insurance premiums
DuPage Health Coalition: medical debt care
Park View Elementary School
Attendance phone: (630) 858-1600, press 1
Online backpackEmail: info@ccsd89.org
Website: www.ccsd89.org/parkview
Location: Park View Elementary School, South Park Boulevard, Glen Ellyn, IL, USA
Phone: (630) 858-1600
Facebook: facebook.com/CCSD89
Twitter: @ParkViewCCSD89