Aurora All Star Newsletter
August 24, 2022
Welcome Back All Stars!
Attention Kindergarten Parents
Please make sure you are signed up for Kindergarten assessments on Thursday or Friday.
Arrival Procedures
- Learners can enter the building starting at 7:30 A.M. There will not be supervision until 7:30 A.M.
- Learners who walk can enter through Door #1 or Door #6.
- Learners who ride their bike can use the bike rack and enter through Door #6.
- Breakfast will begin at 7:30 A.M.
- Learners will either eat breakfast or go to our playground/walking track until 8:00 A.M. for Wake Up & Walk.
- The first bell rings at 8:00 A.M. and the tardy bell rings at 8:10 A.M.
- It is important for your child's learning to be on time so thank you for making this a priority.
Parent Drop-Off
If you plan on dropping off your child at school, we ask that you follow these important rules so our students stay safe.
- Once you enter the parking lot, loop around and pull all the way forward until you reach the end of the sidewalk. This is important and allows for many more cars and students to be dropped off at one time.
- Do not exit your vehicle while in the drop-off lane.
- If you need to enter the building, please park in the lot and walk in.
- Do not let students exit the vehicle until you pass by the crosswalk.
- Your child should exit out of the passenger door, closest to the sidewalk
- Please do not double park. This means taking the inside lane and stopping to drop off your student.
- Be courteous, patient, and understanding. We are role models for our students!
Dismissal Procedures
- School is dismissed at 2:40 P.M.
- All bus students and walkers will be dismissed out of Door #6.
- All students who are picked up by vehicle will be dismissed out of the main office door, Door #1.
Similar to arrival, please follow these rules to ensure our students are dismissed safely:
- Once you enter the parking lot, loop around and pull all the way forward until you reach the end of the sidewalk. This is important and allows for many more cars to enter.
- Do not exit your vehicle while waiting.
- If you need to enter the building, please park in the lot and walk in.
- Your student should enter the vehicle through the passenger door closest to the sidewalk
- Be courteous, patient, and understanding. We are role models for our students!
The above visual illustrates some important pick-up/drop-off reminders. If we work together, we can make this process safe and efficient for all!
- Please pull all the way forward!
- Do park in the cross walk
- Do not allow children to cut in front of cars in the drop off lane.
- Please stay in your vehicle.
- If you need to exit your vehicle to assist your child, park in the lot and use the crossing path
Milk Fees for Morning Snack Break
Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program
The Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Program (FFVP) provides all children in participating schools with a variety of free fresh fruits and vegetables during the school day at times other than breakfast or lunch. It is an effective and creative way of introducing fresh fruits and vegetables as healthy snack options. The goal of the FFVP is to improve children’s overall diet and create healthier eating habits to impact their present and future health. The FFVP will help schools create healthier school environments by providing healthier food choices, expanding the variety of fruits and vegetables, children experience, and increasing children’s fruit and vegetable consumption.
The cost for this year’s meals is listed in the chart below.
Meals can be paid for using MySchoolBucks.
Calling The Office When Absent
Aurora Phone Policy
- Students are allowed to wear smartwatches during the school day as long as there is no disruption to learning. Staff members may ask the student to put the watch in a backpack or desk if there is disruption to learning.
- Students may have a cell phone at school as long as it is kept in their backpack or other location allowed by the teacher.
- Phones will not be used while at school, including breakfast, Wake Up & Walk, and dismissal, unless given permission by an educator.
- If a student is found using a cell phone or smartwatch (or associated accessories) without permission, the phone or smartwatch will be confiscated by the staff member, who will give it to the classroom teacher. Please note the school is not responsible for the loss or damage of a phone if a family elects to have a child bring these items to school.
- If a parent or guardian is needing to contact their child for any reason, please call the school.
Birthday Treats
School Attendance Requirements
North Dakota law contains compulsory attendance requirements for students ages seven through sixteen. West Fargo Public Schools believes there is an intangible benefit associated with being present in the classroom. Students are required to attend school 90% of the academic school year. For more information on the district's attendance policy, review the administrative policy FFB-AP: Attendances & Absences.
If your child will not be in school, please call the school office before the school day begins, with the following information:
- Child's Name
- Child's Classroom Teacher
- Reason for Absence
Unexcused and unverified absences result when a student skips school or if no phone call has been received by the school. Repeated unexcused/unverified absences or truancy may result in a referral to juvenile authorities through our SARB process.
If you know in advance that your child will be absent due to an appointment, funeral, vacation, etc., please notify your child's classroom teacher and the school office. In the event a child needs to be picked up prior to the end of the school day, a parent/guardian must report to the school office and request the child be dismissed from class. The parent/guardian may call ahead to request the child be ready, but they must still report to the school office
Aurora Elementary
Dean of Students: Nikki Choate
Administrative Assistant: Julie Heinen
Location: 3420 9th St W, West Fargo, ND, USA
Phone: 701-356-2130